
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Why Is It ...

… that when someone asks me if I’m ‘okay,’ I say, ‘Absolutely not, but I’m funny.’

… that I hate getting mad? Is it because it takes me two-and-a-half-years to calm down?

… that no one understands I am only social on Facebook; do not come bothering me in real life.

… that I want to live my life to the fullest, but I also want to be in bed by 9?

… that I understand being a responsible adult, but every day … every … single … day … seems a little excessive.

… that no one realizes that I am that age where I won’t make eye contact with someone because they look like a talker?

… that even though my work week finishes up by Friday, in reality I’ve emotionally given up by Wednesday?

… that if you want to make a moron’s head explode, all you have to do is ask them to spell ‘there.’ And when they ask you to use it in a sentence, say, ‘Their car is parked over there and they’re late.’


  1. Then and than are fun words, too! You know, like "chocolate chip cookies are better than Vanilla wafers, and I find that after eating one chocolate chip cookie, then I want another."

  2. In work I suppose that you use Monday and Tuesday just to get back in your stride after the weekend. I guess you are like an athlete - warming up. Then before you know it it is the weekend again. In any case, work is a very overrated pastime in my view.

  3. aussieguy10:27 AM

    You just like messing with people's minds, don't you? 😜 No harm in that! Anyway, being an adult is way over-rated! Enjoy the weekend!

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM

    the dog's mother
    Much chortling!
    xoxo :-)

  5. Cleora Borealis1:37 PM

    Why is is it that when an apostrophe's in use a lot of people lose their minds and forget the apostrophes usage? Its usage is easier when it's used by people who read a lot. One of my pet peeves is non-readers who should've known more than they think they "should of" known. And, they would've if they'd ever cracked a book!! 🤯

  6. I love your Saturdays!
    Don't forget: your, you're, and yore!

  7. A wise man I knew had the expression that he'd " out of brains before he ran out of week.". I also refer to this as being Friday tired on (name your day).

    Be well pumpkin.

    Will Jay

  8. Perfect Saturday questions, sweetpea! xoxo

  9. Each “why is it” is better than the last. Great ones.

  10. A lot of people quit working a few years before they retire.

    1. The phenomenon has been described as RIP, for Retired In Place.

      Will Jay

  11. I avoid talkers too.


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