
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

There He Goes Again

Pope Benedict XVI is in Africa, and he's talking about AIDS, and he's proving himself to be completely out of touch with the real world once again.

See. In Africa. To talk about AIDS. His Holy Rollerness said that abstinence, not condoms, was the best way to prevent the spread of AIDS. And he's right. Really. Abstinence is the best way, however, it isn't the only way. But then the Pope said this: "You can't resolve it with the distribution of condoms...On the contrary, it increases the problem."

The use of condoms increases the problem?

Really? I mean, really?

What I mean is, I get that the Catholic church doesn't like condoms, or any other form of contraception, but to say that the use of condoms exacerbates the problem is just plain stupid. And dangerous.

How many of those blind followers of Benny and the Vats will stop using condoms, thereby increasing their risk of AIDS?

That's the danger. Not in using condoms, but in not using them.

Benny also says a responsible and moral attitude toward sex would help fight the disease.

Responsibility will fight disease; responsibility in the ways of education and awareness and safe sex practices. But morality? Are the 22 million people in sub-Saharan Africa who are infected with HIV immoral?

See, Benny, you aren't concerned with the spread of AIDS. You're using this trip to spread the message of the Catholic church as being the right message, the only message, the true message.

But it isn't right.
People are having sex and becoming infected.

It isn't the only message.
People could use a condom and prevent the spread of disease.

And it isn't true.
Condoms work; most of the time.

And yes, abstinence works all of the time. But shouldn't we have a back-up plan when abstinence is not chosen? Or should people have to die because they made a choice that doesn't fit with Catholic doctrine?


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Genocide, murder, rape are pretty much as rampant as HIV over there in most of the countries. How about preaching a little abstinence to those countries? I suppose it is a little risky to visit predominantly Muslim countries though or even mention it from afar. It's probably not really happening. How many refugees were invited to the party?

  2. He is so far out of touch that he does not know that in many African cultures it is believe that HIV infected men can "cure" themselves by having condom-free sex with a virgin. Abstinence is a hard ticket to sell to someone who thinks they can cure themselves of a death sentence by having sex.

    The Pope should stick to talk of religion and leave public health to the experts.

  3. Ugh, don't get me started. As a microbiologist (retired now), I saw so many STD infections, including in kids as young as 11 and 12. I think it's criminal to try to get people to NOT use condoms. Shame on him!


  4. Me thinks,opps still in St Patty's talk here. I think most of the Pope's were always out of touch. Given the position their in you would think they would try to buld bridges. But I guess it's easier to tear them down.

  5. He should worry more about what his priests are doing with their altar boys and less about what african men wrap around their penis!!! OMG did I just say that out loud!

  6. Good post and comments! I agree.

  7. I'm not sure how to ask this.

    But the better question is, WHY would they listen to a guy who says to NOT use condoms, but they don't listen when he says Sex outside of marraige is wrong? See, I just don't get religion.

    Mind you, I'm not an agnostic or an atheist, but I don't go to church because of the hypocricy I see every time I DO go.


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