
Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Funny Papers

Gary Huck, Tim Campbell, Nick Anderson, Michael de Adder, Ann Telnaes, Lalo Alcaraz, Matt Wuerker, Matt Davies, Jack OhmanChristopher DownsMuzej Karikature, Darrin Bell, Adam Zyglis, Dennis Goris, Mike Luckovich, Clay Bennett


  1. When did you turn black defines the small mind of Donald J Trump.

  2. You can smell the desperation in tRump land, and Kamala is advertising like mad.

  3. What just happened ... I actually smiled at some of these! Are the funnies getting funny again?

  4. He really won't want to debate Kamala for all those reasons.

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    the dog's mother
    xoxo :-)

  6. Cleora Borealis12:12 PM

    😜 Weird?! I'll tell you what's weird! Trump steals from everyone, never pays for the music he steals, and now he has pissed off Celine Dion by stealing her music and image for a rally so he could celebrate "Titanic" as a metaphor for his campaign!! Weird enough for ya?! 🤣 Keep it up, Donny Boy! I'm lovin' ya more each day and my heart will go on!! 💝

  7. The last two are the best!

  8. IQ45 is incapable of anything more than juvenile insults. It is clear his emotional and intellectual growth was stunted as a young child.
    The way things are going, the last one is so very true. May it be so!

  9. I am not counting my chickens as he plans to steal the vote.

  10. These cartoons tell it like it is.
    Don’t be surprised if the corrupted unsupreme 6 do everything in their power to swing the election to Trump. He has the un-supreme court in his pocket. :(

  11. May the momentum continue. There are so many great, ironic, targets to keep using over and over. Like Convicted Felon Trump’s campaign complaining about convicted felons voting.

  12. aussieguy5:20 PM

    Let us only hope and pray the Blue Wave comes true! And that happens only if we vote blue!

  13. I hope the Blue Wave happens. Almost giggled at Trumps excuses NOT to debate Kamala, but I don't find anyhting funny about him anymore. He's just weird. And losing it.

  14. Things really do seem to have turned a corner since Mr Biden decided to give way to a younger generation blessed with the energy and belief required to bury The Orange Turnip and The Fake Hillbilly in the past.


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