
Monday, March 09, 2009


I was on yard patrol today, raking leaves, bagging leaves, hauling bags across lawn to be put in car and taken away. Tuxedo likes to sit in the window and watch.

But then he gave me that Pouty Cat face when I came in because he isn't allowed to go outside.

Then he decided to punish me for leaving him in the house while I was outside having "fun."

Note to self: Don't piss off the cat!


  1. OMG! That is so me when I'm pissy or bored. I bit, claw, squeeze the life out of others. And my eyes get the same way as Tuxedo's. Meeooorrwwww, back off buddy. :)

  2. Tuxedo is NO JOKE!! But what a cutie.


  3. How cute! My dog just gives me the sad eyes.

  4. Such a disciplinarian your cat is... and a cute one, at that.

  5. I love cats. Allergic to them but loves them. We have a neighborhood cat, Speedbump (named by teenage boys) who keeps an eye on us all and comes by for tributes about once a week. He has his own planter to sleep in while he is here and we don't dare plant in it!

  6. My cat has me trained, too. What can we say?

  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    when I baby sat a few weeks ago, they totally trained me. they very purposefully directed me on how to pet them, belly rubs, where to go and how to do it.
    It sure didn't take them long either.

  8. oooooo, look. at. his. ears!!!! He is PISSED at you!!! and he aint messing around either!

  9. He loves to bite, because an idiot veterinarian declawed him,--DON'T EVER DO THAT!
    But he also comes when you call, takes naps with you, and rests in your lap quietly so you can watch Lost.

  10. Tuxedo is so elegant!


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