
Thursday, January 07, 2021

Rant: Traitors, Cowards, Terrorists, Criminals

Traitors; challenging the results of a free and fair election over two months after it occurred because they don’t like the results.

Cowards; turning tail and running when their hate-filled, lie-filled propaganda stirred a mob of homegrown domestic terrorists to storm our nation's Capitol. To break windows; break down doors, take over chambers; take over offices.

I am sitting here watching traitorous Kelly Loeffler now say she will not object to the certification of the election as though she has made a heroic sacrifice. Fuck her; why this woman, who made millions off the deaths of Americans from COVID, who lost her election just yesterday when the people of Georgia decided Blue was the color to follow, is speaking at all is beyond me. She incited hatred and terror with her words, even in defeat; she should be in jail not in Congress.

Liars; trying to save face when they know they are, in great part, responsible, for this attack on our country by our own citizens.

Cheats; who know they had no power to overturn the election, but who still stood in solidarity with ringleaders and traitors like Josh Hawley and Ted Crux who brought this on, who are the cause of this riot, who spurred on terrorism, and who have the blood of those four American citizens who were killed yesterday, on their hands.

I’m sick; I’m sick of the rhetoric and the hate and the cowering before _____. We have spent four years listening to him spew hate about people of color, the LGBTQ+ community; women; dead soldiers; our military veterans and heroes. Four years of hate, of lies, of cheating, of traitorous behavior.

Four years ago, Hillary Clinton lost to _____ and I was devastated. I had long said, what would an alleged billionaire who ran every business he owned into the ground, an adulterer who cheated on all three of his wives, a racist who refused to rent apartments to Black Americans, ever do for America when all he has ever done is for himself.

Well, what he did for America was come awfully close to destroying it because he cannot handle the truth; because he fears prison, because he fears the voice of his father ringing in his ears …. Loser! Loser! Loser!

I remember four years ago listening to the group who would become MAGAts calling me a snowflake and telling me to “Get over it.”

Well, now it’s your turn. Get the fuck over it. Get all the way the fuck over it. He lost. The majority of Americans have had enough with racism in the Oval; we are tired of a crime family profiting off this government, profiting off a pandemic. We are tired; we are over it.

We are over it.

And we voted. We voted him out. And, as is his right, he objected and called it fraud without one single bit of evidence of fraud. He sued … sixty-one times … and he lost … sixty-one times.  He demanded his Attorney General, his own personal Attorney General, to declare fraud, and that man, who had carried ______’s water for years, refused; he saw no fraud. He demanded the United States Supreme Court, to which he appointed three ultra-conservative justices to, call the election a fraud, and they denied his request. The electoral College certified the election; and all that was left before the Biden-Harris inauguration was a ceremonial event in Congress to read the votes and certify them.

But a handful of liars and cheats and cowards and traitors, led by Cruz and Hawley, the lapdogs of evil, couldn’t get over it and vowed to fight the certification, to object. And because of those liars and cheats and traitors and cowards our country was attacked by some of its own people.

After 9/11 we all vowed to never forget. Make that vow again to never forget what the GOP and its group of traitorous cowardly thugs did to our country today.

Never forget. Vote them out. Make America Better Again.


  1. Amen, brother.
    I am beyond outraged. Beyond. This fuckery has reached a point where I cannot even speak. And there will be no repercussions, which makes me even madder.
    Those Repugs who have aided Cheeto need to go. There's work to do. Vote them out, indeed.


  2. Amen! (And Awomen!)

    I feel very slightly better seeing the Republican party suffer as a result of its fealty to Trump. Republicans have lost the Senate, they've lost the presidency and they're fighting with each other. That's what happens when Trump is at the helm. Division and conflict -- he thrives on it.

  3. Amen... and A-women, too... is that a thing? Just making fun of Kevin McCarthy, there. I don't know if you followed his little story arch yesterday. The lady on CBS interrogated, I mean... interviewed him while this whole debacle was going down and held his feet to the fire when it came to responsibility. Had he showed a bit of leadership early on, some of this could have been prevented... but no... Kevin let the sh*tshow go on as scheduled.

