
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. And undoing many of _____ wrongs.
    xoxo :-)

  2. You got that right. Like voting every election and we need to find and have a good candidate in place already to replace Joe for whatever he does 2 or 4 term. The Republican's will come tooth and nail... better believe that. The PA republican's took every PA house seat in Bucks County IN A CLEAN SWEEP. That has happened in years. I was crushed.

  3. YOU SOCIALIST COMMIE!!!!! *Snicker*

  4. Not to mention getting that orange buffooooon the hell out of our house!

  5. Apart from the first we need those things too over on this side of the pond - if we stay united we might overcome

  6. Call me a pessimist; but preferably a realist:
    There is a real danger to deal with before we can get to that agenda. The Evil One and the GOP are still intending to steal this election, if not through frivolous lawsuits, then by machinations to get certain state legislators to send GOP-loyalist Electors to cast their votes in the Electoral College despite the states' having gone for Biden/Harris. They are also already obstructing any peaceful transfer to the newly elected POTUS. GOP Loyalists/fanatics are advocating "bombing the battlefield" - in other words putting as many roadblocks to the transfer of power as possible and ultimately cause some kind of constitutional crisis. They are intent on completely destroying democracy.

    We have two months of this ahead. Be vigilant!

  7. @TDM
    That's the real work!

    Down ballot. Vote blue on down ballots.

    And ... ?

    Yes, ma'am.

    Dragged out works form me.

    Change all over.

    Oh, no, I agree, but as this drags out and we all see that he is fighting a losing battle the GOP will change face to save their own asses. And then we vote them out.

  8. We have Georgia to consider, folks. I am hoping Kamala and Joe head down there and get out the vote... We still have a chance to make the senate a little less Repulsivecan.

  9. Agolf Twilter is trying to steal the presidency because the contrast is going to be monumental. Well, and he can go to prison, but mostly because he'll be seen as a failure.
    His ego cannot take that.


    And Upton, I heart you. Repulsivecan? LOVE!

  10. Oh my yes, because you know they're going to try and shovel conservative shit until they're all incarcerated.

  11. @uptonking
    And Stacie Abrams has done a killer job of getting out the vote in Georgia!!

    Agolf Twitler!!!
    I saw a meme today that said 'Biden has a coronavirus team, while _____'s team has coronavirus.'

    It's how they roll, until we stop them.


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