
Friday, August 09, 2024

I Didn't Say It ...

Pete Buttigieg, on Bill Maher’s show, on JD Vance’s idiocy and hypocrisy:

“It’s not that complicated. I know there are a lot of folks who say, what’s going on with some of these Silicon Valley folks [Peter Thiel] veering into [The Felon] world with JD Vance … what are they thinking? Silicon Valley, they’re supposed to care about climate. They’re supposed to be … pro-science and rational and libertarian. So normally libertarians don’t like authoritarians. What’s up with that? I think it’s actually we’ve made it way too complicated. It’s super simple. These are very rich men who have decided to back the Republican Party that tends to do good things for very rich men. That’s kind of what you’re getting with JD. When I got to Harvard, I found a lot of people like him who would say whatever they needed to get ahead. And five years ago, that seemed like being the anti-[The Felon] Republican. So that’s what he was talking about. How [The Felon] was unfit, how he was cynical, called him an opioid, which is kind of a weird thing to say about a person … [and] behind the scenes … calling him Hitler, right? … I actually watched this exact same process with somebody else I got to know in my days in the Midwest, which was, my former governor, Mike Pence, who I watched start out as an evangelical Christian who cared about rectitude and family values and then get on board with a guy who was mixed up with a porn star, make excuses for him so that he could have power. He got four glorious years, I guess, as Vice president of the United States. And it ended on the west front of the Capitol with [The Felon] supporters proposing that he be hanged for using the one shred of integrity he still had to stand up to an attempt to overthrow the government. So I guess, maybe not as a politician, but as a human being, what I’ll say is that I hope things work out a little bit better for JD Vance than it did for him.”

The good news is that JD Vance won’t get into the White House, except maybe as a visitor with a very limited pass.


Matt Walsh, self-avowed Christian nationalist and Daily Wire host, proving again that Christian Nationalists are just racists:

“We all know what would happen if Olympic athletes celebrated and gloated over an all-white podium. “We know the reaction if the silver and bronze medal were won by white people and they bowed to the gold medalist in part to celebrate the fact that he was also white. Like, we all know how that would go. If we would say that Olympians were racist for cheering an all-white podium, we must say the same about Olympians cheering an all-Black podium. Those are the rules, which means I’m afraid that Simone Biles is a horrendous bigot. She is a racist, and she owes America an apology. Those are the rules, and she should be expected to follow them the same way that she’d be expected to follow them if she was white.”

Hey, Racist? How many podiums at the Olympics, throughout the years have been all-white? Yeah, so an all-Black podium is a new thing, a different thing, and maybe a chance for young girls and boys of color to think they could do that, too.

God is watching you Matt, and She thinks you’re a racist and a moron, and should stop pretending to be one of Her followers.


Sean Hannity, Fox News hack, on Tim Walz’s wife Gwen:

“Walz’s wife, the first lady of Minnesota, was basking in the violence, you know—opened all the windows to their home so she could smell burning tires and rejoice in the resistance and get this, according to the Senate Committee report, around the same time the National Guard was finally being mobilized and starting to arrive in Minneapolis, well, according to this report, the governor’s daughter was given access to confidential information that she then disseminated to the general public and rioters. Might want to check that out.”

Just remember that Fox “News” paid out nearly a billion dollars in a lawsuit in which they admitted they were not a news organization, but an entertainment channel.

So Sean can go fuck himself.


Harris Faulkner, another so called “:news” host on  Fox, on Taylor Swift having an opinion:

“Two things about this: the tickets are extremely expensive to go see her. I know, because you know my Bella’s 16th birthday, that’s what she wanted. She is a huge Taylor Swift fan. And if we are going to pay that much money as consumers, you don’t need to serve up politics for that. It’s divided us as a nation, why can’t you go to a concert without that? She can vote any kind of way she wants, she can talk about it offstage, but when people pay to see you, just perform.”

So now Harris Fuckner thinks she can tell anyone what they can say, when they can say it, and where they can say it?

Bitch, please, sit down, your stupid is stunning.


DonOld, speaking at a Fifth-Grade level to his merry band of fifth graders, on Fox Entertainment:

“Google, nobody called from Google. One of the things like doing a show like yours, your show, you know, you see it on Fox, but when you really see it is all over the place, they take clips of your show that you’re doing right now with me and if I do a good job, they’re gonna vote for me, they’re gonna vote for me because it’s not just on Fox, it’s on Fox is a smaller part of it. You’re on all over this, those little beautiful cell phones you’re on, you’re all over the place. You have a product, you have a great product. You have a great brand. So you have to get out, you have to do things like your show and other shows and Google has been very bad. They’ve been irresponsible and I have a feeling that Google is gone be close to shut down.”

Seriously, if anyone reading this can make sense of it, please tell us what he’s saying. Or call Sarah Palin because she’s an expert at Word Salads.


Kayleigh McEnany, on Fox Not News, blathering about Tim Walz:

“This is a stunning choice. I imagine there’s a lot of cheering at Mar-A-Lago at the moment. Look, Tim Walz, he’s no one to scoff at. He unseated a six-term Republican in Congress. He won a conservative district. He began as a moderate. And then he had a radical transformation as soon as he got a trifecta in Minnesota; I think it is fair to call him a progressive in sheep’s clothing. When you look at his record over the last few years, what you see are transgender surgeries for minors. Carbon electrical grid by 2040, drivers’ licenses for illegal immigrants. In function, his abortion policy allows abortion until birth. These are policies that are far to the left of America. And as John McCormick at The Wall Street Journal pointed out, Kamala Harris has to do the exact opposite of what Tim Walz did. Tim Walz became more progressive. Kamala Harris is trying to become more moderate.”