    Well, at least they wore masks... ONLY THEY DIDN'T. Oh, and Lindsey up there suddenly doing a 180 in order to save his flatulent azz... I tell you, next time I see him at the baths I am gonna slap him good.

    Sigh. They all need to be held accountable. The orange ogre jailed for inciting a riot. Cokehead Jr. and Rootin' Tootin' Putin Giuliani, too. Hawley, Johnson, and Cruz? Accessories to the crime. Laughable thing is, had this been a BLM protest we would be ordering more body bags. But white redneck ignorant privilege was on display yesterday. Prosecute them all.

    Kamala better kick some ReThuglican Azz with a healthy dose of snark in the next two years. And Grandpa Joe needs to hitch up his pants, put his teeth in and get to work healing this F'd up democracy. It all makes me want to move to... wait for it... Georgia! At least THEY have their sh*t together.

  4. Hear, hear! You've said it. This has been the most trying four years of my life and it's going to take awhile to recover from it. But at least now the healing can start.

  5. America has got to pull itself out of this MAGA tailspin.

  6. Loeffler changed her tune because...wait for it...she LOST.

    I started watching the Congressional Circus when it started. I even watched the first 2 "debate" speeches on AZ. Then I got bored with it and turned it off. Not long after, my phone rang. "Turn on the news, it's going down." Fuck! The TV did not go off until Congress reconvened on PA.

    The disgusting call to action by Cheeto, Cheeto Jr, and Mr. Sweaty caused 4 deaths. The law says, "Free speech. We can do nothing unless there has been a crime committed." So, let's see: 4 deaths, breaking and entering...the list is too long.

    If the Republican Party manages to remain intact after this attempted coup, this disgusting display....

  7. To say I agree would be an understatement. That you had the stamina and composure to write a post about the disgraceful and despicable events and the enablers who fomented those events is remarkable. I did not post anything on my blog and likely will post something brief if anything. I am so exhausted from the past four years and I've read everything that I could possibly say and more. Let's be hopeful and optimistic about the future under Biden and Harris. I am not much for hocus pocus but the White House should not only get disinfected but have several exorcisms and smudging ceremonies to rid it of the evil that has resided there.

  8. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Well said.

  9. Hoping that the days that go
    to the 20th go calmly. That
    _____'s media accounts stay
    locked. Still amazed at how
    bad he was.

  10. I stayed up till 1.30 a.m. watching it and thinking surely NOW they will do something about Trump. Who knows though. Well said Bob!

  11. Putrid and Xi must be laughing themselves sick right now; did Putrid order this to "improve" the optics?

    This was perhaps the penultimate con for Don the Con, using those he has conned to make a disastrous point?

    I am not going to hold my breath in the belief that Pennies from Heaven will use the 25th amendment nor that Donny or his begot will be arrested.

    But there is good news from Georgia! Hooray - yesterday an old lady I know in the next village asked me to ring her this morning as soon as I knew the Georgia results; there is that level of concern in the UK about the Con's antics.

  12. Come the next election day there better be a huge reckoning. I blame the whole of Capital Hill for for this, to letting it get to this point. My slate is clean. I like the new Biden administration, but after that I hope every single one of these politicians lose their seats.... Between bickering, the bills passing over covid and NO ONE, even after investigations, held the monster back or dealt with him. They should have called the 25 amendment a long time ago.....but now I hear only 13 days remaining, to do it??????? A little too late now!!!!!!! They can all sit down and shut up. And if he walk away free I will be done with politics and hope they just all infight to the deaths.

  13. 1) When democrats lost in 2016, they knitted pink hats and donated to Planned Parenthood; 2) I’m counting on uptonking to follow through with ... "I tell you, next time I see him (Lindsey) at the baths I am gonna slap him good”. ROFLMAO!

  14. You have such eloquent rants, Bobulah. Here's hoping for a future of ranting over more pleasant things, like Goop vagina hot rocks and such.

  15. I sent this e-mail to my rep & senators this morning:

    (1) begin impeachment proceedings
    (2) invoke #25 amendment
    (3) arrest seditious representatives/senators and try them for treason
    (4) expel seditious representatives/senators
    (5) disbar seditious representatives/senators (if they are lawyers)

    1/6/21 is a DISGRACEFUL blot on our history books! what are YOU going to do about it?

    my personal feelings: DEATH TO ALL MAGAts!

