
Monday, November 16, 2020

I Bet This Killed Him ...

Apparently, Fucker, er, um Tucker Carlson, that Fox News wingnut and asshat, has apologized on the air after a Georgia news station proved to him that he had falsely alleged lied that a dead man voted illegally in the November election.

It all started when Carlson claimed that a ballot had been cast for James Blalock of Covington, a World War II veteran who passed away in 2006, which, clearly, made it impossible for him to vote in 2020; Fucker said:

"No one quite embodies that story like James Blalock of Covington, Georgia. Mr. Blalock was a mailman for 33 years, until he passed away in 2006. Fourteen years later, according to state records, he was still mailing things. James Blalock cast a ballot in last week's election."

 But, that was wrong and a lie and even an asshat like Fucker Carlson, who has a staff of people who can verify stories for him if he cannot do so himself, should not have missed it … the ballot Carlson whined about was cast by Blalock’s widow … “Mrs. James R. Blalock, Jr."

And then voting officials in Newton County, near  Atlanta, released a statement saying Carlos was wrong, lying, full of crap, pandering to wingnuts, toeing the Fox News line, because, again, the actual voter was Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr.:

"Her voter registration was signed as Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr. and that is exactly how she signed her name when she voted in the Nov. 3 general election. Newton County conducts its elections and voter registration efforts with transparency and attention to detail and hopes that any reporting on this or any other election be done [with] the same level of fact-checking and accurate information."

Even Mrs. James E. Blalock, Jr. stepped forward; Agnes Blalock, James’ 96-year-old widow, confirmed the story:

"He's not voting. He didn't vote. It was me."

And so, Fucker Carlson apologized, but as lying sociopaths do, he reiterated the original lie about dead folks voting: 

"We've got some good news tonight and an apology. One of the people who voted in last week's election isn't dead. James Blalock is still dead. We told you about him, but it was his wife who voted. She voted as Mrs. James Blalock. It's old-fashioned, and we missed it ... It was Mrs. James Blalock, so apologies for that, and of course we're always going to correct when we're wrong, and we were."

And then he alleged that "a whole bunch of dead people did vote" without an iota of proof, because … Fox News lies, and Fucker Carlson is a liar.


  1. Fact checking triumphs again!

  2. I don't watch Fox News. but judging from the picture someone should really tell Tucker, gravy's not a beverage.

    Not trying to get them to prove there point or gets evidence is futile. They don't seem to get it. they all just keep arguing and beating a dead horse.

  3. fucker carlson can fuck right off!

    "of course we're always going to correct when we're wrong, and we were." - ANOTHER FUCKING LIE! they NEVER correct their stories!

  4. Hahaha. His name with an F is much more appropriate.
    And he's trash. Grasping at straws. The MAGAts eat it up, though.


  5. Dead men tell no tales. I wonder if he'd volunteer to prove that? I refuse to let refuse into my life enough to give me an ulcer. If Balder hasn't done it in our almost fifty year acquaintance, then this Tucker certainly won't! Sheesh, what a turdbird!

  6. Why let the facts stand in the way of a good headline.

  7. My money says Carlson will join the fledgling propaganda network the Idiot Jerk wants to start which will, like most of his other business ventures, fail until he gets a large influx of Russian Cash.

  8. SS,DD. Carlson is just another peanut fragment in the steaming pile of crap that is Fox News, which is best treated as something to watch while profoundly stoned and huffing nitrous oxide.

  9. If he actually apologized all the times he's been wrong, Tucker would have nothing but show after show of apologies. He even lies about apologizing for lying! He can't help it. He is a privileged white man... they can't help themselves. It's like f'ng porn stars, cheating on their wives, tapping feet in airport mensrooms and running for political office... it's in their DNA.




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