
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Matt Kaplon Comes Out

It seems that every week sees more and more LGBT people opening up that closet door and stepping out; and it seems that many of these newly out are from the fields of professional sports, as well as college players.

We can count Matt Kaplon among the latter.

Kaplon, student and baseball player for Drew University, came out to his team and the world last weekend after being inspired by the coming out story of NCAA basketball player Derek Schell. Matt Kaplon credits Schell with saving his life and said of his own coming out:
“Everyone tells me that college is supposed to be the best four years of my life. I've had a great time, but for three and a half of them, I've been hiding things and not being the real me. Building friendships and meeting people and with my teammates, they know part of me but I finally feel like I want them to know everything. I want to be me 100% and make sure they know I'm not hiding anything. I'm ready for that. I'm ready to start not having to hide.”
Matt was welcomed by his team, and congratulated on coming out, and even his coach, Brian Hirschberg, was proud:
“He's as close to a family member as anyone I've ever coached. He's like a younger brother to me. When Matt shared his story with me, I respected him more, if that's even possible.”
So, welcome out Matt, and as our Coming Out gift to you, HOMO HQ will be sending you a copy of The Gay Agenda as well as the time-honored Official Coming Out Toaster Oven.

Welcome out, Matt, welcome out.

And, Thanks Coach.


  1. YAY!! The more athletes and other folks in the public eye that bravely come out, the easier it is for those who follow them.


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