
Monday, September 22, 2014

Same-Sex Marriage, Same Stupid Argument ... Even An Eight-year-old Knows Better

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Abbey who lived in Oz … Oztralia … Australia … and she has two gay uncles in Melbourne, who had to travel to New Zealand to be married. Her uncles, Michael Barnett and Gregory Storer, are set to appear in a TV series in which they will live for one week with David, a conservative Anglican priest who is anti-marriage-equality, and when Abbey heard about the show, she began writing to Aussie Prime Minister Tony Abbott about same-sex marriage …
To Tony Abbott
my name is Abbey and I am 8 years old.
My unkls are gaye and we had to go to New Zeland to have ther wedding it is going to be on TV it's called Living with the Enemy they wont to get marred in Astralea but thats eligle
I will write to you once a day for a week.
P.S. I wold like the law changed.
Me, too, Abbey, me, too. I would like the law changed everywhere.
To Tony Abbott
I would like my uncles to be able to get married in Australia.
Gay marriage is no different to any other marriage because its only about love and nothing else.
I would like the law changed
Age 8
Out of the mouths of babes … “it’s only about love and nothing else.”
To Tony Abbot
I'm just reminding you that I'm writing to you once a day for a week because I would like the law changed. So that gay people can get married.
Abbey age 8
To Tony Abbott
this is the 4th letter I am writing to you about gay marriage.
I haven't had a reply from you yet so when you have time please write back. I know it's hard running a country. I would love it if you wrote back
Will you change your mind about gay marriage?
To Tony Abbott
Change is normally for the best. It's okay to make a change to laws and the way you think.
from Abbey
To Tony Abbott
I only have one more letter to you. I would absolutely love it if you would change the law about gay marriage.
from Abbey.
To Tony Abbott
This is my last letter I've loved writing to you Gay marriage is what my uncles should have the right to do :)
Please, please change the law :)
And finally, after a week of Abbey’s letters, Tony Abbott responded …
Dear Abbey,
Thank you for letting me know your views on same-sex marriage. I appreciate you letting me know about your own family. In my family, I have a sister with a female partner. My sister’s partner is a loved member of our family. While I respect your views on same sex marriage, I hold a different view. My personal position is to support the existing definition of marriage. The Government supports the current definition of marriage contained in the Marriage Act. Any change to this policy would be a matter for the Coalition Party Room. Thank you again for writing to me. I wish you well in the future.
 Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott
Isn’t it funny? To an eight-year-old it’s just love; to an eight-year-old it’s okay to change your mind; to an eight-year-old change is best.

But, to Tony Abbott, who claims to love his sister and her partner, it’s best to let things just stand; let same-sex couples be less than; let your sister feel inequality.

Too bad Tony Abbott, and so many others all around the world, can’t take a moment and think like an eight-year-old girl.

The world might be a much better place.
letter photos courtesy of Bilerico


  1. HOW can that man live with his conscience? he would deny his OWN SISTER the right to marry? what an asshat!

  2. We have a local Catholic radio station that disagrees with Abbey. Thet said that love is not that important to marriage, or even necessary. It is all about breeding and getting into Heaven. The whole notion of finding a soulmate, they say, is childish and naive.

    They are obviously getting desperate trying to counteract the agrument that you should be able to marry whomever you love. Abbey is obviously light years ahead of this very unromantic, way of looking at the world.

  3. Love is not important to a marriage or even necessary? From a group of people representing the Catholic church whose titular head is the God of Love? If he'd ever lived Jesus would be turning in his grave right now.

    Abbey is right; as the younger generations grow up, so things will change.

  4. I would honestly hate to be Tony's sister! You just know how uncomfortable family get together for holidays must be when her and her wife come.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid man! Learn from a child, they see the world as it should be, not as it is.

  5. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Any marriage is stupid, if there wasn't any marriage people could just leave one person and find another. Life would be much simpler and people might be happier. I would like to see a law that would ban all marriage.


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