
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Even before he was elected, the top Republicans in the House and Senate vowed allegiance to Thing 45, but on January 6, 2021, when the loser refused to admit, or accept, defeat he incited a violent mob to storm the U.S. Capitol and stop the certification of votes that would make Joe Biden the President.

And now we know that two of the wigs in the GOP—Leaders Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell—turned against the soon-to-be ex-President in those days following the insurrection, only to then about face and start licking the boots of a traitor once again.

A The New York Times reveals that in the days after the attack, McCarthy was so disgusted by the riot, and the President’s part in it, that he planned to tell Thing 45 to resign.

“I’ve had it with this guy,” McCarthy told a group of GOP leaders, calling Thing 45’s conduct on January 6 “atrocious and totally wrong” and admitted that he believed the former president was “inciting people” to attack. He told his leadership team what Thing 45 “did is unacceptable. Nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it,” and said he knew that Democrats would successfully impeach the president for a second time, and so he told his party that he was going to ask the president to resign, even going so far as bringing up the 25th Amendment.

At the same McConnell was telling his allies in Congress that impeachment was warranted, telling two of his advisors that “the Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us” referring to the upcoming impeachment, and adding, “if this isn’t impeachable, I don’t know what is.”

And then McConnell and McCarthy did nothing. Instead, they sat on their hands and watched as their own party bent to the will of  a lunatic and sociopath, and then climbed on board that train with them all.

Now, McConnell says that if Thing 45, a man he believed to have incited a traitorous riot against this country, were to run for President in 2024, Mitch McConnell would fully support him.

And McCarthy, even hearing the recordings of him saying he was going to ask Thing 45 to resign, says he never said that, and he wasn’t going to do that, and he also supports the ex-president.

So, Republicans, and I know there are some of you out there who haven’t had the Kool-Aid, why do you think this is? Are McConnell and McCarthy, and indeed the whole of the GOP, terrified of this man? Are they being bullied by a narcissist? Does Thing 45, as is his habit, have dirt on these two?

I don’t know of any other reason why, one day, they call for him to resign, call him a traitor, blame him for a violent attack on the nation’s capital, and then just a few days later, swear loyalty to him again.

Are they, as Leonard Pitts said, “spineless, craven little men?” And is what thing 45 has on them, or what he’s promised Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell worth more than whatever amount of integrity or loyalty to this country they have left?

Is this country falling going to be worth it to McCarthy and McConnell? And are the level-headed Republicans going to vote to keep these two in power, and to restore a traitor to the highest office in the land?

Is that America today?

Oh, and also important to note is that most Republicans have come out and said they support McCarthy even though they believe he lied. Let that sink in … they know he lied and they still support him.



  1. They are terrified they are going to lose the base, and without that voting block they are doomed. Of course, we all know that, as Republicans, they have no problem selling their first, second, and third child to the devil in order to stay in power.

  2. A craving for power is an addiction much like any other. Addicts need treatment like other addicts. If you remove Moscow Mitch from power he will implode, which might leave a nasty mess in the McConnell/Chao household. No problem, there's servants to clear out the trash.

  3. Yup, cast your votes!!!
    xoxo :-)

  4. Rand Paul just said Russia had the right to attack because Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. These Republicans need to be deported

  5. The Turtle and CO. want power, as Helen said. It's all about that power they crave so, so much. And they had a taste of it with Cheeto and now they crave it and will not stop until they get it back.
    Vote, people. And vote Democrat. Anything else is dooming this country to fuckery.


  6. Man, the GOP will just continue to twist themselves and twist themselves until their a rope which becomes a noose... Benedict Arnold much? Hang 'em all!

  7. There is no teaching or accounting for bad taste, class or scruples. Bob. People either have it or they don't.


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