
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A Couple Of New Rants

Okay, so after she-who-will-not-be-mentioned's cancellation from yesterday's Today show, after her rants on her website--which have since been removed so she can say she never said them--after saying that NBC was banning her for life, she almost made me puke my Shredded Wheat this morning, because, there she was.......on the Today show.
Damn you NBC.
Spouting her lies to promote her book where she rails against Michelle Obama by calling her a Jackie O knock-off, while praising Cindy 'Botox' McCain; she also began her newest line of hate speech.
She refers to President-elect Obama as B. Hussein Obama. She calmly states that Hussein is the man's name. When Matt Lauer asked why she never referred to W as G. Walker Bush, or W. Jefferson Clinton, she said that we had been fighting a war against a man named Hussein and now we've elected one.
Seriously, what kind of idiot is this woman.
Dumbass, we didn't fight a war against Hussein. Your old buddy, W said we were fighting bin Laden, but took Hussein out because he was 'there.' When asked if she thinks focusing on Obama's middle name is hate speech, she smiles that smug horse-faced grin of hers, and neighs, Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, that's his name.
Well, she-who-will-not-be-mentioned? You're name is Moron from here on in.

Now, on to Oprah:

Oprah's gotten fat.
Big deal, right.
Only Oprah began mentioning her royal fatness about two or three weeks ago, saying how she was ashamed that she had let herself go....again.
But this week Oprah has started her Best Life episodes to lose the weight, again, and have America join in. She also has a new edition of O featuring skinny Oprah standing beside fat Oprah.
The problem I have with this is the fact that the magazine was probably arranged, photographed, storied, and 'put to bed' months ago. So why not tell us she was fat the day she did the photo shoot?
Oh yeah, so she could keep her fatness in our minds until the issue came out and she could sell more. See, O at Home has gone belly up, and O is probably not faring well in these economic times. So, make it a big fat issue.
In addition, her show must plan their topics months in advance, so, again, why tell us she's fat now. Why not talk about it months ago, when we were all watching her expand? Ratings, people. Dollars. Books to sell.
And then the Big O goes on Larry King with her personal trainer and her medical advisor to talk about her ballooning weight.
Personal trainer?
Medical advisor?
Where were these folks when she started to gain the weight months back? Why didn't one of them tell her to step away from the Pound cake?
I mean, if I have all these trainers and medical advisers and therapists at my disposal, and I start getting bigger and bigger, and they say nothing, well, then....
You're fired.
Now, I am not bashing Fat Oprah, seriously. Weight is a lot more than food going in and no exercise to combat it. There are emotional issues as to why people eat. And God knows we can all, yours truly included, stand to drop some ell-b's....ell-b's? Lbs. Get it.
But this new Fat Oprah campaign, this media blitz, this week-long special O series, simply smacks of a ratings ploy.
And I don't like it.


  1. Darling -

    First of all, I make it a point to NEVER mention Coultergeist on my blog. She is completely a creation of our outrage - and she pursues it relentlessly. If we ignore her, she will not matter as much. Why do you think she had a hissy fit when she was bumped on NBC?

    Secondly, if I could make a few million bucks from being fat, I'd do it in a second. And I've have much more money than Oprah right now...


  2. I agree about Coultergeist--love that!!
    And I had planned on this being last last post about The Mouth.

  3. Anonymous1:17 PM

    david really invents words it.
    I wondered when I was watching her if you were too. She just didn't make sense to me so I'm glad at least you cleared up what she was talking about. Of course it still doesn't make sense.
    On Oprah,seems to me she was quoting a thyroid problem as the source of her weight for a while. Then Dr. Phill -of- it came onto us with his stop dieting...lose it once for the rest of your life. Whatever happened to the follow up of his fat family? I think, as you said, planning 6 months ahead on programs. fat is the topic at moot times of the year...New Year's resolutions and bathing suit time.
    On the other hand, On The view later, I got some satisfaction when Barbara got in a back handed one on that dingbat Elizabeth. Holding hands with her she said sympathetically.."Just because Elizabeth dates a bachelor doesn't mean she's a bonehead." Damned right, with or without him, she's a bonehead.
    Fun posting Bob. Got me dander up.
    xoxoxo charlie

  4. I agree with you. I refuse to give anymore of my time or energy to talking about Ann Coulter, the spawn of Satan.

    Oprah's gotten heavy again - who cares? Apparently she doesn't, because with all her money and trainers and nutritionists and doctors and what not, she could certainly NOT be fat if she wanted to. Again, who cares?

  5. ok, she's a skank ass bitch...but she's a SMARTY skank ass bitch. She knows exactly what she's doing and saying....she causes people to get crazy about what she says, they buy her book, she rakes in the $$$$$

    smart skank ass bitch.

  6. David is brilliant and does make up great words; however, I think he'd want me to give credit where it is due. The Coltergeist is one of Keith Olbermann's names for the skank-ass spawn of Satan. (to use some of your great descriptions) So those of us to whom Keith is our present-day Edward R. Murrow call her that, too.

    That said, what I can't believe is that Bill Maher actually dated (if we want to call it that) her and said they were friends. I liked it better when he was involved with Arianna Huffington. Oh well. He's an odd one, too, but I liked his show Politically Incorrect and now Real Time.

    About Oprah - you are absolutely right (again!!!) about how I feel about her, too!


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