And Kayleigh Mac-A-Ninny is still a lying POS.


Tim Walz, on who he is as a human being and what he believes:

“I’m Tim Walz, a former geography teacher, and a retired Sergeant Major in the National Guard. I was a Congressman for twelve years and now Minnesota Governor. Here’s what I believe: who you want to marry is your choice. Women can be trusted to make their own health care decisions. Climate change is real and it’s in our best interest to move in that direction. And labor unions are at the core of what built the Middle Class.”

Simple, common sense and respect for all people; how is that a bad thing?



  1. Also with Faux News: They had to admit that those evening shows ARE NOT news shows, they're "entertainment." So anyone on that channel or station or whatever you call it can just go fuck all the way off. They're getting paid millions to sit there and spout that bullshit and coming from one of their very few DEI hires - LOLOLOLOL.

    1. They call it "entertainment" but it's not even that!

  2. Fox is not news, it's trash entertainment, opinions voiced there have absolutely no value. Hannity's a billionaire who wants a tax break. If he loses his cultist fan club, Walsh is out of a job. And Walz for VP proves that the Democrats are moving full speed ahead.

    1. I love seeing the right crashing and burning in their feeble attempts to appear relevant.

  3. At least you started and ended with two men who are articulate and well-meaning. The stuff in the middle is just pure garbage...garbage in, garbage out in the bin.

    1. I feel like I needed to buffer the crazy at both ends with simple common sense from Pete and Tim.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Pete Buttigieg)
    xoxo :-)

  5. Love Pete, of course. The man is so very good at making concepts so much more easy to understand... Very smart.

    Any Faux News 'opinion' is bullshit, of course. I like how they keep up the fuckery after they had to pay all that money. Hey, they have it so let them spend it.

    Matt Walsh is one of the most despicable people to have surfaced from the white nationalist/xtianist movement in the last years. Ugh. Really.

    And DonOld is really losing it, no? Whoa.


    1. I didn't see DonOld's speech, but when I read about it my first thought is, "This is what losing your mind actually looks like in real time."

  6. My idea of torture is being in a room where I have to listen to a conversation between don-old and Sarah Palin, two idiots who would just talk over each other and never say anything worth hearing. So far I think Tim Walz is a what you see is what you get kind of guy, and in his case, that's a good thing.


    1. Can you imagine DonOld and Mama Grizzly Bore™ in the same room! 🤮

  7. You've only got to look at Kale Macaninny to know that she is doing a disservice to all other blondes. She looks vacuous and what comes out of her gob only accentuates the overall impression.

    1. She's just a fraud saying nonsense for bucks.

  8. aussieguy10:37 AM

    Pete has a very unique perspective and his comments resonate. I, too, watched from inside Indiana how Pence morphed over the years; he accepted The Felon's invite because he knew he wouldn't be re-elected as governor. We need more from Pete. Hopefully President-elect Harris will appoint him to a larger role in her cabinet.

    1. I agree 100% about Pete and hope he stays to work with Kamala. We need his voice.

  9. I love Pete Buttigieg. There. I said it.

    WTF is Matt Walsh talking about? I haven't done a formal survey but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of all-white Olympic podiums even now. (Certainly at the winter games!) This white-male grievance culture is so tiring.

    And that word salad from Trump -- WOW! I'm eager to see Fox put that on repeat and talk about his dementia. Oh, wait...

    1. I love him, too; simple common sense, though rare, is a great thing.
      Matt Walsh is a Nationalist Christian, AKA a Nat-C.
      The Felon's speeches are getting more demented each day and I am here for it.

  10. Poor Tim and Pete to be mixed up in this mess of dipshits.

    1. I look at them as the bright spots shining out over the darkness and dumbshittery,

  11. Oh, so much “dumbshittery.” Thanks for the word that sums it up.

    1. I think it's fitting for most of what we got today!

  12. Three cheers for Tim Walz! He'll have the last waltz with The Orange Turnip and his fake hillbilly VP - young James. No chance that he'll AdVance!

    1. Common sense over a common liar would be nice for a change.

  13. I know you pick out the worst of what comes out of Republican mouths, but I wonder if there is such a thing as a reasonable Republican who has certain views but could also be progressive, especially about wealth distribution and social matters. Nah, my head is just in lala land.

    1. There are two Republicans I can think of who don't fall into the rightwingnuttery: Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. But they are both far from progressive, they are also far from MAGAtry.

  14. I read DonOLD's speech twice and what I got is he is upset that Google hasn't put up a page about him and his speeches and/actions. Which isn't their job anyway. But if I google Donald Trump I'm sure there is something there....

    1. He doesn't like being ignored ... and is always a victim.

  15. He seems to think Google is another "news" service like Fox?

  16. I absolutely love Pete Buttigieg. He is always so spot on and clearly spoken. I watched a clip from that idiot, Jesse Watters, somewhere on line, and my mouth was open, aghast at what he was saying. People actually watch this crap? Even if I was a Republican, I wouldn't watch it. I guess he is broadcasting to the MAGA-ots.

    1. Pete is just simple common sense and facts, and it's hard to argue against that!


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