
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cross-Dressing, Meth-Dealing Priest Liked Sex In The Rectory

Monsignor Kevin Wallin, that Catholic priest arrested for, ahem, ALLEGEDLY, dealing crystal meth, was suspended from his duties after church officials discovered he was a cross-dresser who was having sex in the rectory at Bridgeport's St. Augustine Cathedral.
The Catholic Church sure can pick 'em.

Wallin was relieved of his duties last May, but the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport kept him on the payroll--your Catholic Charity at work!--up until he was arrested a couple of weeks back for being a meth dealer. At one point, Wallin was selling upwards of $9,000 of meth a week; talk about Breaking Bad.

After being removed from his duties, though still collecting a catholic paycheck, Wallin AKA Monsignor, Meth, bought an adult specialty and video store called Land of Oz that sells sex toys and X-rated DVDs. Investigators believe the shop helped him launder thousands of dollars in weekly meth profits.

Wallin's arrest is rather shocking, considering that, as a man of the cloth, he was involved in many charitable activities. But, some folks, his former parishioners, are blaming anything and everything but the formerly good Monsignor.

Maria Spencer-Fonseca, a long-time parishioner at St. Augustine: "There is an evil invading our world and it has come to our church. This was a work of evil -- and I am praying for the monsignor."

Honey, the evil was in the church the moment Wallin stepped in and began using the rectory--and I won't even go there with the jokes that so easily write themselves--as his personal sex den.

Therese Ruppert, a parishioner at the Church of St. Peter in Danbury, where Wallin was pastor from 1996 to 2002: "I can't fathom it. He was so spiritual. His sermons were wonderful. He had such knowledge of theology."

Theology and chemistry, it seems now.

Wallin, represented by a federal public defender, is charged with possession with intent to distribute and distribution of methamphetamine, and he has been detained without bond pending an arraignment next week.

Diocese officials, trying to cover their own tracks--and remember, they kept paying him even after he was busted doing the deed at the altar--have stressed that they had no knowledge Wallin was selling drugs when he was pastor of St. Augustine's Cathedral or when he previously served as pastor of St. Peter Parish.

Diocese Spokesman Brian Wallace: "We had no indication he had a drug problem and never had complaints regarding him and drugs."

Wallace does admit that the diocese became 'concerned' in the spring of 2011 when they began receiving complaints from parishioners regarding Wallin's appearance and erratic behavior.

"We approached him and he admitted he was struggling a bit and shortly after that he resigned and the bishop granted him a sabbatical," Wallace said.

Wallin did go for a health assessment but didn't go for follow-up examinations and subsequently dropped out of sight. As a result, Wallace said Wallin was suspended.
But some are saying the diocese knew more than they care to admit today. Sources knowledgeable with the case said the situation went deeper than diocese officials will publicly admit.

It seems that while he was pastor of St. Augustine's he often disappeared for days at a time. Rectory personnel became concerned, and notified diocese officials, when Wallin, at times dressed as a woman, would entertain men, some also dressed as women, and engage in sex acts inside the church. Diocese officials consulted lawyers and were assured none of Wallin's behavior appeared illegal so, you know, nothing was done.

After he left the church, Wallin rented two apartments, one for himself and the other for his alleged partner in the drug business, Kenneth "Lyme" Devries, who was also arrested in the case, along Chad McCluskey and his girlfriend, Kristen Laschober.

A meth-dealing, cross-dressing, priest, whose actions, at least the cross-dressing-homosexual-sex having parts of his activities, were overlooked by the church, who kept him on the payroll.

And, it makes me wonder, how much of the church money, did Wallin use to start up his meth business?

Just sayin'.


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    It takes so little that I'm sure no one noticed before he paid it back. Of course it a few batches before he was making any real profits as you give away it away to hook...I mean develop your cliental. Once they become regulars you can raise the price and start raking in the profits or trading it for sexual favors or both.

  2. and the sheeple pray for this asshat and complain about persecution and catholic h8.

    throw this bastard in jail and toss away the key!

  3. what. a. mess. you would have thought that the catholic church WOULD have learned their lesson about turning in priests who were engaged in illegal activities.

  4. Well, this did happen in Bridgeport, after all.


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