
Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I stopped by Mistress Maddie's for a spell this morning and saw these pictures of Miss Richfield 1981--yes....that's her name....Miss. Richfield. 1981.
I dare anyone not to see that smile and give back one of your own.
I dare you!

And this is for David Dust
While at PetsMart or is it PetSmart, I never know, I tossed this toy rabbit into the cart for my cats. Tallulah can't be bothered with it. MaxGoldberg is a wee bit afraid of it.
But Tuxedo, sat and posed with it.
I think he's been blogging while I'm at work and he's a closet DustBunny!


  1. Tux is just a big ham and too cute to boot!

  2. I knew Tux was one of us Dust Bunnies!

  3. You have OUTED Tuxedo as a (formerly) closeted Dust Bunny. Is that ethical?!? :)

    Tuxedo is SOOO cute. I think he and Oscar are long-lost relatives.

    BTW - The furrier the Dust Bunny, the better.


  4. Bob- How can you not love the damn smile she has! Iagree with you. At her shows you come out just laughing like 2 hours after the show has ended thinking of things she did or said. And speaking of laughing everytime I hear the names of your pets I just laugh. And they seem to fit. Tuxedo looks like a hand full too. Our departed cat Starrbooty was also a Dust Bunny. I caught her more than once in front of the screen reading David's blog. Both of us did a post on her reading it!


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