
Thursday, July 18, 2024


The other day as we were running errands a song came on the radio by an artist I don’t much care for, though this particular tune is one of my favorites. So naturally I began signing while driving:

“♫♪Look around, everywhere you turn is heartache; it's everywhere that you go. Come on, vogue. Let your body move to the music. Hey, hey, hey!♪♫”

I turned to Carlos and said:

“Sing it!!!”

“I don’t know this song!”

I nearly drove off the road.

What kind of homosexual are you that you don’t know ‘Vogue’ by Madonna? … ♫♪ Come on, vogue. Let your body go with the flow. You know you can do it.♪♫”

“Sing it! ♫♪ All you need is your own imagination, so use it, that's what it's for.♪♫”

“I don’t know the words!”

“Bad gay! Very Bad gay!!!  ♫♪ Beauty's where you find it, not just where you bump and grind it. Soul is in the musical, that's where I feel so beautiful. Magical, life's a ball so get up on the dance floor.♪♫”

And then we get to “the rap” and I start doing all the Vogue hand gestures and now Carlos is desperate for me to stop singing and, as he says it:



"♫♪ Greta Garbo and Monroe, Dietrich and DiMaggio, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine. Grace Kelly, Harlow, Jean, picture of a beauty queen. Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire. Ginger Rogers, dance on air.

They had style, they had grace; Rita Hayworth gave good face. Lauren, Katherine, Lana too. Bette Davis, we love you! Ladies with an attitude; fellas that were in the mood.

Don't just stand there, let's get to it, strike a pose, there's nothing to it … Vogue, vogue, Vogue, vogue, Vogue, vogue.♪♫”

And now we are pulling down our driveway and I am opening the garage door and Carlos says to me, hold onto your pearls, clutch, my angels, clutch, for Carlos says to me …”

“I thought RuPaul sang this song.”

I crashed into the house and then called HOMO HQ for a Vogue-tervention.

This Tuxedo Memory is from June 2018 and is entitled:

Tuxedo ... Holding A Grudge Because His Two Dads Went Away

He never liked it when we went away, even for just a day trip, and always gave us the cold shoulder upon our return!

Sorry y’all, but watching Alec Baldwin weeping in court when the judge announced his involuntary manslaughter case was dismissed mid-trial took me back to a line from Mommie Dearest, when Joan was having a fit and one of her suitors said:

“If you're acting, you're wasting your time. If you're not, you're wasting mine.”

Disappear, Alec, until the family’s wrongful death civil suit is filed.

The Felon’s son, The Dumb One, says Daddy didn’t get any stitches after he was shot at a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend, but that he has a “nice flesh wound” from the shooting.

But Daddy claims the bullet pierced his ear, so wouldn’t that leave a hole, well, another hole in The Felon’s head? Oh, and The Felon campaign has not released any medical reports about the injury or even named any doctors who treated him.

Huh, that sounds odd. Especially given that The Felon is a whining little narcissist and would love the extra attention.

:::cough::: Staged event ::: cough:::

I saw this on Facebook:

Imagine being taxed to build a sports stadium, to have a millionaire charge you admission. So you can cheer on millionaires playing a game that’s meant to divert your attention from being exploited by a ruling class who does things like … tax you to build a stadium.

Tax the rich.

Nothing new to see here: The Felon fell asleep at the Republican National Convention on the first night. If this keeps up he’ll be in a coma by Thursday.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Aunt Lydia told the Republican National Convention that:

“Not even an assassin’s bullet could stop him. God Almighty intervened because America is one nation under God, and He is not done with [The Felon.”

I’d like to ask Huckleberry about the firefighter that was killed at that rally and how come her so-called god didn’t save him but I don’t really think she cares because she didn’t even mention his name.

After that lump of Bible-thumping, lying hypocritical shiz, I need a palate cleanser and this picture of these two cats just makes me feel so much better.

Daniel Schröder is apparently some kind of artist, though my only question is: Would You Hit It?

It isn’t lost on too many people that the instant The Felon chose a running mate, Tim Scott’s gurlfriend vanished.


  1. The black and white cats cuddled up reminds me of Michael Jackson's song Black and White. Poor Carlos to see you vougueing away. You can't tell me you weren't doing it without hand actions.

    1. LMAO!!!!! I sure hope he wasn't doing the hand actions Andrew!!! Bob driving and voguing?!?! But then again, Bob is talented so made he was driving with his feet.

    2. I was voguing while driving!! I mean, how could I not?

  2. Tim Scott had a girlfriend? I thought he sucked dick?

    Carlos gets the mic drop of the week girl!!!!! I was howling!!!!! sigh. We are going to need to send him to a refresher course Bob. I'm still laughing.

