
Friday, October 04, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Sue Altman, Democrat running for the US House of Representatives in New Jersey's 7th District, on the topic of trans inclusion in sports:

"If we decide as a society that making rules about who is and who isn’t female is more important than giving young children a chance to be on teams and compete and to be part of something bigger than themselves, especially young people who are more susceptible to suicide and bullying, then I think we’ve lost our way a little bit. As someone who’s been working to advocate for women’s rights and women's sports, I promise you that in the locker rooms of women's sports teams, we’re not super worried about this. We've been worried about getting equal access to gym time, good referees, good trainers so you don’t get injured, fair shake at scholarships, equal pay at the higher levels. I will let individual sport committees decide the highest, highest-level things, but at the very heart of it, we have to respect people of all genders and give young children, especially young people and adolescents struggling with their gender identity, the chance to compete."

Huh. Common sense and respect. That’s how it should be, not name calling and shaming and lying.

Common sense and respect.


Hung Cao, the GOP Senate nominee in Virginia, disparaging drag queens and people who are tolerant of them during a debate:

“When you’re using a, you know, drag queen to recruit for the Navy, that’s not the people we want. What we need is alpha males and alpha females who are going to rip out their own guts, eat them and ask for seconds. Those are young men and women that are going to win wars.”

Oh honey, say that to a drag queens face and then talk about guts being ripped out.

Of note is that Cao has said that he is running for office in Virginia to stop witchcraft that he says is running rampant in California. Now, I dunno, but it sounds to me like someone has had his brain ripped out.


Caroline Giuliani, Drunkle Rudy’s daughter, says she’s backing Vice President Kamala Harris in  the upcoming election:

“After months of feeling the type of sorrow that comes from the death of a loved one, it dawned on me that I’ve been grieving the loss of my dad to [The Felon]. I cannot bear to lose our country to him too.”

Sorry to say, but your father is a lost cause and I think if, and/or when, he goes to jail and The Felon all but gives up on him, your father will still be kissing that grifter’s ring.


Daniel Radcliffe, on the passing of his beloved co-star Maggie Smith:

"The first time I met Maggie Smith, I was 9 years old, reading scenes for 'David Copperfield,' my first job. I knew little about her, except my parents were in awe. I also knew she was a Dame, so I asked, 'Would you like me to call you Dame?' She laughed and said, 'Don't be ridiculous!' Maggie had a fierce intellect, a sharp tongue, and could intimidate and charm simultaneously. She was, as everyone will attest, incredibly funny. I consider myself extremely lucky to have worked with her and shared time on set. The word 'legend' is overused, but if it applies to anyone in our industry, it's Maggie. Thank you, Maggie."

She sounds fabulous and she will be missed.


Corey DeAngelis, “anti-woke” campaigner, a so-called “school choice evangelist” and “parental rights” activist, talking about his time as a gay website performer:

“As an activist for parental rights and school choice, my passion is personal. Just like everyone else, I have made mistakes throughout my life, learned from those mistakes, used that as an opportunity to grow and tried to channel that experience into something positive. I was a victim of poor decisions and poor influences. I have turned that experience into the fuel that fires me to save young people from being put in the same position I was put in and to help parents protect their children. I will never stop fighting for what is right.”

Let me get this queer for you: Corey likes dick, and he still likes dick, but he’s sorry he got caught liking dick.


Jake Shears, the former Scissor Sisters frontman, on his difficulty meeting guys:

“I don’t feel like men check each other out [in London]. There’s not a lot of just flirting with guys here at all. There’s no acknowledgement of one another, even if you’re going to the same gym every day. I feel in other cities, New York ... LA, people definitely acknowledge each other a little more, talk to each other, check each other out, flirt, cruise and I don’t see that very much here at all. I’m not great on the apps. They don’t really work that well for me, so that’s kind of off the table. And ... the bars are kind of gone. The sort of gay bars we used to go on a weeknight, that sort of culture is missing now. The Joiners Arms [a beloved London gay bar that closed] or flirting with guys or like taking somebody home ... I can’t remember the last time that that happened. I do think it’s a nightlife issue and just the apps taking that off the table. People rely on the apps for that so they don’t have to do it in person.”