  16. I very much admire your rant. I am so angry I cannot utilize words that are appropriate.

  17. And in my opinion coward fits the whole of the capital and it's politicians. We democrats need to remember this and grow a pair. I blame us as much as the republicans for creating that monster in the white house.

  18. It is a good day for ranting. Lindsay rolled over the middle of the night, not the first time.

    1. Rolled over Travel? There must have been a hard dick present.

  19. This, Sir, is my favorite rant of the day, Thank you. I am still sputtering and can not quite articulate the horror of this moment, (four years of this "moment") Thanks again!

  20. Your post was well said. I admire your ability to write about it. I am still at a loss for words.

  21. Nice rant, I got to get me one of them buttons. I watched Loefler and could only cringe in horror. The ones who chose not object were doing so out of cowardice, trying to save their own hide. The ones who didn't are traitors and need to be sent back to Hell.

  22. @Six
    The mere fact that even today, they are still carrying "his" water, and still acting like he should have won proves they are traitors and need to be removed from office.
    Cruz and Hawley first!

  23. @Steven
    I need them to suffer more because they brought this on.

  24. @uptonking
    You made me guffaw!
    The baths with Lady G!!!!! Bitchslap that bitch!

  25. @Sadie
    I still wanna see that traitor and his hooker wife dragged out of MY house.
    Then I'll heal.

  26. @Debra
    I think we will, but it will take some time.
    And lots of education.

  27. @whkattk
    Loeffler is the vilest person on the planet.
    And UI think the MAGAts will rip the GOP into shreds, with some being Old School and some being racist toothless cousin fucking Confederate flag waving assholes.

  28. @FRank
    I was writing this in real time when the Congress reconvened and some of the traitors, Loeffler, had a sudden change of heart.
    I felt better getting it out!

  29. @Paul
    Thanks! I do love a good rant!

  30. @TDM
    I think, fingers crossed, that he finally sees he may have gone too far.
    That said, he should be impeached or have the 25th used against him and he should be forcefully removed form the White House.

  31. @Treaders
    The Dems cannot do it alone, and I think the GOP wants to keep their hands clean in case he makes a rebound because they are all little bitches.

  32. @Helen
    The news from Georgia, and the fact that many in the Georgia GOP blame "him" for their loss, might have been too much for this f%king asshat to endure.

  33. @MM
    I need to see these ReTHUGS voted from office. Every single one of them who stood up for this madman for four years had a hand in yesterday.
    I'm about to go Anne Marie on their asses ....

  34. @Boots
    They called us sore losers in 2016, but we didn't break into a federal facility with bombs. We marched.
    I, too, will make sure UptonKing keeps his promise!

  35. @DeeDahLah
    I love to rant. Ask Carlos, because he hears them all out loud before I put them to paper!
    And I need some mindless GOOPish rants soon.

  36. @AM
    I emailed all my Reps, though I doubt Miss Lindsey will do anything other than guzzle chardonnay and cry on the Senate floor that Donald broke her trust.
    That bitch needs to be voted out and I think next time it may happen.

  37. @terry
    I cut out a lot of the more profane stuff, though I still have it all in my head in case I need another verbal rant!

  38. @Agnes
    I agree. The Democrats need to stand up and fight back; playing nice didn't get us anywhere.

  39. @Travel
    It was a perfect day for a rant.
    I hope Miss Lindsey rolls over, falls out out her trick's bed and breaks a hip,

  40. @Linda Sue
    Thanks for the title of Favorite Rant! I am honored to be that!

  41. @MM
    Not with Miss Lindsey. Not as much as she drinks.

  42. @Michael
    Thanks. It was a heat of the moment word vomit.

  43. @Dave
    Loeffler was voted out of office and should have been given no chance to speak, much less wear that _____ian bad weave into the Chambers.

  44. Excellent. You might as well leave the switch in the "ON" position.

  45. @Mitchell
    It's been on since _____ took office ... I'm hoping to turn it off for at least a day after the 20th.


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