    I'm mixed about the Alec Baldwin thing. I never cared for him and find him smug, but if an actor on a set is rehearsing and using any props and does not have knowledge of certain things, isn't it up to the prop team to make sure things like this don't happen?? If I were in his shoes, I would have had no idea if blanks, caps or real bullets were in a gun. Seems to me the props team and the handler and the studio should be held more accountable.

    The cats!!! I just saw on my insta that someone post a cat picture of two parent cats with their kitten in the middle between them...all sleeping. The one cat has a paw over the kitten. it's too cute.

    1. Scott had a "girlfriend" when he was auditioning to be The Felon's lapdog; now she's vanished.
      Carlos' pop culture knowledge is quite limited and I always give him a hard time about it!
      My thing with Baldwin is even he said you never actually point a prop gun at anyone; filming makes it look like you aiming, but you are pointing the gun slightly away from the body.
      I agree with Andrew; but I thought about Ebony and Ivory
      by Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder

  3. Great image of Jr, his middle school graduation photo? (Beyond that daddy must have bought the diplomas.) I wouldn't know the words to sing the tune, and I think RuPaul did a cover of it. I better watch it they will ask for my toaster back.

    1. I just love teasing Carlos about song lyrics; but give him classical music and he can give you a tutorial instantly.

  4. Anonymous8:44 AM

    the dog's mother
    (Carlos) (Tuxedo always)
    Loves the 2 kitty pictures!
    xoxo :-)

    1. Those two kitties, as well as The Great Tuxedo, gave me the smiles.

    Oh, they're reading Scott for filth.And I love it. That beard was certainly shaved the second Cheeto announced that Vance was the VP candidate.

    And you cannot blame Carlos for mistaking Madge for Ru. They're both gay men who do Drag. But seriously, really? LMAOOO

    Aunt Lydia (love that you use the JoeMyGod moniker!) can go fuck herself. Ugly corrupt cow. I know somebody in Arkansas and every time I text her I as her: 'Hoy's Fuckabee doing?'. She doesn't think it's funny.

    Tax the rich!


    1. Tim Scott, your typical phony GOP lying hypocrite.
      I read your comments about Madge and Ru and Carlos now loves you!
      I love JMG's "Aunt Lydia." She's a vile human being masked as a bible-thumping, speaking in tongues sister wife.

  6. Following last item above - Are we going to see much of Mrs V.D.Vance? I think possibly not. 'Wrong' colour. But hang on a mo. Don't his beliefs give him permission to abuse her as much as he likes, knowing that he'll never grant her a divorce as her first 'duty' will be to stay in the kitchen and bring up their half-Indian children, while allowing himself to rake in all those (corrupt) dollars? It's a win-win for V.D.!

    1. JD can beat her, as any man can beat his wife, and they should stay with their abusers.
      Women need to rise up against these asshats.

  7. I understand that when Donald Duck played golf, before turning up before his rabid fans, he was not wearing any ear decorations. Come the turn of the rabid fans, suddenly his ear needed enough bandaging to care for 10 Palestinians in Gaza.

    1. I don't think he was allowed to wear the Ear Diaper on the golf course, but at the convention it was mandatory.

  8. OMG! Carlos!!! Even straight guys know that song and who recorded it.
    Seriously, if the Felon had actually been shot with a bullet from that rifle, the ear would be gone.
    Fuckabee can waddle her way off the stage and nobody would notice.
    LOL. Poor Tim got engaged for nothing. Yo! Timmy, I know you're afraid the Repugs will throw you to the curb if you open the door --- but, hunny, they just did. LOL.

    1. Carlos' pop culture knowledge is severely limited, which is why I tease!
      Tim Scott kissed a lot of ass and all he got was a disappearing girlfriend.

  9. You gotta dance and move when that song comes on. I bet that Ru and her queens have lip synced to that song on Drag Race and maybe that is where Carlos got the connection?
    I want to read more happy stories and see more pretty pictures and forget about the politics of the red side, Bob.

    1. I think you're right about Carlos hearing the song on Drag Race, but as a gay man he should have known it was Madge!
      I like happy stories, but sometimes you gotta hear the sad ones to appreciate the beauty of the good ones.

  10. The GOP convention is one big clown circus. And to think that some of the delegates put bandages on their ears as support to the felon. And Sarah Huckabee Sanders...what kind of God would spare Trump, but not the other guy that was killed?

    1. That whole nonsense about people at the convention wearing ear diapers made them look even more like a cult ... if that was possible!

