
Monday, July 06, 2020

Klan Wife Introduces Racist In Chief

I’m’a keep it brief …

The Occupant of the White House is a racist.

He had Mary Hart, who husband has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the racist’s presidential campaign, introduce him and she did this, as she called the crowd a wonderful audience:

Now, to be perfectly clear, when you are set to introduce a man who many in this country believe has aligned himself with the Klan and White Supremacists and Alt-Right Nazi groups, wouldn’t you make sure there wasn’t even an inkling of something inappropriate … like, oh, I dunno, Mary Hart in Kouture Klan Wife flashing a white power symbol.

Double white power.


  1. What shame. I was hoping Rushmore would have crumbled and took them all out.

    It's to the point now where they don't care and they are not even hiding the hatred now. If he does get more for years...mark my words their will be a relvotion. After more year would end America as we know it.

  2. And she came right out of the depths of hell. Didn't people have seizures when they heard her voice?

  3. oh, my! Not good.

    take care, xoxo :-)

  4. Not one bit surprised. Pity.

  5. Being ignorant, I always assumed that was an okay signal, at least it was when I was young. Now I know I won't be using it....not that I have since I grew up!

  6. I could not believe it. It was awkward and bold at the same time. Screaming racism and bigotry for all to see.
    I understand a QAnon candidate is on the ballot here. People are stupid, stupid, stupid.


  7. Wow...never knew that about her. She certainly kept those ideas quiet while she was raking in the money doing TV! Bitch!

  8. I don't think she flashed it, I believe she held so everybody could take a pictures of her bad face lift.


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