
Friday, September 02, 2022

I Didn't Say It ...

Herschel Walker, GOP candidate for senator from Georgia and the gift that keeps on giving, apparently referring to Raphael Warnock … or not:

“I’ve always been very transparent. I’ve been very transparent. And I will be a champion for mental health because I’ve helped so many people that had a mental health problem. I think a lot of families have a lot of struggles with mental health, and I will be a champion for that. And they can continue to bring all this, what they want to do against me, because people know what I stand for, Herschel Walker is still standing. My bike is not bent so anyone can ride my bike like he’s going to have Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden riding his bike because he’s going to be voting for whatever they say.”

Wait. So he’s transparent and has helped people with mental illnesses and will continue to do that, and he stands because he’s still standing, except he’s on a bike that isn’t bent.

Seriously Georgia?


Andrew Napolitano, former Fox News host, says Thing 45 will be indicted soon:

“Even a cursory review of the redacted version of the affidavit submitted in support of the government’s application for a search warrant at the home of [Thing 45] reveals that he will soon be indicted by a federal grand jury for three crimes: Removing and concealing national defense information [NDI], giving NDI to those not legally entitled to possess it, and obstruction of justice by failing to return NDI to those who are legally entitled to retrieve it. In a monumental irony, both Julian Assange … and Edward Snowden …  stand charged with the very same crimes that are likely to be brought against [Thing 45]. On both Mr. Assange and Mr. Snowden, [Thing 45] argued that they should be executed. Fortunately for all three, these statutes do not provide for capital punishment.”

It does not look good for the former Racist-Rapist-Traitor-Grifter-Adulterer-Syphilitic-Asshat-in-Chief.

And I am here for that.


Jonathan Karl, on ABC This Week, speaking on the GOP’s concerns with Thing 45:

“Publicly, what they’re saying is this is rallying Republicans to [Thing 45]’s defense. This makes it more likely that he will run for president, more likely that he will win the Republican nomination. Campaigning against this political action by the FBI and the DOJ. Privately, they are really concerned. And one of the big concerns here is that [Thing 45] has nobody defending him. If you look at his legal team, it is comically inept and inexperienced. All of the big names who defended him through the first two impeachments, through the Mueller investigation, they are gone. There is real concern that he needs to bring in a heavy hitting criminal defense attorney. I know of several that have been approached who have said no. I even know of one prominent criminal defense attorney who was approached who didn’t even return the phone call.”

Well, no high-level lawyer will work for him because, mostly, he’s guilty AF, and also because he doesn’t pay his lawyers.


Lindsey Graham, South Carolina GOP Senator , "confirmed bachelor" and Thing 45 ass-kisser, threatening violence is Thing 45 is prosecuted:

“If there’s a prosecution of [Thing 45] for mishandling classified information, after the Clinton debacle … there’ll be riots in the streets. Most Republicans, including me, believes when it comes to Trump, there is no law. It’s all about getting him.”

Oh ma’am, why keep talking, because he will be indicted for some of his crimes, though not all, and if the state of Georgia finds you complicit in election interference, maybe you and Thing 45 can share a cell. Think of it: showers together, meals together, bedtime together, and no Melanie to get in the way.

You’ll finally be Missus Thing 45.


Tucker Carlson, on global warming:

“The Europeans have discovered that the real threat to human civilization is not global warming, it never was global warming. The real threat to people is global cooling, otherwise known as winter. Far more people freeze to death every year than die of heat. In 2019, for example, four times as many people died of cold as of heat. That’s according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. So when temperatures in Europe begin to drop a few months from now, this is a huge problem and that will be obvious to everyone. It’s not global warming, it’s global cooling. That’s what’s going to kill your grandmother.”

The stupid, it burns. I cannot figure out if Fucker Carlson is really this stupid, or if he thinks his audience is so stupid it will buy the ‘no such thing as global warming because it’s cold in Europe’ line of BS.

Either way, Fucker Carlson is a useless lump of flesh. 


Ted Cruz, speaking on his podcast about student loan debt forgiveness:

“If you are that slacker barista who wasted seven years in college studying completely useless things, now has loans, and can’t get a job, Joe Biden just gave you twenty grand. Like, holy cow, that twenty grand, you know, maybe you weren’t gonna vote in November and suddenly, you just got twenty grand. And you know, if you can get off the bong for a minute and head down to the voting station, or just send in your mail-in ballot that the Democrats have helpfully sent you, it could drive up turnout, particularly among young people.”

Funny, I guess Ted Cruz, the self-entitled Cancun-going, airport whining, Lauren Boebert pimping asshat thinks the only people with student loans are slackers. I guess all the teachers and nurses and doctors and lawyers still paying off their bills might wanna reconsider supporting the GOP since that party holds them in such disregard.



  1. Ohh this one is a doozy.
    Walker is as dumb as nails. But it's Georgia, so....
    You know something big is coming for Cheeto. He's all bullshit and noise but as a good narcissist, he's got nothing. It's all noise. Can't wait he goes down. And Lady G, too. I wanna know what the Kompromat is. Bet in involves sex. Wanna bet?