  11. Cleora Borealis10:21 AM

    I'm not yet cancelling my flight to S. Carolina for Tim and Mindy's wedding on August 3, but I was smart enough to book refundable tiks! Will we hear an excuse or just never hear about it again? Thank you, Tuxedo! I won't need my air-conditioning today 'cause of that chill you put out! 🥶😻

    1. Well, since the girlfriend appeared out of thin air, I'm guessing that's where she's going.

  12. *Wealth and Taxes---Studies have shown that cities paying multi-millionaires goodies to build stadiums is not a wise investment for said city---

    *Being in healthcare I want to see Diaper Don's ear for myself. I have seen pictures of that damn ear as he is being rushed off stage and maybe it's just a "scratch." The bandage he is wearing for sympathy may not be appropriate. I say keep it clean, and dry, and let it air out. I don't trust Mango Mussolini and his cabal on anything.

    *Tim is a prime example of selling your soul for acceptance on so many levels. Did I mention he is a Black man? So much to unravel. This is what gets me about individuals like this. They know better. Many are smart and know the score. Tells you what one would do for fame, money, and power. To be honest, I wouldn't want them as a friend.

    *Daniel, coffee?

    *I need a fact check. Rachel M. states that Diaper Don did not fall asleep but showed respect for a moment of prayer. Ok!?

    1. His refusal to tell what the doctors said, and saw, or even give out their names proves there's no there there.
      Tim Scott is a sad pathetic human being trying to fit in with racist rich white folk.
      I don't think Demented Donald would know a prayer from a fast food menu.

  13. Yeah, I'd hit Dan. Scott's vanishing fiancé? Hope he paid her enough. So many pics of the Orange Anus sleeping at his own convention, you'd think MSM would sort of, kind of, maybe pull their head out of their ass and show one or two.

    1. I imagine Tim Scott's fiancé is now back at her junior college acting class reading selected scenes from Caroline In The City.

  14. Carlos is so funny. To be fair, RuPaul DID kind of "Vogue" his/her way through "Supermodel," so I can see how he'd mix them up! (What gender does RuPaul use? I don't even know.)

    That picture of the yin/yang cats is SO perfect I have to wonder if Photoshop was involved. Which doesn't stop it from being great.

    I actually found Alec's tears quite poignant. And stadium construction has been a huge scam for years, with billionaires holding municipalities hostage and milking the public budget for freebies. It's appalling. It should be illegal for public money to be used on sports stadiums for privately owned teams. Let them build their own damn stadiums.

    1. In drag Ru is she, outside of drag, it's he.
      I kinda think some photoshop was used in the cat pic but I still smile at it.
      I cannot get over that Alec Baldwin saying he pointed a prop gun at a human, which is not protocol, and it went off with him touching the trigger and she's dead but he's the victim. Nope.

  15. aussieguy3:32 PM

    Your Carlos story this week is too funny! OMG! And nope on Daniel...SnoozerLoozer is so predictable. I heard he was on the golf course Monday (naturally) without a bandage, but showed at the truck rally, I mean, GOP clusterfuck-a-thon in Milwaukee all bandaged up. Maybe he got a sunburn???

    1. Carlos is funny.
      Daniel has something but I'm not sure it's enough.
      That bandage from the convention, with has been dubbed Ear Diaper or MaxiPad, is high-larious!

  16. Love this week's Tales of Carlos. Hope the intervention went well. I forgot how much I disliked Aunt Lydia until she reemerged from her swamp palace to spew vitriol at the RNC. That woman is disgusting. Take care, Bob.

    1. Carlos is high-larious about pop culture.
      And as funny as he is, Aunt Lydia is that disgusting!

      Have a good weekend, Shifes!

  17. The tax the rich entry: Always one of my pet peeves. It makes me boil.

    I think I like Daniel Schröder. But I guess I’m supposed to simply say if I would hit it. So, YES!

    Thank you for the two cats. I’m pretty sure SG knows who performed Vogue. (Pretty sure.)

    1. I mean, most of the uber-wealthy would still have tons of cash if they paid more taxes, so all the money is just ego.
      Hit him!
      I'm still Feline Smiling.
      And SG is one up on Carlos!

  18. I could hear the song in my head as I read the lyrics you posted! And I laughed so hard at “What kind of homosexual are you that you don’t know ‘Vogue’ by Madonna?" LOL!!!!! Poor Carlos!!

    1. He is a very good sport so we have a lot of fun like this.
      But he does need to be reprogrammed! 😁

  19. Madonna made it big when my oldest was a newly minted teenager so I know most of the early songs and have them on my playlists from the days when I went out walking with the ipod, I still like them. Carlos needs to be re-educated.

    1. I am enrolling him in a HOMO Refresher course.

  20. It seems those who emulate IQ45 are quite adept at staging events. I wonder what the gurlfriend got paid for the cling-on photos?
    Interesting, I saw a photo of IQ45 at RNC without a bandage on his ear, and later he showed up with one. More hilarious are all the Magats running around with bandaids on their solidarity with the leader. What a fk'g joke.

    1. The cult is real, and scary, and stupid.


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