
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Suze Takes Aim

from WWD

Suze Orman goes on TV to give us all hell, especially these days, about the who, what, when, where, why and how of spending our money. She doesn't play games, she doesn't have favorites; she's here to tell it like it is....or was....or could be/will be again.

“You have got to cut back like you have never cut back before.”

She is here to remind us that it is tough out there, more and more job losses, more and more foreclosures, more and more businesses going under. I know, I'm with you, I don't like to hear it either. The truth hurts and Suze Orman is carrying a big stick.

"You can't say the word Hope and 2009 in the same sentence.”

“The economy is beyond help.”

“If. You. Don’t. Face. Your. Debt. In. The. Mirror. You. Are. Going. To. Be. In. So. Much. Trouble.”

But Suze is here to help, to spell it out for us and put it in simple terms that even economic-no-nothings like myself can understand. It isn't all Dow Jones ups and downs, and economic forecasts and bailouts and bonuses. It's simply that you have to take care of yourself and watch what you do.

Don't spend what you don't have. Don't buy what you don't need. Ain't nothin' wrong with frugality.

Suze Orman is tough talk, and many times, she's scared me so much that I wanted to turn my TV off and crawl under a rug. But she is here to tell you, this ain't good, y'all. This ain't good.

And Suze is shocked. Shocked that we all spent the money we didn't have, bought a house we knew, deep down, we couldn't afford because some banker, or mortgage broker, or realtor who didn't really give a rat's ass about us, said we could afford.

“The United States of America is in the situation it’s in because people were spending, spending, spending. It was all smoke and mirrors and now the smoke has cleared and the view in the mirror is a horrific one.”

And she doesn't have kind words for the Bernie Madoff victims, who thought it would be cool to get big money the easy way. Because, and Suze will be the first to say it, it if sounds to good to be true, then it is to good to be true.

'“You walked right into that financial concentration camp, my loves,” she says later in a regrettable metaphor, given that the world’s most famous concentration camp survivor, Elie Wiesel, was among Madoff’s bilked investors. “I mean, you didn’t have to give 100 percent of everything to him.”'

And her rage isn't just for us, those folks that thought we could afford the high life; swimmin' pools and movie stars! No, Suze is not one to sit idly by and tell us what we did and did not do. She takes full aim at the target of her rage.

George W. Bush.

“Commander in Chief?....You blew up every single financial vessel we had and if you think you aren’t personally responsible, well, the blame starts at the top. There is no higher top than you, SIR! If I were you, I would feel so absolutely horrific that I would take every penny I had and distribute it to anybody and everybody to help them in whatever way I could. You owe the American people every penny of your fortune and your family’s fortune.”

Even though W is probably poppin' the top offa Coors right about now and watching ESPN, he needs to hear it.

You fucked us W. War. Terror. Financial institutions. You fucked us all.


  1. I think she might be lesbian...

  2. There has been talk...............

    A funny story in the article I read is that when she was ten or twelve she went to a party, and she had a crush on one of the girls.
    Well, this particular girl fell asleep with her head in Suze's lap. The next day at school, another girl, Laurie, started spreading rumors that Suze was a lesbian.
    Years later, Suze called up Laurie and reminded her of the story, and said, "You were right!"

  3. I love Suze! She tells it like it is whether you like it or not and she is always on target!

  4. There was an article about her in Time recently. She IS a tough cookie! And yes, she's been with her partner for 20-some years.

  5. Mine girlfriends and I used to look at these young families moving into the McMansions around here. Stay at home mom and a couple little kids. We wondered how the hell they afforded the huge homes. Now we know.

    Dad always said 'if it sounds too good to be true, it is.'

  6. Suze Orman is a fraudulent huckster.

    Why is the FDIC paying her to be a shill at the same time they are asking for a $500 billion taxpayer bailout?

  7. We DVR Suze every week!

  8. Suze is one tough cookie but I do really like her alot. Look where she is now! Thanks for the shout out Bob from yesterday. Paris! meh!

  9. It's not like people didn't know this was going on. Why didn't anyone point this out earlier? Why just because this a new administration are they waiting until now to become outraged? This outrages me!

    Perhaps now eyes will be opened to what greed can do. I'd like to hope they'll come to their senses and quit letting charlatans bilk everyone out of all they have every chance they get.

    No one figured out that if W bankrupted every business he ran, he wouldn't do the same with our country? Thomas Jefferson said we get the government we deserve in a democracy.

    There are those of us who lived within our means, didn't get into debt, and tried to make a difference. I'm doing about the same as I ever have.

    And now on top of everything else, are they just going to let W and the gang get by with war crimes, violating the Geneva Convention by torturing, and trashing the Constitution? Where does this nightmare end? When will people responsible for it face the consequences?

  10. LOL - your Suze imitation even works on your blog!


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