
Monday, June 24, 2024

The Stupid ... It Burns

Just a few more ways the GOP has jumped the shark and because the Party of The Felon. I mean, seriously, if any Democrat had suggested or dome even one of these things the GOP would be shrieking in outrage. But here they are, doing it …

Republican Congressman, Traitor and perhaps Nazi, Paul A. Gosar issued the following statement after introducing the Treasury Reserve Unveiling Memorable Portrait [_____] Act, legislation requiring the Secretary of the United States Treasury to print $500 Federal Reserve notes featuring a portrait of the 45th President of the United States AKA The Felon:

“As Bidenflation continues to devalue our currency, the issuance of $500 bills featuring [The Felon] by the Treasury offers several practical advantages. First, larger-value currency will empower Americans with the freedom of more tangible options to save and exchange goods and services. Additionally, the absence of large-denomination currency issued by the Treasury encourages Americans to rely on digital banking, which faces greater vulnerability to surveillance and censorship. Furthermore, from a collector’s perspective, these $500 [The Felon] bills will become highly sought after, generating revenue for the government through increased demand for numismatic items. Collectors often covet currency with unique designs and historical significance and bills featuring the very popular 45th President will attract considerable attention from collectors. This will no doubt create a market for the $500 [The Felon]  bills far beyond their face value and increase the seigniorage earnings of the government, thus increasing overall revenues.”

Seriously. This is the GOP.

The last version of a $500 bill featured a portrait of President William McKinley and was printed in 1945. The denomination was discontinued in 1969.

And here’s hoping The Felon is discontinued in 2024.

Presumptive Republican nominee, The Felon, repeated his characterization of Black communities as dangerous and depressed last week, courting voters at a Black church in Detroit, a city he has called “hell” and “totally corrupt” as his campaign hopes incremental gains with Black voters could be decisive in swing states:

“Look, the crime is most rampant right here and in African American communities. More people see me and they say, ‘Sir, we want protection. We want police to protect us. We don’t want to get robbed and mugged and beat up or killed because we want to walk across the street to buy a loaf of bread.’”

The audience at 180 Church in Detroit hearing The Felon speak was not predominantly Black, cheered at the remark.

Who else can speak at a Black church and have mostly white people show up?

Parts of southern Florida continued to get inundated with heavy rains last week with Gogo dancer and GOP Governor Ron DeSantis declaring a state of emergency for several counties.

The National Weather Service in Miami said that portions of Broward and Miami-Dade counties—including Hallandale and Hollywood—are continuing to see “life-threatening flooding” impacting homes, businesses and roads.

DeSantis has notoriously asked that no one say the words “Climate Change” in Florida.

Montana Republican Congressman Matt Rosendale sent a letter to Denis R. McDonough, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, expressing outrage over McDonough’s misguided encouragement of VA medical facilities across the country to display “Pride” flags.

The letter emphasizes how the flag puts one group of veterans above the rest, is a waste of taxpayer dollars, and calls for the prohibition of “Pride” flags from being flown at the Montana VA Healthcare System and VA facilities nationwide.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs responded:

“VA facilities fly the Pride flag—which was created by [Gilbert Baker] an Army Veteran—as a tribute to the service and sacrifice of LGBTQ+ Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors. Secretary McDonough authorized the flying of the Pride flag at VA facilities for the duration of Pride Month, as he has done in previous years. VA continues to fly the American flag and POW flag in their rightful places at all facilities, and no flags are moved or taken down for the PRIDE flag to be flown.”


Colorado Republican State Representative Richard Holtorf, a candidate for Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, disclosed that he financed an abortion for one of two girlfriends he impregnated, saying it helped her “live her best life”:

“I respected her rights and actually gave her money to help her through her important, critical time so she could live her best life."

Holtorf sponsored a failed 2020 measure to ban abortion in his state Colorado after 22 weeks. In 2022, he made headlines when he dropped his handgun in the state Capitol while rushing to the floor to cast a vote against abortion rights.

