
Monday, November 23, 2020

This Needs To Be Read

I usually save quotes until a Friday post, but this one, from actor Edward Norton, is everything. Norton Tweeted an explanation of sorts about what is going on with ______’s refusal to concede:

“I’m no political pundit but I grew up [with] a dad who was a federal prosecutor & he taught me a lot & I’ve also sat a fair amount of poker [with] serious players & l’ll say this: I do not think _____ is trying to ‘make his base happy’ or ‘laying the groundwork for his own network’……or that ‘chaos is what he loves’.
The core of it is that he knows he’s in deep, multi-dimensional legal jeopardy & this defines his every action. We’re seeing 1) a tactical delay of the transition to buy time for coverup & evidence suppression 2) above all, a desperate endgame…which is to create enough chaos & anxiety about peaceful transfer of power, & fear of irreparable damage to the system, that he can cut a Nixon-style deal in exchange for finally conceding.
But he doesn’t have the cards. His bluff after ‘the flop’ has been called in court … His ‘turn card’ bluff will be an escalation & his ‘River card’ bluff could be really ugly. But they have to be called. We cannot let this mobster bully the USA into a deal to save his ass by threatening our democracy. THAT is his play. But he’s got junk in his hand. So call him.
I will allow that he’s also a whiny, sulky, petulant, Grinchy, vindictive little 10-ply-super-soft bitch who no doubt is just throwing a wicked pout fest & trying to give a tiny-hand middle finger to the whole country for pure spite, without a single thought for the dead & dying. But his contemptible, treasonous, seditious assault on the stability of our political compact isn’t about 2024, personal enrichment or anything else other than trying to use chaos & threat to the foundation of the system as leverage to trade for a safe exit.
Call. His. Bluff. Faith in the strength of our sacred institutions & founding principles is severely stretched…but they will hold. They will. He’s leaving, gracelessly & in infamy. But if we trade for it, give him some brokered settlement, we’ll be vulnerable to his return. We can’t flinch.”

Learn this. Remember it.


  1. Mic drop.........

    He nailed it.Now that he got me hot...can I sleep with him?

  2. I love this.

    And tell Mistress Maddie I'll pass him along when I'm done with him. It'll be just another few minutes.

  3. Der Sulkingfuhrer would like y'all to contribute $400, 000,000 to pay off his upcoming loans, plus a load more to pay off the renegotiated pre-nup for Mrs Pouty McPoutface before he leaves the White House; now that's what he could call a win.

  4. I doubt anyone has ever called Trump's bluff his entire life. Would love to see it happen!

  5. OMG! So good and spot on! Please send to every Rep. Senator! Thanks, Bob.

  6. I'm not religious... but... Amen.

  7. @MM
    I'm at the front of THAT line.

    MY blog, Me first!!!

    From all of us!

    That ain't happening.

    Me, too!!

    He is adorkable. And smart, which is really hot.

    Sadly, most of the GOP is still drinking the Kool-Aid.

    Same here!

  8. Oh, absolutely brilliant.
    This is one of the best (if not the best) take on Agolf Twitler I've seen. Caling Cheeto's bluff will do what it does when we call the playground bully's bluff: he deflates and goes away.
    He'll live in infamy. Him and all his spawn.


  9. Interesting, except for the poker metaphor.

  10. @Six
    Here's hoping he lives in Infamy that a prison in New York??

    i liked the metaphor.

  11. RE uptonking on
    "I'm not religious... but... Amen."

    I'm religious. So ... Amen.


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