
Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I have this annoying habit of wanting to comment on everything I see, hear, smell, taste, touch, hear. Get over it!

I saw Liza on The View yesterday. She sang, then she chatted with the ladies. All I could think was that somewhere Judy Garland is clicking the heels of a very well-worn pair of ruby slippers together and trying to tell Liza to go home.

Apparently Washington state wants to extend to same-sex couple the exact same rights and privileges married couples get, but they don't want to call it marriage; it's all of it, but the name. It's Rosa Parks moving, not to the back of the bus, but the middle of the bus; it's Separate But Equal; it's throwing us a bone and hoping we'll be quiet. Honey? No..................................No.

The murder/suicide of the family in California. Seven lives lost because the father was so despondent over losing his job, he could only think of one way out. Now, i know a lot of gay folks have contemplated suicide, but I never have; it was not an option. So, I wish this man had one person he could talk to, one person who would really listen, one person who might help, so he didn't think his only option was suicide. And he didn't think he had to take his family with him.

The people in those polls who are angry that Obama spoke with an Arab television network. These people think we should have a dialogue with the Arab world, think we should try to work with Arab nations, think working together would be best for the world. But they don't think HE should talk to THEM, rather THEY should come to HIM. That's part of the problem, people, not a solution.

Girls who bully girls in school. Girls have so many problems to face already, why do they need to attack one another, fight one another, taunt one another? Why can't young girls learn to work together to make life better for themselves and the next generation of young girls, and not resort to bullying one another? Seriously, ladies, if you can't make it work amongst yourselves, how do you expect to be treated better in the real world

Ted Haggard calling himself, and I quote, "a heterosexual with issues." The only issue, Ted, is when are you going to admit that you're gay; when is your wife going to admit it? When the money stops rolling in from your 'I Have Sinned' tour and movie and talk show appearances? Heterosexual men do not like having sex with men, Ted. You're gay at least; bisexual at most; and a complete disgrace.


  1. I saw that article on domestic partnerships in our paper. Seems like it would save a ton of money, paper and time if they could just utter the 'm' word...

  2. Wouldn't it though.

  3. Ted Ted Ted.......
    "hetro with issues" yes that issue is you are gay!

    Apparently we quuens are supposed to be ok with seperate but equall.

    I guess I am like you, I have a comments about everything as well.

  4. I'll just shake my head, roll my eyes and sigh deeply.

  5. I like these Bob....and my husband was SO upset about that man that killed his whole family. he gets so outraged about stuff like is sad.

    and Haggard.....ahhhh, just come out already. People will still love fact, probably love you even more for being so honest and real.

  6. I'm SO glad you wrote about these!

    Yes, Liza! How sad. She's stayed too long at the fair for sure.

    I've always wished those murder-suicide people would kill themselves first.

    All that with Ted Haggard is such a crock. I saw the last half of the show with Oprah and couldn't believe he and his wife were trying to pull that off. I'm so tired of those evangelicals!!!

    Teen-age girls, especially beginning teenagers, are hormonally nuts. Then there are the Mean Girls you described who stay like that all their lives and run for vice president. I don't understand them either but definitely saw them at work when I was teaching.

  7. "Then there are the Mean Girls you described who stay like that all their lives and run for vice president."

    Funny, cuz it's true


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