
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Out With The Old, In With The New

These are the old ceiling fans in the living room at Casa Bob y Carlos. We never liked them but could never agree on what kind to get, until Carlos spotted some online.

Cut to today and the ones were installed ... much more retro-modern than just retro-old, dontcha think?

Plus ... no husbands were hurt, or suffered hurt feelings, during the installation!


  1. Very nice! And great job on installation and safety.
    My friend has an ultra modern house with tall, tall,
    2 floor ceilings. When they replaced a fan the guy
    had to build a scaffolding to reach it. The cats thought
    he was funny.

  2. Luckily we just needed a ladder because I had a dream last night that Carlos fell out of a tree, so I was cautious about him even being four feet off the floor!

  3. i really like it!


  4. the old ones look so...70s. the new ones remind me of art deco. and I am happy you two were able to complete the installation successfully!

  5. Props to the twin props! They look fantastic and have provided a much needed improvement by the looks of it. It's nice to know that their instillation went without incident

  6. Bloggers can never have TOO many fans. (Oh dear!)

  7. Very sleek and airplane-propeller-like!

  8. Very nice, what I call classical simplicity.


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