
Monday, February 09, 2009


from the Kansas City Star

The Kansas Army National Guard discharged its first homosexual soldier under the federal "don't ask-don't tell" policy.

Good for you, Kansas. Way to go! Let's get the confetti and strike up the band.

After serving nine years--NINE YEARS--including serving this Country in Iraq, Amy Brian was booted from the Guard, not because she's a traitor or a druggie or a drinkie or a spy or a bad soldier. Nope, Amy got kicked to the curb because someone--a civilian co-worker with no life of their own and nothing better to do--told authorities they had seen her kissing a woman in a Wal-Mart checkout line.

Oh well, I didn't know it was at The WalMart. Mercy. I'm amazed she wasn't stoned to death.

Amy Brian says she didn't hide her homosexuality from anyone, and that no one seemed to care.
Except for that busybody at The WalMart buying Depends and Bud Light.

Now, all jokes and sarcasm aside--for a few minutes anyway--Brian joins over 12,000 lesbian, gay and bisexual service members who the Pentagon has discharged from 1994 to 2007. Twelve-thousand men and women who chose to serve their country are out of a job, out of the chance to serve their country, because of whom they love.

Amy Brian joined the Guard in '91 because her father had served; she served until 1994 then re-enlisted in 2003, when we were at war. At war. She RE-enlisted. When she came home in 2005, Amy went back to work at the U.S. Property and Fiscal Office warehouse in Topeka.

But the Guard wasn't through with Amy. She was promoted to oversee the reorganization of the Kansas Army National Guard's government purchase card program; she started courses at Friends University to earn her master's in business administration; she was chosen president of the employee committee and, in December 2007, became one of three people to ever receive the USPFO for Kansas Award of Excellence.

Amy Brian wanted to work and serve in the National Guard and love the woman she loved. That's all.

Then someone saw the Smooch at WalMart and began sending anonymous--anonymous--emails to Brian's supervisors telling them all about 'that lesbian.'

Oh my. lesbians. Everyone run!

The National Guard's loss.

The country's loss.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I hear tell the pentagon wants to reinstate the homosexual checkbox and drop the don't ask/don't tell clause. they actually had fewer cases to resolve before the clause.
    Now haven't you seen all sorts of people kiss in public places and it didn't mean a thing other than "friends, luv ya hon"?

  2. But they wuzz a'kissin' at The WalMart!??!?!

    Plus, apparently Amty had a Facebook page well she listed her orientation as lesbian. But still.....anonymous emails?
    Grow up people!

  3. Obama is supposedly going to repeal DADT, which will fix this from happening in the future. But what about the 12,000 plus who've already been kicked out? I think they should be offered their positions back.

  4. Now wouldn't that be nice, Mark!

    I won't hold my breath, however.


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