When you rely on an app or a computer or a phone to make the first move you are kind of missing out on the thrill of meeting someone. It’s all so clinical and precise whereas in person it can get messy and funny and real.



  1. I enjoyed reading Daniel Radcliffe's reminiscence about Maggie Smith.

    1. I loved that he asked if he should call her 'Dame' and she shut that shiz down!

  2. Ahhhhhhhh, I love Jake Shears. He gets it!!!!!!

  3. Whatever career Corey had is now over, this is a good thing. Re Giuliani: I had to laugh when I read that he texted Trump's coup plans to a wrong number, and Jack Smith has those plans.

    1. Poor Drunkle Rudy, getting just what he deserved.

  4. They are all excellent. Jake Shears' thoughts are particularly interesting. Even at my age, it is easy for me to hook up with someone using an app. many long term relationships form from an app hook up? Maybe some do, I don't know. But the furtive looks, the flirtation, the teasing, the excitement and the culmination that might lead to a relationship was so good.

    1. I agree with you; it's lost that edge.

  5. Oh, Jake dear. I feel you.
    The apps had basically made gay men lazy. We knew that. I love the flirting, the looking, the buildup to the actually touching the man while talking close to each other.
    And Rudy's daughter is right: it's mourning.
    Love Daniel.


    1. I'm kind of glad my single years were pre-apps; it just seems cold and clinical and a bit shallow.
      That said, I met Carlos online but we talked for months before meeting so, yeah, there's that.

  6. Eating one's innards does not prove that one has leadership quality, it only proves that you are thick enough to vote for Donald Duck.

    1. Poor Cao, he doesn't hear the words that spew from his piehole.

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Maggie Smith)
    xoxo :-)

  8. Cleora Borealis11:25 AM

    OK, you know me, so of course I researched WTF is wrong with Hung Cao!! When he talks about witchcraft in CA, you can bet he is equating it with DEI. Last year, he wrote an opinion piece for "The Washington Times" stating that it was DEI that caused the failure of Silicon Valley Bank! In his mind DEI is destroying every sector of the country and we should get back to meritocracy! An interesting take from a guy who claims he was "blown up" in war, has 100% disability and dozens of surgeries to replace body parts, yet has no Purple Heart or Combat Service Ribbon. So, he is lying about something...some form of stolen valor. Either he is lying about having injuries in the first place, or, as I suspect, he caused his own injuries with a mistake handling ordnance (his job) which is tragic, but doesn't earn you medals. So, just one more lying loser who makes fun of Dems in office, but desperately wants to be in office and has lost in every attempt! SADZ! 🤣

    1. Cao is the worst of the worst; lying, makes no sense, delusional ... he's an Asian Felon.

  9. Sometimes I wonder if eating lead paint chips is still a thing.

    1. I sure a couple of people were snacking on door jambs and baseboards!

  10. Can imagine a world where we tried using more common sense and respect than demeaning others? Someday I hope that is the case, Bob. Take care and you and Carlos have a great weekend.

    1. I am a great fan of common sense; just think for a minute and the right, correct response will come to you, and if it doesn't, then YOU'RE the problem!

  11. Anonymous8:13 PM

    What a joke, military men like Cao sure lose any sense of honor running for political office and claiming they’re doing it to confront drag queens and witchcraft. :-(
    And someone should tell him stupid ass ‘gung-ho’ talk only gets you so far.

    1. I still don't get why he's running in Virginia if the witches are in California.

  12. Witchcraft and drag queens, we need more of.

    1. They make the world go round!

  13. Go, Caroline Giuliani!

    I just did a little study-up on "Seth Rose" -- nothing to write home about. I love how people regret their decisions and then inflict those regrets on the rest of us.

    I like Maggie Smith in movies but I bet she was slightly scary in person.

    1. I think Maggie Smith played on people's perceived fears of her to great effect.

  14. So brave of Caroline Giuliani to speak like that with regard to her father and her own political instincts. Well done girl!

    1. There are times when your parents do the wrong thing and you might need to tell the world about it.


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