
Friday, December 27, 2019

I Didn't Say It ...

Annette Bening, actress, on her son Stephen’s gender identity after transitioning from Kathlyn Elizabeth in his teens:

“He’s managed something that’s very challenging with great style and great intelligence. He’s an articulate, thoughtful person, and I’m very, very proud of him. When I was younger, part of me thought I could save my children from having to suffer, which was, of course, ridiculous. They have to go through their struggles.”

That’s parental love; loving your children unconditionally, and being there with them as they make their way through life.
PS Is it just me or does Annette bear a striking resemblance to Elizabeth Warren?
Barack Obamamy president, the greatest president, speaking at a leadership event in Singapore about women:

"Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you're better than us [men]. I'm absolutely confident that for two years, if every nation on Earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything ... living standards and outcomes. If you look at the world and look at the problems, it's usually old people, usually old men, not getting out of the way. It is important for political leaders to try and remind themselves that you are there to do a job, but you are not there for life, you are not there in order to prop up your own sense of self-importance or your own power."

Look at that! Barack and I are likethis on the issue.
Men have been fucking up this country for two hundred years. Now’s the time to let women take over and fix this shiz.
_____, speaking like a fool, again:

“I never understood wind. I know windmills very much, I have studied it better than anybody. I know it is very expensive. They are made in China and Germany mostly, very few made here, almost none, but they are manufactured, tremendous—if you are into this—tremendous fumes and gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything. You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right spewing, whether it is China or Germany, is going into the air. A windmill will kill many bald eagles. After a certain number, they make you turn the windmill off, that is true. By the way, they make you turn it off. And yet, if you killed one, they put you in jail. That is OK. But why is it OK for windmills to destroy the bird population?”

You cannot make this shiz up: he said this.
Either impeachment is getting to him or he is the most illiterate person on the planet.
Or both.
Mark Galli, Christianity Today editor, on _____:

“I am making a moral judgement that he is morally unfit, or even more precisely it’s his public morality that makes him unfit. None of us are perfect we’re not looking for saints, but a president has certain responsibilities as a public figure to display a certain level of public character and public morality. My argument is not to judge him as a person in the eyes of God, that’s not my job, but to judge his public moral character and to ask has he gone so far that he evangelical constituency that we represent can we in good conscience do the trade off anymore. It strikes me as strange that for people that take the teachings of Jesus Christ seriously, teachings of the Ten Commandments seriously, that we can’t at least say publicly and out loud and in front of God and everybody that this man’s character is deeply, deeply concerning to us and in my judgement has crossed a line and no longer think he’s fit to lead the United States of America.”

_____ attacked Galli and called him unfit—nice comeback, I know you are but what am I—and those _____-vangelicals still support the drug-addicted pervert.
Elizabeth Warren, promising to read the names of transgender people killed every year when she is president:

“I will make sure that we read their names so that as a nation we are forced to address the particular vulnerability on homelessness. I would change the rules now that put people in prison based on their birth sex identification rather than their current identification.”

Nice idea, but howsabout fully investigating the murders of our trans brothers and sisters and fully punishing those people? Howsabout stopping these murders and murderers so we never have to read their names?
Howsabout that, Liz?
Dwyane Wade, NBA player, on accepting his queer 12-year-old child Zion:

“You want to talk about strength and courage? My 12-year-old has way more than I have. You can learn something from your kids. I had to look myself in the mirror when my son at the time was 3 years old and me and my wife started having conversations about us noticing that he wasn’t on the boy vibe that Zaire [Wade’s other son] was on. And, I had to look myself in the mirror and say, ‘What if your son come home and tell you he’s gay? What are you going to do? How are you going to be? How are you going to act?’ It ain’t about him. He knows who he is. It’s about you. Who are you? All these people that’s out there saying those things, look at yourself. Understand that you’re the one who got the issues. It’s not the kids. I watched my son from day one become into who—she—now eventually has come into. And for me it’s all about, nothing changes with my love. Nothing changes with my responsibilities.”

That’s how a parent acts if they truly love their child.
Kudos to Wade and his whole family.


  1. Funnily enough my self same thought on Warren's transgender comments was do something about stopping the murders rather than the cutesy solution of reading out the names of the fallen?

    And as for wind - I thought the Flatulent in Chief knew everything? He has the greatest brain, so why not know about wind? Or was that farts he was talking about?

  2. How can anyone listen to _____ and
    not want to evoke the 25th?

    xxoxoxox :-)

  3. Damn, I want to adopt Dwyane Wade! Made me tear up!!!


  5. The giant orange sack of gas must have doubled up on his hallucinogenic substances. That’s some kinda batshit craziness. Even for him!

  6. And I now adore Annette Bening.


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