
Tuesday, March 01, 2022

F%k Texas

Pandering to conservative Republican wingnut’s opposition to gender-affirming care for young transgender Texans, Governor Greg Abbott has ordered the state child welfare agency to investigate reports of "gender-transitioning procedures" as child abuse.

Yes. He calls it child abuse. Abbott’s transphobic, bigoted, uneducated, uncaring move came one day after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued a written opinion defining gender-affirming care as child abuse under state laws; state lawmakers have considered but have not been able to pass such bills in this past year so Paxton and Abbott are sidestepping the law for their own hatred.

Of course, the wingnuts slithered out of the shadows to praise Paxton and Abbott, like Republican asshat Matt Schaefer, who said:

"[Paxton’s] opinion means nothing if it’s not enforced. The truth is, though, that we need a special session immediately to address this now that we have the backing of the attorney general’s office. We are not going to back down on this—this is a hill we are ready to die on."
He wants to die on a hill calling the parents of trans kids, parents who accept and understand and love their children and hope to make their transition into their true selves, a crime; a crime.

The Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Medical Association and Texas Academy of Family Physicians, educated medical professionals, not rightwing politicians looking to turn the clock back to the 1950s, opposed last year's legislative efforts to limit gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers, which doctors described as reversible medication that delays the onset of physical changes to allow time for transgender Texas youth to consider more permanent options.

Texas Freedom Network President Val Benavidez said the state action could deny "life-saving care for transgender youth":

"Transgender people already experience stigma and discrimination, harassment and violence simply because of who they are. Regardless of opposition from child welfare and medical groups, Paxton and the Texas GOP continue to create barriers and laws that strip transgender children and their families of civil and equal rights."
And simple respect.

All children, even children growing up in The Hate State of Texas, deserve the right to grow up healthy and learn to take care of their bodies in a way that helps them live full, happy lives as they identify.

But, again, Texas Republicans seek to punish educated, loving, concerned parents for being educated, loving, concerned parents.

And if you think this is the end of Abbot and Paxton’s shenanigans, just wait; they’ll find a new group of ‘others’ to come for, until they have eradicated anyone that isn’t straight white cisgender male.

Be very careful, all you "other" Texans, you may be next.


  1. Children need to be able to choose for themselves, but permanent choices cannot be made until a child has reached a point where they can make the choice logically as well as emotionally. Until that point they need all the support they can get and if that means puberty blockers, then fair enough. If a child feels more comfortable in the clothes of other than their birth gender no-one should be making fun of them, just accept it. Boys who play with dolls and girls who play with toy guns are part of life's rich pattern, not someone to be made the butt of other people's jokes.

  2. Maybe we need a TEXIT... It's truly sad how the Democrats have not figured out how to deal with the Republicans. Maybe one day.

  3. Well, it *is* Texas...
    xoxo :-)

  4. Trans issues arone of the things conservatives have been working on for years now. Even before Cheeto won the presidency. It's their latest wedge issue and the one issue they will brandish to get money and push their candidates.
    Eff Texas, indeed!


  5. Absolutely appalling! The only criteria should be the best interests of the child and that is for the courts to determine in accordance with evidence, not the state.

  6. Paxton is in serious trouble both legally and electorally so the MAGA base is his target, and Abbott, too, is having issues. I suspect this has a lot to do with the primary today, and getting out the MAGA's to vote..

  7. @Helen
    Agreed. And the idea that loving and accepting and respecting your children is some form of child abuse because the child might identify as trans is the start of all kinds of anti- laws.

    I like the idea of a Texit, and I also like the idea of the Blues standing up to the Reds and taking them down, one by one by one.

    Sadly, yes, it is to be expected.

    The ignorance and fear is what scares me the most. It’s like common sense has left the party.
    If they ever had it!

    Sadly, the GOP is using these “others” to scare their constituents into voting for these haters.

    If people would put away their fear, and educate themselves to trans issues, and have an open mind and a little respect for others, this bull shit might not be going on, even in Texas.

  8. I love how conservatives are the first to cry foul when it comes to how THEY choose to raise their kids and what their kids are exposed to... but, if they don't agree with how you choose to raise YOUR child - they come for you anyway they can. Thing is - there is a truth here that is being pushed aside - which seems to be another thing conservatives are very comfortable with doing - ignoring truth.

  9. They scream and moan about freedom but God forbid you have the freedom to make medical decisions about your family in concert with your doctor.

  10. Abbot is trying to find a way to get trans kids to kill themselves

    Governor Hot Wheels must be stopped


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