
Monday, December 29, 2014

FoxNews: The Dumbest "News" Network Ever

I know! You know! But still ...

It all began with, yes, yet another airline disappearing over the ocean in Southeast Asia and the conspiracy theories are up and running already; it was a terrorist attack; it was hijacked; it fell into the ocean and sank; a UFO beamed it up.

But, while not so much a conspiracy theory, the dumbest explanation by far for what might have happened to lost AirAsia Flight QZ8501 comes from, naturally, Fox News and one of its blonde news pundits.

Anna Kooiman, the dim-bulb-blonde in question, wondered, out loud and on air, if the … wait for it, it’s absolutely precious … seriously … if the metric system is to blame for the plane’s disappearance; and then, to throw gasoline onto the fire of her own stupidity, she asked if international flights are unsafe for Americans because of the metric system.

Kooiman also seemed to think that Americans should be scared of international travel because international pilots are trained to use the metric system and American pilots are not. Even when Fox’s own guest expert, FAA spokesperson Scott Brenner, explained that while there are differences between American pilots and international pilots, the differences in how we measure things does not make international flights less safe.
KOOIMAN: “Even when we think about temperature, it’s Fahrenheit or Celsius. It’s kilometers or miles. You know, everything about their training could be similar, but different.”
BRENNER: “I think you see a large reliance on automatic pilot and the requirement that pilots use that automatic pilot more often than probably more than in the US. A lot of that is just because a lot of crashes are due to pilot error. So, if you try and eliminate any potential risk, you try and eliminate the pilot’s ability to make incorrect inputs into the aircraft.”
KOOIMAN: “It’s not just a difference in the way that we measure things? Is it not as safe in that part of the world? Because our viewers may be thinking, ‘International travel, is it safe? Is it not safe?’”
BRENNER: “It’s incredibly safe. It’s the safest mode of travel you can have. But just on training, I believe our U.S. pilots are very well trained… They also actually fly the aircraft when they’re in the cockpit versus, a lot of times as soon as those wheels are up, a lot of times folks are required, foreign pilots are required to hit that autopilot almost until wheels come back down again.”
So, it’s the metric system, y’all, coming at us from some evil, no doubt Democratic, empire and hell bent on destroying the very fabric of America.

Fix News. The Dumbest Bunch of News “People” Anywhere.


  1. WTF!!! I almost had to check the calendar to ensure it wasn't 4/1.

  2. Wait.........Fox has news??????

  3. I was taught in the metric system during my six years of schooling in Canada. I'm. Doomed.

  4. All non-American education is clearly worthless so as my degree is not from Largeville Arkansas it is not worth a damn

  5. Good gawd almighty. A shining example of American self-centered importance...based on horse shit, I might add. What a brain-rattled twit. Evidently the peroxide has eaten through her skull down to the gray matter...what little she had to begin with, that is.

  6. As Raybeard said, "WTF!!!"

  7. this bimbo should be your "asshat of the week"! what a stoopid bitch!

  8. So, some pilot is going to say "well, we're over the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but it's been however many kilometers, so I'm just gonna go ahead and set 'er down here?"

  9. So people that use the metric system forgot how to use it and that's why the plane had an accident? Puhlease.

  10. Oh, and wasn't it's (presumably) tragic fate all due to Obama as well?

  11. I've heard a lot of silly reasons over the years as to why we just "cant" move to the metric system. But this is a new realm of stupidity, metric use makes plane travel unsafe? Ummm, should someone make sure she stays away from fire and sharp things and has a minder for crossing streets?


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