
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reality? Check.

You go along in life thinking about the mundane things.
Is the leak a plumbing issue, or not?
Will I ever get the leaves cleared out from the yard?
Then you get a dose of reality and it takes your breath away.
My aunt--my father's sister-in-law--was diagnosed with cancer last year. Now she has weeks or less to live.
Next Tuesday is the two year anniversary of my Mother's death from cancer.
I don't think I care about leaks or leaves or stimulus packages or bipartisanship.
Or any crap.
I can only think that one minute we're here, and the next minute we're not.
I can only think that we need to cherish those minutes we have together.
Because one day, you might only have a week's worth of minutes left.


  1. Well put. Sorry to hear the sad news. It does put things into perpective. Sad that it takes something tragic to make us appreciate what we have.

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    It all goes wicked fast and the older I get the more I remember- that old long term memory thing about us older folks. driving in the morning, at a certain pitch of the sun, the light on the old houses strike me like a bolt and throw me back into some childhood fear.Best I can recall, it was the death of something and I was going to be dumped on another family somewhere. I still get the shivers until that particular light of day is over.

  3. Very sorry to hear the news. The bigger issues of the day are compelling but the issues close to home is where we can make a huge difference. Hangeth in there.

  4. Thanks y'all.
    It's tough because at this time of year I have my Mom in my thoughts all of the time.

    So to have this happen again just bugs the hell outta me.

  5. I'm so sorry about your aunt. The timing is bad for your memories of your mother, too.

    Thank you for the reality check. I was walking through the house bemoaning some occasional leaks and how I can't afford to do what needs to be done on my house. You're right.

    Hugs, Bob!

  6. Good reminder. Sorry for your losses.


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