
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Random Musings

Shortly before the Minnesota State Legislature voted for marriage equality—and effectively told her to sit down—Michele Bachmann Tweeted this:

Shortly after the vote she raced home to make sure Marcus-s-s-s hadn’t run off with his boyfriend to be first in line to get a marriage license.

Overheard At Home, Part One:
Carlos: I was thinking …..
Bob: Uh oh.

This week Barbara Walters announced that she is retiring from TV. It was just a little over a month ago that rumor mills swirled that she would retire and she announced then that she had no intention of doing so.

Guess four weeks made a difference.

Walters said on The View that she was retiring because she wants people to say, Oh! Is she leaving? And not, Why is she still here?

Too late. Plus, her retirement won’t take effect for another thirteen months. It’s gonna be like a Cher Farewell Tour and drag on for.ever.

If you’re wondering why the GOP and its media lapdog FauxNews are holding on to some Benghazi conspiracy theory, here’s why:


In light of the IRS scandal, Tea Party darling, wingnut, asshat, and Republican US Senator Marco Rubio sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Jack Lew demanding the IRS Commissioner resign over the agency’s admission that low-level Ohio staffers targeted some Tea Party groups for special scrutiny in 2011. Rubio, and The Goose-stepping GOP, are saying that ‘Obama’s IRS’ is playing politics—even though W did the exact same thing while in office.

The only problem with Rubio’s request?

There is no IRS Commissioner, only an acting one who was appointed when the actual IRS Commissioner—appointed by President George W. Bush in 2008, resigned in November. So, those shenanigans cooked up by those ‘low-level’ staffers took place under the leadership of a Republican, one who has since left office.

Sit down Marco, your stupid is showing.

Sometimes Jesus talks to us, even when we don’t realize it.

Anne Pierre was running for Mayor of North Miami; she also goes by the name Princess Anna Pierre, so that should tell you something. But, in the run-up to Election Day, Pierre told reporters that Jesus Christ had endorsed her as His choice for Mayor. Pierre says she learned of Mr. Christ's "spiritual endorsement" by praying before she registered her candidacy, and she claimed to have received three signs confirming that Jesus, in fact, was on her side. When asked what those three signs were, Pierre replied, "Well, I'm going to keep them private."

Despite heavy campaigning by Jesus, North Miami mayoral candidate Anna Pierre got just 56 votes. Sometimes Jesus speaks to us and says, Keep the crazies out of office.

So, I am watching American Idol because I want Candice Glover--from South Carolina, you know--to win. But I have also been watching some of The Voice because that show is still about the singing and not the judges squabble.

It's also about adorably cute and sexy Josiah Hawley.

Plus, he sings good, too.

I have a Gay Man Crush on Angelina Jolie. Sure, maybe it has more to do with her proximity to Brad Pitt, but O loves me some Jolie.

And I loved how this week she wrote an op-ed piece about her choice to have a double mastectomy when she was diagnosed with having the Breast Cancer Gene, and having an 87% chance of developing breast cancer. I found her story brave and compelling and loved her take charge attitude. Then this happened:

A co-worker asked me, the day this story broke, What’s with Angelina Jolie?

I explained the story and this co-worker said, That’s awful. She used to be so beautiful.

I said something about the fact the she’s still beautiful and co-worker said something about her breasts being gone and such.

This co-worker was a woman. Sometimes I just scratch my head.

Overheard at home, Part Two:

Carlos [to Tuxedo]: Eat your food, gato.
Bob: I don’t think they eat as much on hot days.
Carlos: I think it's too hot for them to eat. They don’t like to eat too much on hot days.
Bob: Is there an echo in here?

Earlier this week I discussed my loathing of wearing labels. Well, now I’d like to share my loathing of shoe manufacturers and upscale, idiotic department stores.

Those shoes are by Italian designer A Diciannoveventitre and they are specifically made to look distressed and used up; in fact, they are described as “over-dyed, ultra-distressed high top sneakers with pre-rusted metal eyelets and dye-splattered rubber sole.”

You can buy them at Barney’s for …. Wait for it …. $1,975.00.

Excuse me while I run down to the Smallville Goodwill and buy some old tennis shoes for a nickel and sell online as ‘ultra-distressed’ for a few hundred bucks.

I smell early retirement.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sometimes scratching your head is the only right thing to do.

    Fun post!

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Jesus saves, and he proved it by saving North Miami from one of his stupid minions. I love it!

  4. Don't worry about Tuxedo. I don't think cats eat much when it's hot.

    Anna Pierre is now saying she was mistaken. She didn't receive a sign from Jesus CHRIST. The sign was from Jésus Alou (baseball hand signals) telling her to go back to the locker room.

  5. 2 SNAPS for dan savage!

    hey carlos, besides los gatos, I don't eat much when it's hot outside either. hot days make me sleepy (like today).

  6. Anonymous9:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous9:17 PM

    People who wear those $1975 sneakers are makings a profound statement. They're saying, "I have more money than brains!"

    I love the "Bob and Carlos" anecdotes. They're great!

  8. I smell old, dirty tennis shoes... with a faint whiff of pitiful desperation!

  9. OMG I JUST FINISHED HAVING A LAUGHING ATTACK OK!! I could not stop! When I got to "Mr. Christ's spiritual endorsement of Anna Pierre..." I lost it! THAT IS THE FUNNIEST PIECE OF WRITING EVER! Ah, *sigh* ... thanks for the laugh ... I feel really good now :)


  10. Poor Marco,
    Dumber by the day, & the republicans still haven't figured out that he's already a failed experiment...


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