
Friday, March 25, 2022

I Didn't Say It

Maya Harris, lawyer and former advisor to Hillary Clinton, on Republican men and Fox News asshats attacking Ketanji Brown Jackson:

“Notice how the most mediocre of men are always first in line to question the competence of exceedingly accomplished Black women.”

Most mediocre men … Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Tucker Carlson, Lindsey Graham … are afraid of accomplished women, but you throw in Women of Color and they just can’t handle it.

Their White Fragility buckles.


Erica Sullivan, an Olympic swimmer who competed against Penn transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, on allowing trans women to compete in women’s athletics:

“All athletes—including transgender athletes—deserve to be respected and included, exactly as we are. Throughout my life, swimming has enabled me to learn so much both in and out of the pool, and transgender athletes should not be excluded from this opportunity Lia Thomas has been unfairly targeted for just that—for being who she is, a transgender woman. Like anyone else in this sport, Lia has trained diligently to get to where she is and has followed all of the rules and guidelines put before her. Like anyone else in this sport, Lia doesn’t win every time.”

Brava. All women, and yes this includes trans women, should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.


Марджори Тейлор Грин,  AKA GOP Representative Moscow Marjorie Taylor Greene,  calling for Ukraine to surrender:

“I’ll even blame people like Lindsey Graham who is begging for war every single night on the television. These are the people that gave the Ukrainian people the false hope. You see Ukraine kept just poking the bear and poking the bear, which is Russia. And Russia invaded. And the truth is, and this is a hard truth to accept, there is no win for Ukraine here. Russia is being very successful in their invasion even though we hear different things on television. The things we know are actually happening there—I don’t see a way out for Ukraine.”

She doesn’t see a way out because she’s on Team Putin and doesn’t want to see a way out. She has always and ever supported Russia over any other country, even her own.

Fucking vote her out of office.


Cheryl Hole, drag queen, about finding a 'special guest' in her dressing room after a drag show:

“I walked up and there was no one there, and I was like, ‘This is strange! Normally there are people here already, it’s like quarter-past twelve’, and I was like, look let’s just crack on, let’s just do the damn thing, and all of a sudden, I’m putting my last three nails on, and then they say ‘Adele’s at the back door’, and I’m like ‘What?’, they’re like, ‘THE Adele is here’, and I was like, ‘Nah, I don’t believe you, you’re just trying to pull my leg Jeremy’. Then all of a sudden, you know the voice, you can’t mistake that voice… I just hear ‘Hello Babes!!’, this cackling coming round the corner, and I went ‘F***, F***, F***, F***, F***”, I could not believe it.’

Adele went on stage with Cheryl and even pole danced for the stunned crowd.

Hole then appeared on Rylan Clarke’s on his ‘Ry-Union’ podcast, and said she was “going to put that on every poster that I’ve got and sell that until the end of time, I mean I have hugged and shared a stage with Adele, and I sang her song! Not with her but I sang it to her!”

I.Would.Die. Adele? Come to Smallville and let’s meet for drinks.


Stanley Tucci, actor, on being called ‘sexy’:

“Who goes, ‘I feel terrible about that’? People think I’m sexy? How awful! It’s wonderful. I don’t get it, but I’m very glad.”

Oh Tooch, you don’t have to understand it, just know that it’s a real thing … and I speak from a place of long-term Tooch Lust™ myself.



  1. There are a lot of people who want to touchy Tucci.

    Greene needs to be arrested for treason.

    Harris calling Cruz, Hawley, Carlson, and Graham mediocre is a compliment.

  2. I know there are others in this post, but I came for the Tooch! Always have, always will.

  3. Tooch has always been sexy in my opinion. I think you've either got it or you haven't - and he just has!

  4. I’ve got chronic Tooch-lust, too. And I love him even more when I hear him speak.

    If I become a super exceptional drag queen, will Adele join me on stage, too? If so, count me in!

  5. I wish wars would still be fought by hot-headed warriors, across from each other in a field, yelling their battle cries and raising sword and axes .. no civilians hurt. But those days are gone and I can't help but thinking when fighting retreats into cities and villages, when they're being bombed, when so many innocents die and there seems no end in sight, should you, as a president, not surrender? Make a deal? At least the killing will stop ..

  6. Stanley Tucci has a cooking programme on the Beeb, looking at Italian regional cooking. It's a real shame he is so short.

  7. The hearings have been mostly
    completely predictable, unfortunately.
    (Cory Booker)
    xoxo :-)

  8. I wish MTG would never saying a fucking word again!!!!! Fuck her....traitor.

    LOVE me some Tucci!!!!!

    And the Cheryl Hole story was a nice little happy read. That's so cool that drag queens are getting stars and performers in awe.

  9. Love Mr. Tucci. Adore.

    How nice of Adele. Well... I adore strange liaisons.

    MTG is nothing but a propaganda dunce. She's a political whore... poking the bear? Really. Show me, dear. F her.

    Thank you. Erica Sullivan.

    Harris... YAZZZZ. So true.

    Thanks, Bob.

  10. Marge three names is a see you next Tuesday with the intelligence of a drunk gnat.
    Adele rules. I would have fainted.
    Ms. Harris? Nailed it. The fragility of mediocre white men is unbelievable.
    And, oh Stanley. If only you’d know…


  11. Such good one's today, and Stanley 0 0 0 my

  12. I saw Stanley Tucci naked! (On Broadway, in "Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune.")

    Again, I am ASTONISHED at these rabid right-wingers and their support for Putin, even pushing his propaganda.

    And yes, Maya Harris is right about white sensitivity when confronted with an accomplished black woman. (Or black man -- think Obama! We're STILL living the backlash!)


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