
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Tuesday Thought #1


  1. Hahaha
    How dare you ask for the Trumpanzees to have one ounce of logic in them? The idea that children should be send back to schools is crazy, but not too crazy if you know that they think that one, teachers are disposable and two, that they believe the 'economy' will be back once parents send their kids to school (??).
    The conservative mind is different, dear. And don't just trust my word. There's studies that will confirm it. COVIDidiots.


  2. At this rate we may as well let the mob and mafia run the country you ask me. I don't know why they worry about those two catching not!!!!

  3. Hoping smarter brains prevail!
    take care, stay safe, xoxo :-)

  4. Bob, Bobbette, Bobulah, you expect sense from covidiots? How quaint.

  5. I would imagine that only the children of ordinary people will be expected to go back to school with no guidelines followed, but the poor and unimportant are disposable. I bet Betsy de Vos' grandchildren won't be going back to school - they'll be privately tutored to keep them away from the rif-raff who might give them Covid-19

  6. dump and devos don't care about anything but $$$$$.

  7. I bet Ivanka's kids won't be going back to school either! Wish somebody would call them out on that!

  8. Don’t forget that covidiot-45 and the rest of the anti-science followers firmly believe that the virus does not affect children. Further, on the off chance a child does contract Covid-19, it will be a mild case, more like the “sniffles”, and they will be over it in a day or two -- unless, of course they die.

    _____ should be charged with genocide (democide) when (after) he is dragged, kicking and screaming from the White House in January. Why he is still infesting the White House is a tragedy of epic proportions. Every single republicon who has looked the other way at his behavior, has supported him, or excused his actions and approved his *policies* needs to be unemployed after their respective elections.

  9. Kids are super carriers... avoid them at all cost.

  10. Manafort lives about 1.5 miles from me, I was tempted to post pictures of his home "confinement." One of the charges he was tried on was fraud on the mortgage application for his multi-million-dollar riverfront condo.


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