
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pants On Fire

Remember when she said this:

"I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics. This was a degrading remark about our world's most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world. These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will. By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them. I hope President Obama's comments do not reflect how he truly feels about the special-needs community."

But now there's this:

It seems that Not-Vice-President Sarah Palin is refusing to accept over 30 percent of the federal economic stimulus money being offered to Alaska, including dollars for schools, energy assistance and social services.

Palin is not taking about $288 million of the $930.7 million that Alaska is due in the federal stimulus, and says she is accepting only the stimulus money that would go for construction projects.

Well, sounds interesting. But then.........

Palin first said she was turning down roughly half....fifty percent.....of the money, but then later backtracked because she was caught lying again. She didn't mention the stimulus money she is accepting for Medicaid; that brings down the total of what she does not want to around thirty percent.

So, instead of saying Thanks But No Thanks to $460 million, she is only saying No to $288 million. I know, I'm like that too; I always forget about that extra $172 million. I really should check under the couch cushions, and on top of my dresser. It's there, somewhere.

Most shocking of all, is that the majority of the money she is turning down, some $170 million, is for education, including money for programs to help economically disadvantaged and special needs students.

Wait. She blasted Obama for an inappropriate joke about the Special Olympic, but she won't take any federal money for those same people?

Sarah? Pot. Kettle. Black.

Lotsa folks up there in c-c-c-c-old Alaska think Sarah Palin, much like idiotic South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, are not taking stimulus money so they can pander to the Repugnant Party in hopes of running against Obama in 2012.

Well, Sarah and Mark, you basically screwing your state for your own political agenda and...oh wait, you're Repugnants, that's what you do. Never mind.
But before I go, let me say this to Sarah Palin:

It may not be 2012 yet, but I'm going to remember what you say and do, and what you say and don't do, and what you don't say and do, and I'm going to keep it in mind come 2012 and bust my ass to see that you are, once again, sent packing.

The United States of America neither needs you nor wants you.

That goes for you, too, Mark Sanford.


  1. Hear hear! Although I can't say I'm surprised. She'll do and say anything to get herself into a tenable position for future elections.

    Let me know when the first meeting of SSIS is. I'll bring coffee cake.

    Hugs, Beth

  2. I hope Sarah is dumb enough to run in 2012. That should be like taking candy from a baby, but I thought the same about W. Never misunderestimate the intelligence of the voting public. She is one of us, after all -- one of the dumber ones. My favorite SNL skit ever was Tina Fey doing Sarah using her actual comments from the Katie Couric interview. Genius!

  3. Absolutely, Mark! Good post, Bob! Amen!!!


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