
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Careful What You Say ... Karma Is Listening

First off, y’all know I don’t follow the volleyball, or whatever it’s called, but apparently one Christion Jones, a kick returner and running back for the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League, stepped in it over the weekend when, out of the blue, he Tweeted:
 “Ima keep it this real…. Man ain’t suppose to be with a man. A women is not suppose to be with another women. THATS ME THO! Live life with safety.”
Let’s move beyond the illiteracy and onto one Janis Irwin, a member of the Legislative Assembly for the New Democratic Party of Canada, who responded to Jones:
I’m going to keep this real too... I‘m a woman who loves women. Live life with kindness, and don’t worry about who other people love. Also … you play for the Edmonton Eskimos. You play a few blocks from my house at Commonwealth Stadium. I’m so proud to represent this community, but you need to know we are kind and we are welcoming. We challenge racism. We challenge homophobia. Your comments hurt.”
And Jones, still feeling himself, replied:
“We challenge racism and homophobia???? Are you serious.?? Ok after this IM DONE. WOOOOOWWWWWWWW.I never will apologize. Thank you tho bro.”
But then as Twitter came for Jones he was not done, and went after people who suggested he be removed from the team:
“They trying to get me fired now!!. A black man giving his opinion on Twitter is sickening for many. People understand that I don’t care about getting fired standing on what I stand on. An opinion is obligated.
And finally, the Edmonton Eskimos stepped into the fray and, well, fired Jones:

Suddenly, Christion Jones was all contrite, and apologized:
“From Janis Irwin. ‘This is an opportunity for growth.’ She is absolutely right. My words were deeply hurtful, painful and served zero purpose. I added to the struggle of a community, to live a life free of oppression of any kind. I sincerely apologize. I was wrong.”
Too late, sir, and based on your previous Tweets where you said you’d never apologize, not entirely believable. It sounds like you lost your job and so that’s the reason, the only reason, you apologized.

Racism is wrong; homophobia is wrong; and both should be challenged whenever they appear.



  1. IDIOT! he's only sorry cause he got caught!

  2. These asshole who are all racist or homophobic or whatever, you'd think they'd keep their thoughts to themselves. Times are changing, and they should see how many are being released from the jobs and contracts and such. People do not want to be associated with that.

    Meanwhile one of my long-term crushes James Longman proposed to his boyfriend today. While it was adorable it twas a hard pill to swallow.

  3. This was big news here in Edmonton for a day or two alright. The media reported his original tweet and his later, contrite apology after being fired, but didn't report the intervening tweets, so thanks for filling me in.

  4. @MM
    I saw that about James and instantly complained to Carlos that my boyfriend was getting married.

  5. Once you cut the Benjamins they all do the sorry if I offended anybody bullshit routine.
    Also, he should watch that grammar.


  6. Sit down.. shut up.. keep quiet until you have something intelligent to say. Enjoy having your dream crushed!

  7. What a dick. Oh, this cost me... NOW I’m sorry.

  8. Kudos to the team for "releasing him" from the roster!


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