
Thursday, November 05, 2020


I was watching HouseHunters the other day—I’m a little obsessed with homes and real estate—and there was a lovely couple. Sarah and Loren. Only, upon listening further, I realized Loren was Lauren, Okay …

Carlos come sin and he stops to watch for a moment, and says:

“The husband is kind of cute.”

“They’re lesbians.”

“Are you sure?”

I put on my soft, nurturing teacher voice and say:

“Two women are a lesbian couple; two men are a homosexual couple…”

“I know that. But she looks like a man with hat short hair.”

“Exactly! She. So, again … two women are a lesbian couple; two men are a homosexual couple and … “

“Stop that!”

“A man and a woman couple are an abomination before God.”

Just kidding with y’all, especially my straight coupled followers,

Tuxedo wants to get away from politics, and so he’s been listening to some country music, and he just doesn’t quite get it.

UPDATE: y’all can put it back in your pants, because  Luke Evans and Rafael Olarra, who had fans thinking that they ended their relationship after they unfollowed each other on Instagram, might be back together.

Last week, it was discovered that Luke and Rafa both unfollowed each other on Instagram—ouch—and Luke appeared to have erased nearly every photo of Rafa from his page, though Rafa didn’t seem to delete posts from his account. But Rafa did leave Australia, where he was spending time with Luke for the past three months while the actor filmed the upcoming series Nine Perfect Strangers.

But the very next day, both men refollowed each other on Instagram and posted photos on Instagram Stories that looked back at their relationship.

But Luke, my offer still holds if a breakup occurs and you need some special care …

Also, more from my BFF—Blocked From [Me] Forever—Kirstie Alley.

Last week the former actress, current  MAGAt accused CNN fearmongering about the COVID-19 pandemic via Twitter:

“I now Know why my personal friends who walk around in SHEER TERROR of contracting Covid are simply CNN viewers! I decided to watch CNN myself to get a their [sic] viewpoint and oh my God DID I EVER!!!!”

Well, the official CNN PR Twitter account clearly has zero fucks to give, at least where has been actresses are concerned, and Tweeted back:

Kirstie, you are welcome to change the channel - just like countless viewers did every time ‘Veronica’s Closet’ came on TV. But don’t downplay the loss of nearly 230K American lives. And please, wear a mask.

And that is so not Fake News.

On Tuesday Mississippi voters approved a new flag to replace their old one that featured a Confederate battle emblem. The new flag features a magnolia―the state flower―along with 20 white stars, a nod to Mississippi being the 20th state to enter the union, with a single gold at the top to represent the indigenous tribes, along with the legend “In God We Trust” below the magnolia.

I like that the racist part is gone, and I love the representation of indigenous peoples.

Good on Mississippi, for a change.

Color me surprised … Kanye West admits defeat in presidential election after getting 57,000 votes in 12 states.

Who the %$#@ are these 57,000 people and why are they allowed to vote?

I saw this yesterday on Facebook, and it seemed rather fitting. Let’s make sure he is completely uninstalled, and make sure the likes of this racist, rapist, bigot is never installed in this country again.

I was perusing around the blog-o-sphere this morning and stopped in at my friend Sheila Morris; blog, I'll Call It As I See It, and learned that a friend of ours, Matt Chisling, had passed away on Tuesday at the age of 91.

I honestly believe that if you fall under the LGBTQ+ blanket in South Carolina, especially in the Midlands, you knew Matt. We met the LGBTQ+ activist, storyteller, and kind soul through our friends, the Round-The-Way-Gays, Neal and David, and quickly grew to adore Matt. He often came to our Cinco de Never parties, and held court in the sunroom, telling stories of the old days, the new days, and the days yet to come.

RIP Matt.

PS As Sheila pointed out, Matt died on election day, having “never lost either his enthusiasm for democracy or his passion for the Democratic Party.” So, let’s win this one for Matt.

The first time I saw a photo of Tom Zalac, I thought he was a very handsome man. And then, as happens, as I saw more pictures of him, I realized he was a very handsome man who liked to pose in his under, or nothing at all.

That’s all.


  1. (Carlos) (Tuxedo)
    (Matt Chisling)

    take care, xoxo :-)

  2. I hope your friend Matt was able to get his vote in and died peacefully

    We can only hope that KKK's madder half didn't take any votes away from Joe, just from Trumpelstiltskin; still keeping fingers crossed.

  3. Ohhh Kristie is gonna need some aloe vera for that burn! And she's already in a cult. What's the surprise there?
    Hahaha oh, Carlos.
    That testing/voting analogy? On point.
    And Mississippi did the right thing? Who knew? Always surprises.
    Luke & Rafa? Dreamy. Isn't it funny how things work in the social network era?
    And I'd like a Zalac in the morning and one in the afternoon, please. Doctor's orders.


  4. Mississippi's new flag looks great -- SO much better!

  5. oy, carlos! and bob, you naughty boy! ;-b

    tuxedo is one damn smart cat.

    CNN - BOOM! (mic drop)

    MS flag - better; get rid of the jeebus shit and it's perfect.


    sorry for the loss of your friend.

    great tweet!

  6. Kristie Ally should get a part in the sequel to Hocus Pocus. Not like they'd need to do any hair and makeup on the fat cow.

    Oh, that's right, She'd have to act.

  7. Yay, Mississippi! A raspberry for Kirstie. And I like to imagine that the people who voted for Kanye did so because they couldn't make themselves vote Blue, but they also knew voting Red was voting for the devil, but they still felt they had to vote.

  8. Carlos is so cute. As is Tux. Hmmm. I don't know who Luke and Rafael are... and I don't need to. Yay. I am celebrit-cured. As for Cultist Kirstie - LOL Good for CNN! Hmmm. Mississippi - now, if we could just get this 'God' of theirs out of our bedrooms, doctor's offices, schools and polling places - everything would be perfect! (Except we'd still have Moscow Mitch and Light-In-The Loafers Lindsey.) But a move in the right direction. F Kanye West. Big F. Right up the A-hole. F'ing dislike that MF. Sorry about your friend. And Tom? Well... he's in good shape and zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oops. Sorry. Dozed off there. (wink, wink).

  9. @TDM
    Thanks, Matt was a gentle, loving, funny soul.

    Oh, Matt voted, and it was Blue all the way!

    I'll still be here for Luke, if he ever needs it.
    Tom, too.

    I loved the nod to indigenous people, too.

    I love toying with Carlos, in every sense of the word.

    Kirstie only knows how to act like a Cult of $cientology and MAGAt loon.

    Still, those folks wasted a vote, and these days that's not good.

    Yeah, the 'God' stuff has no place on the flag.

  10. Sorry, Bob, Luke has been with us ever since the Instagram debacle. But he cut his hair short, so no one knew if he was a man or a woman.

  11. Carlos... maybe he needs to get out more.

    Kristie...looks bitter.

    Tom is... intersting.

  12. @Mitch

    Nah, Carlos is good just as he is.


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