
Monday, March 23, 2009

I Loved You, "I Love You, Man"

So, Sunday. Yeah.

We did the chores thing, and the running errands thing....groceries and a new clothes hamper.
Life is never dull in Smallville, I tell ya.

Then we went to the movies. We were going to see Knowing although i think Nicholas Cage is a crap actor who has one expression.....Doh! But it looked like a good story, until the Blind As A Bat review came in, and we quickly shifted gears. We chose Duplicity, because I love me some Julia Roberts and what gay man doesn't enjoy a little Clive Owen?

But we ended up at I Love You, Man starring Paul Rudd.

It wasn't a thriller, or buddy flick, chick flick or art house thing, it wasn't action adventure, it was a bromance flick. Yup, two straight men, falling in, well, like. Paul Rudd and Jason Segel.

Jason Segel is funny as the wildman we all know, that guy who lives by his own rules, but, maybe, his own rules are failing him now.

And Paul Rudd is hysterical. He's like the Everyman. And his Peter Klaven in ILYM--why must we acronym everything--is a character we all have in our lives: sweet, bumbling, stumbling, doesn't say the wrong thing but always says the WTF thing. We all have a Peter Klaven in our lives.

Hell, I am the Peter Klaven in my life. In high school, it was written about me in the yearbook that I was a "square with rounded corners." Didn't like it so much back then, but now, well, yeah, that's me, only maybe a little bit rounder if you get where I'm going with this.

Anyway, ILYM, funny, cute sweet story. Not a lot of big guffaws, but a lot of laughs, some chortles, more than enough giggles and a tee-hee or two.

I won't spoil it for you, but I will show you the trailer, and tell you, that this trailer shows some good stuff in the movie, but not all the good stuff.

Oh yeah, and one more reason to love Paul Rudd.

From an interview with Entertainment Weekly:
"I always thought I'd be a really good gay guy. I love American Idol. I watch Antiques Roadshow like crazy. Guys like Oscar Wilde, Stephen Fry, Elton John — they're all very bright, with a razor-sharp wit. David Sedaris — who's funnier than David Sedaris? The Saturday Night Live that I hosted was such a gay-heavy show. But it didn't even cross my mind until after. The family that kept kissing each other — I didn't even think of that as being gay...
I remember doing interviews for The Object of My Affection, and people would say, 'What was it like to kiss a guy?' Like it was such a shocking thing. I said, 'How many times does anyone ask, 'You had to shoot somebody. Was that weird?''
I love gay guys. I feel pretty gay. I'm certainly not the most macho guy in the room."


  1. I love Paul Rudd. I lvoed Object of My Affection...I wanted to BE Jennifer Anniston cuz she lived with Paul Rudd. I still watch that movie whenever it comes on,,, and I still cry when they don't get together. But Jen is an awful actress....just thought I'd throw that in there for good measure. ;)

    and Knowing was THE #1 movie this past weekend. W. T. F???????

    I think I'll see ILYM tho....looks good. and do all guys have a "masturbation station"??? ;)

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I've heard quite a lot of chatter about this. My best friend happens to be straight and HE labeled us as being in a bromance. I'll have to check this one out.

  3. I want to see the movie

  4. I love that guy. He is just so funny, and so natural about it, too. And I love what he said in his interview!

  5. I've always thought Paul Rudd (former Crush du Jour) was handsome and sexy, and when I saw the trailer for this movie I knew I needed to see it. Spouse thinks it will be totally stupid, but I don't care. Thanks for taking my side!

  6. I think Paul Rudd is adorable. And have you ever seen an interview with Jason Segal? The guy is a total goof, and just cracks me up.

    I'll keep this one in mind for when it comes out on DVD. Don't know if you love the Bond franchise or not, but "Quantum of Solace" is out tomorrow. Daniel Craig. Oh mama.

    XO Beth


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