
Friday, May 24, 2013

Just For Giggles: Weiner

So, Anthony Weiner is trying to stage a political comeback after being forced out of office for Tweeting underwear pictures of his, um, wiener.

He recently announced that he was running for mayor of New York City except .... the banner on the Weiner for Mayor website featured the silhouetted skyline of ... wait for it .... Pittsburgh.

Yes, he's running for mayor of one city but uses the skyline of another on his website. The company that created the site has apologized for their "honest mistake" and has updated the site  with pictures of, yes, finally, New York City.


  1. oh. no.
    Does NY really deserve this?

  2. bwhahahahahaha! what an asshat!

  3. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Oh that is hilarious! It could have been worse, though. If the new pic has Tower One in it you know his opponents will rip him for it being too phallic.

  4. I look at it this way ... If Republicans Mark (Appalachian Trail) Sanford and David Vitter can get back into political office after actually doing the deeds of extra-marital affairs, then why shouldn't Weiner (who was only "sexting") be given another chance?
    The right wing are total hypocrites who always expect a double standard when they do the wrong.


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