
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

This Bitch: Dan Bongino

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, a former Republican congressional candidate, and Parler investor, went apeshit on FOX & Friends earlier this week about the ultra-conservative extremist possibly terrorist social media platform being banned from Amazon, Apple, and Google, and their app stores, in the wake of the domestic terror attack on the Capitol:

“We were wiped out! … I have not slept all weekend. They have effectively tried to bankrupt me and my investors on Parler, and you know what? They won. … They wiped a company from the face of the Earth this morning, and liberals and the media are celebrating it. What are we gonna talk by? Carrier pigeon? You think this is gonna help? You think this is gonna de-radicalize everyone, pushing them underground? What planet do you live on?”

Yes, this dick went on the most popular news organization in the world to complain that he’s been silenced.

Oh the idiocy.



  2. Carrier pigeons sound good to me.

  3. Im over all the social media platforms. I'm seriously considering deleting my Instagram. What's the point of these platforms anyhow? There all getting messy and toxic. Instagram is probably most low key....but too many waste their precious time on these sites anyhow.

  4. How many companies have gone belly-up since the start of Covid-19? Millions of people out of work, pensions lost, families without homes. None of them deserved what they got, but Parler? That is a whole different ball game. These people needed to be put down.

  5. PS what kind of idiot revels in the name Bongino? If that was my name I'd have changed it by deed poll the second I legally became an adult

  6. They seem to think that by moving to Telegraph and places on the Dark Web they will be safe from the prying eyes of our federal law enforcement. The song that fits them: "If I Only had a Brain."
    His whining on FAUX and Friends accomplished what it set out to do. They will find new hosting.

  7. What a whack-a-doo!

  8. The idea that they're being 'silenced' is laughable, of course. They are just entitled little c*nts (sorry, c*nts!) who whine at the least provocation. It's his pocket what's suffering and we all know that's the most painful thing for them...


  9. "Me and my investors" ... "Me and my base" ... "Me and my constituents". No matter which way I look, I see it's all about self-interest.

  10. @AM
    And they called Democrats "snowflakes"?

    I imagine, though, that you use social media platforms smartly, and not like some asshatted crybaby.

    If Parler was used to organize this attack, it should be erased from everywhere.

    And that new site will be used to round them up.

    You're so polite!

    The snowflakiest!

    In one word.

    I think since he said "investors" first, he's whining because he lost money. Boo-effing-hoo!

  11. If you need to go away for a week or two, don't ask that guy to watch your house. Most of the plants will be dead. The cat will have run away. The bird will be dead. The dog will have fallen into a depression that will take years to recover from.

  12. Hmmm... and they say this cancel culture is a bad thing?


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