
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gotta Love Jon Stewart

I love it that Stewart asked Huckabee when he chose NOT to be gay and Huckabee skips over that one. See, Mike, if I can choose gay, then you can choose straight. So when did you do that?

I loved it when Stewart said he'd take a loving gay couple raising a child over Britney and K-Fed any day. Children need nurturing, love, support, and education, that they can get from a gay couple, a straight couple, or a single parent, who has to work twice as hard. You are not a better parent because you're in a straight marriage, Mike. You're a better parent because you love your kids, you take care of your kids, you educate your kids, you protect your kids.

I also love it when Huckabee mutters that old chestnut about marriage being the same for over 5,000 years. Not. Stewart lists all the changes that have been made to marriage, and all Huckabee can come up with is that no one really wants polygamy. Polygamy, Mike? That's the only thing you heard from Stewart's list?

I love it when he talks about one-man/one-woman raising the next generation, or 'replacements' as he calls children. Does he feel that couples who choose not to have children, or cannot for one reason or another not reproduce, are somehow less than "The Replacement Makers"?

You listen to these two talk and it's so clear that the comedian, the funny guy, the jokester, has so much more common sense than the Bible-thumping politico, who is probably preparing for his next run at the White House.

Really Mike? Word games?

cue the theme from Deliverance.

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