Holtorf did not appear to recognize the disconnect between his statement lauding the benefits of abortion access for his pregnant girlfriend and his staunch opposition to abortion rights, which led him to call abortion rights supporters “godless heathens” last year.

In an interview with Colorado newsperson, Kyle Clark, Holtorf said that sometimes you need an “exception” to anti-abortion laws, and Clark fired back:

“Is one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?”

Again, Snap.

A Florida Republican Representative Greg Steube is spearheading an effort to name the United States’ coastal waterways after The Felon.

Steube’s bill would rename the immediate waters surrounding the U.S., called the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone, as the “______ ____ _____ Exclusive Economic Zone of the United States.”

Steube says The Felon “cares about the strength and resilience of our oceans.”

No, he just cares about stamping his name on shit he doesn’t own.

Last week the Supreme Court struck down a federal ban on bump stocks approved by former President AKA The Felon, another move by the rightwing court to limit the power of federal agencies to act on their own.

Justice Clarence “Grifter” Thomas wrote the opinion for a 6-3 court while Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the dissenting opinion.

The Felon had pushed for the ban in response to a 2017 mass shooting that killed 58 people at a music festival in Las Vegas because bump stocks allow a shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of hundreds of rounds a minute.

And we all know that the only reason to own a gun that shoots hundreds of rounds a minute is to murder as many people as quickly as possible.


Now some good news …

A majority of Republicans joined with Democrats last week to vote down Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, AKA Moscow Marge AKA Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body’s amendment to the annual Defense bill that called for preventing any funds in the legislation from going toward assistance for Ukraine.

The chamber voted 74-343 against the adulterous traitor and her bill.

No need to say more, you know what to do …


  1. Bare faced liars are normal in politics, but extreme liars are not.

    1. It's getting to be the norm, though, on the far right. Sadly.

  2. Vote, Vote, Vote.

  3. The Sutpids have reached a point where they can no longer keep from punching themselves in the face. I'm joining the opinion that, like the Democrats in 2016, they are so positive the Orange Anus is going to win, they're no longer looking at what's going on in America. They believe the polls.

    1. They don't care about America, they care about making America white.

  4. Seriously.
    People cannot still be 'on the fence' with these idiots. The amount of fuckery coming from the GOP is flabbergasting. And Goddess help me if they put Cheeto's name or face on anything because I'm gonna cut a b*tch.


    1. Let me know when you ready to start cutting cuz I'll be right there with you! ✂✂✂

  5. They truly are a bunch of brain-dead idiots. The shit they come up with gets dumber and dumber.

    1. And they do it to suck up to an illiterate base.

  6. Colour me simple, but surely $500 notes would be a great bonus for forgers, not to mention bank robbers and other criminals? Maggots might collect Der Dinosaur picks from the notes but anyone else? and how many banknotes come in bilious orange?

    1. This, like everything else these wingnuts suggested, will never happen. It's all a kiss the ring stunt.

  7. Anonymous10:34 AM

    the dog's mother
    Yes, vote blue!
    xoxo :-)

    1. 💙💙💙

  8. Replies
    1. I wish these asshats would experience that!

  9. It's scary that MTG got even THAT much support.

    Steube and Gosar's bills are just transparent efforts to boost their stock among the MAGA crowd. Seriously, why should America's offshore waters be named after ANYBODY? That's ridiculous.

    I'll give Gosar this, though -- he taught me a new word, "seigniorage." Never heard that one before.

    1. I'm sure there are those on the right that vote with the right no matter what they actually think.
      I think Gosar had someone write that for him because he doesn't appear very intellectual.

  10. Dumber than a box of hair.

  11. aussieguy4:13 PM

    I wouldn't even wipe my ass with a $500 _____ bill...and who would've guessed Montana was such a bigoted state?

  12. The GOP continues to fail upwards, instead of sinking in the muck they've created! #VoteBlue xoxo

    1. 💙💙💙


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