
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't Say It!

I saw this at Joe.My.God. and it pissed me off so much I had to post it instantly.

There is a Tennessee state lawmaker, and elected official y'all, who does not want homosexuality brought up at all in schools.

At all. Ever. No way. No how.

Repugnant Asshat Stacey Campfield believes the issue of homosexuality is too complicated for young minds to understand so he filed a "Don't Say Gay" bill, which would essentially ban teachers from talking about the topic.

Maybe it's too complicated for you, Stacy, you moron.

"I think our teachers need to stick with reading, writing, and arithmetic," Repugnant Campfield said. "It confuses a lot of children that are already in a difficult part of life, and it's a very complex issue."

He points out newspaper articles as examples of where homosexuality was being taught in schools, like a program in Knoxville that contains information on aids, gay and lesbian sex.

That isn't teaching homosexuality, you idiot. It's education about the cause and effects of AIDS. Say it with me, Stacey: You cannot teach someone to be gay. It cannot be done.

Chris Sanders of the Tennessee Equality Project said Campfield does not have enough proof that the issue is real, and calls the bill homophobic. "If you can't mention something, that sends a signal that there is something wrong with it."

"Homophobic means you're afraid of something. I think its a complex issue. This bill is neutral. It doesn't say we are going to preach against it. We are not going to preach for it; we are going to leave it neutral," Campfield said.

Leave it neutral?

How about not saying the words, oh I don't know, Catholic or Jew, Stacey? Is that next on your agenda?

How about never saying the words elected official Stacey Campfield?

Yeah, I like that idea.

In the end, the education committee voted to hold off on voting on the bill Wednesday. They agreed to study the issue for another year.


  1. A Asshat indeed!!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh, dear, it never ends well when the legislature starts elbowing their way into the classroom. Charlie said it is like being elected bestows a PhD.

  3. As if not mentioning it in school will make it go away???

    Why not be mature and teach "Heterosexuality is when people of the opposite sex fall in love. Studies suggest that about 90% of the world is heterosexual. Homosexuality is when people of the same sex fallin love. Studies suggest that about 10% of the world is homosexual." and leav it at that? It is not condoning or supporting - it is simply teaching what is.

  4. They may be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard, and this person is from MY state????

    Good Lord.

  5. he's a joke in Tennessee

  6. I wish you woudl stop holding back and tell us how you really feel about his.

  7. Notice that they tabled the bill probably hoping he won't be re-elected. What an idiot! Anyway, the bill is gone and needs to be forgotten.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    My first thought was like Joy's...maybe he'll go away in a year's time and they can discuss it sanely.
    Wonder if his phd was from the Universal church of Light? for about 500 bucks or it was simply by virtue of election?


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