    1. Walker makes Palin look like a member of Mensa.
      And you can just feel how scared Thing 45 is these days; he's basically admitted to keeping the files when he shouldn't have, and now he's back to saying "if" he runs.
      Sex with rodents would be my guess for Miss Lindsey ... except I still believe she's the one who Golden Showered Thing 45.

  2. If only there were a vaccine against stupid. (But then stupid people don’t believe in vaccines.)

  3. So sad Thing 45 not able to get the caliber of legal representation he was previously privy to. Better Call Saul.

    1. Even lawyers, some of the smarmiest creatures on the planet, smell something fishy.

  4. "And I am here for that."
    Me too!
    xoxo :-)

    1. If they sell tickets for his trial, I'll spring for box seat!

  5. Good Friday morning to you, Bob, and I send you weekend greetings from your friend across the county line. I would like to comment on the disconcerting items in your post this morning, but unfortunately I cannot keep them civil per your request.
    What a collection of cluster fuckups:Walker, Graham, Cruz, Carlson...tsk, tsk, 45ers who have swallowed the Big Lie like the Biggie Fish my uncles used to call the larger bass they caught with the hook in their mouths. Hook, line, and sinker they used to say about the foolish fish that swallowed the nasty bait.
    Beware the Big Lie, Biggie Fish. That's some nasty bait up in there.
    Catch ya later.

  6. How hard did Herschel get hit in the head when playing American football? And how many times? This man is NOT well.

    As for that seriously stupid git, Cucker Carlson, Europeans know far more about climate change than he can squeeze into his tiny noddle on a good day (i.e when the whether is hot and his miniscule brain expands very slightly). And what's more we believe in it.

    1. Poor Herschel. I mean, can you imagine having to debate him???

  7. Herschel can't even put a decent dressing on his word salad. Napolitano is right. Privately, Republicans are shitting bricks. I do think some of them actually thought they could contain and control Trump. As for Lyndsey? He'll be pleading the 5th rather than answer.

    1. Miss Lindsey made her bed, lay down in it with her heels to Jeebus, and let Thing 45 pummel her with his mushroom dick, so, yeah, he deserves whatever comes his way.

  8. So much ick, so little brain bleach.

    1. I find that having Carlos drop a cinderblock on my head from a high treetop helps.
      At least I think it helps.🤷🏽‍♀️

  9. The thing with what Cruz said--too many people believe it. I've gotten into that argument often lately. But they want to believe it, so they do, regardless.

    1. Ted Cruz and his ilk are pricks. Even many in the GOP can't stand him.
      Oh, and his wife is ugly, as Thing 45 said, and Ted's response was to press his lips to Thing 45's ass, so that says a lot about his character.

  10. I only hope Andrew Napolitano is right. it can't come soon enough for me.

    1. The pundits keep saying that, although the Georgia case is moving slowly, that's the one that can really take him down.

  11. Sometimes your blogposts are like windows on America. You have wiped away the grime and the steamy condensation so that we can look inside and see the truth. You have referred to that "Ted Cruz" fellow before - he seems most unpleasant.

    1. People like to say America is a shining city on the hill, but we've got tons of issues and asshats, and Ted Cruz is the bottom of the scum barrel.

  12. krayolakris4:11 PM

    Attention all baristas…be sure to remember what Ted Said about you next time he dares place an order with you.

  13. I'd be very surprised if Herschel Walker wins Georgia

    1. I say that, too, but it is Georgia.

  14. SweetMarySunshine! It's too damn hot out here in L.A. for me to give one second more of thought to these fucking GOP asshats! Or as my Irish pals say, "Jesus wept." Stay cool ov er the 3 day weekend, sweetpea! xoxo

  15. aussieguy5:33 PM

    Oh. My. God. Where to start? My Georgia brudder was trying to defend Herschel Walker to me the other day, but stopped when I started, and only began, pointing out how idiotic he was. He'll still vote for the fucker. We can only hope for the slimiest, nastiest cell for Moron and his bitch to share. And let us pray that the indictments are being prepared NOW; the only "attorney" that might take the case is Rudy...and Fucker Carlson is truly the real threat to Western civilization, only because too goddamn many asshats believe whatever BS spews from his face hole. Oops, sorry I get an "F" for civility!

    1. I found you very civil.
      Poor Herschel. I mean, even for the GOP he's a moron.

  16. The old cliche "think before you speak"?

    1. More people should adhere to that!

  17. Pat lark6:45 PM

    With 40+ folders marked with various levels of "Classified" being empty, I hope they're looking at Thing 45's son-in-law. $2+B is a lot of incentive to take documents to MBS.
    I'm stockpiling the popcorn for when Thing 45 and Miss Graham are indicted in GA. And stocking champagne for when the DOJ indicts Thing 45 for the various and sundry crimes he's committed.

    1. They can lock up the whole family as far as I'm concerned, and I'm right there with you with the bubbly and popcorn!

  18. Don't get depressed by the stupid, get out and VOTE, and drag a like minded friend along to the polling place, one under each arm.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......