
Monday, February 09, 2009

Even My Cats Are Gay

Max and Tux: The CuddleCats.

Update # 1: David thinks I should LOL-caption my boys, but I think maybe y'all should try it.
So, put on your LaughOutLoudCaps and come up with a little sumpin'sumpin' and I'll put it up, and......and......AND.....I'll give YOU the credit.
Start thinking.

from Frogponder:
Gay kittehs voted against Prop 8.
Gay kittehs will ask and will tell.
Gay kittehs line their litter box with shredded pages of Pastor Warren's book.

from Mark:
"Yeah, we've thought about getting married and making honest cats out of each other, but to tell you the truth, the sex is hotter when you think about NOT being married."


  1. So adorable. You need to come up with a LOLcat caption.


  2. That's too cute! Animals are sometimes more evolved than humans.

  3. Gay kittehs voted against Prop 8.


    Gay kittehs will ask and will tell.


    Gay kittehs line their litter box with shredded pages of Pastor Warren's book.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Well harumph...just goes to show that gay is a choice and as the behavior is an abomination of God they ought to be....of course this proves beyond a doubt that people like you are a horrible sinful influence on society,,even beloved cats.
    My solution is to send their names to Rev Phelps to add to his list of places to picket. we all ought to report all the gay stuff going on everywhere and insist Rev Phelps attend with his picketers. Maybe we can simply exhaust the sunuvabitch.
    ...h the stories I could tell ya about my Calico and my Persian ladies of the night who cruised together, and then took care of each other's litters. They were inseperable. Y' ought to have heard them howling in the night together and actually watching each other "get it".
    Let's see. if Phelps came, what would Carlos do...whistle, by then he would have his helicapoter, and go bzzzzzz bzzzz bzzz hum hum hum, and drop baas of kitty litter on them all.
    Bless you, charlie

  5. Aw, they are so cute!!!
    Here's my (lame) submission:
    "Yeah, we've thought about getting married and making honest cats out of each other, but to tell you the truth, the sex is hotter when you think about NOT being married."

  6. I'm just too amazed that your cats go to their special pad to take naps. Mine gets her blonde diva cat hair wherever she wants to. How do you get them to do it, or are they just that cool?

  7. They are just cool like that.
    They almost grew up together, so they are good buddies, and sleep and eat and play and fight together,


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