
Friday, November 16, 2012

I Didn't Say It ....

President Obama, thanking supporters in Chicago:
"Even before last night's results, I felt that the work I had done in running for office had come full circle. Because what you guys have done means that the work I am doing is important. And I'm really proud of that. I'm really proud of you. What you guys have accomplished will go in the annals of history."

It will, because America didn’t vote race, it voted trust; we didn’t vote the way corporate America wanted, we voted our gut.
We didn’t vote for the man who chose his opinions based on the number of votes he might get, we voted the man who has an opinion and says his opinion, and stands by his opinion.

Max Mutchnick, on W&G:
“I mean if Will & Grace made me proud of anything, I mean now because it’s over I guess, I could say I am proud that we kept a dignified gay man who lives with a great deal of integrity at the center of a of a television series for 8 years. I always got a lot of heat that we didn’t take the character far enough, that we didn’t see the character sexualize himself enough. & my thinking was always let’s just keep the guy on television. Let’s just show people that this man can exist & that he can be your neighbor, he can be your doctor or he can be your son & we can learn to live with that. & I was I think I was most pleased that the show just stayed on the air. That’s what I’m really proud of.”

Whether or not you felt Will wasn’t gay enough—whatever that means—the show did make great strides in showing gay men—all kinds of gay men—living their lives as just regular people.

Orlando Cruz, the first openly gay professional boxer, on coming to terms with his homosexuality: 
"For a long time I didn't want to accept that I was gay. Better said: I couldn't accept it because I was too afraid. Homosexuals were discriminated against in Puerto Rico back then, sometimes even killed. I had a friend named José, but we called him Linoshka because he was a transvestite. He was stabbed to death in the street at the age of 19 by a homophobe because he had taken part in a gay-pride parade."

And folks wonder why some gay men and women stay closeted. It isn’t shame of being gay; it’s fear that coming out could get them killed.
But the more of us that come out, the more people will see that we are everywhere and everyone.

Maureen Dowd, on Mitt Romney and why he lost:
"Romney and Tea Party loonies dismissed half the country as chattel and moochers who did not belong in their 'traditional' America. But the more they insulted the president with birther cracks, the more they tried to force chastity belts on women, and the more they made Hispanics, blacks and gays feel like the help, the more these groups burned to prove that, knitted together, they could give the dead-enders of white male domination the boot. The election about the economy also sounded the death knell for the Republican culture wars. Romney was still running in an illusory country where husbands told wives how to vote, and the wives who worked had better get home in time to cook dinner. But in the real country, many wives were urging husbands not to vote for a Brylcreemed boss out of a ’50s boardroom whose party was helping to revive a 50-year-old debate over contraception. Just like the Bushes before him, Romney tried to portray himself as more American than his Democratic opponent. But America’s gallimaufry wasn’t knuckling under to the gentry this time."

I think that pretty much sums it up.

Benjamin Norris, the first openly gay man to win Australia’s Big Brother, proposing to his boyfriend, also named Ben, on the finale of the show:
“This was a diamond that my great grandfather bought for my great grandmother and it was worn by my parents on their wedding day so it’s something that is a part of my family...Since I’ve met Ben all I have wanted is for him to be a part of my family. And no-one is going to tell us that sitting on the couch together at the end of the day pretending that we’re married, that we’re not married.”

Even though I am not legally married to Carlos, I consider him my husband, spouse, partner, and every word in between.
People can say we aren’t married, but they cannot, ever, take away the commitment.

Ashley Judd, on running against Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell—who famously said the GOPs mission during Obama’s first term was to make sure it was also his only term … tough luck there:
“I cherish Kentucky, heart and soul, and while I’m very honored by the consideration, we have just finished an election, so let’s focus on coming together to keep moving America’s families, and especially our kids, forward.”

That says volumes. I’d like to see her run, and I’d like to see her send McConnell back to the Idiot Barn from whence he came.

Tony Perkins, threatening a UPS boycott because of their stance against the Boy Scouts of America’s homophobia:
"Despite relentless pressure to make its message more politically correct, the Boy Scouts have kept their commitment to keep the organization 'morally straight.' Unfortunately for millions of young boys, not everyone in America respects that decision. Instead, their stance on homosexuality has often made the Scouts the target of harassment, ridicule, and now financial bullying. For more than 100 years, the Scouts have focused on instilling character and leadership into America's boys. They aren't about to compromise that mission just to placate liberal companies and activists. As a private company, UPS has every right to determine who it supports. By the same token, so do we. With whom will you stand?"

Um, I’ll be standing with UPS and any group, company, corporation, person, state, entity that stands against discrimination.
You, Tony, will be standing on the wrong side.

Rahm Emanuel, Chicago mayor, on the elections and marriage equality:
"Last week’s election continued America’s great history of expanding opportunity and equality. Today, we must take the next step on that journey by affording the opportunity to marry to all Americans — and we can continue that march by quickly enacting marriage equality here in Illinois. Gays and lesbians are our teachers, our doctors, our police officers, family members, friends and neighbors. Honoring their contributions as full members of our society means providing members of the GLBT community with the same rights and freedoms as every other citizen. Chicago is a city of different neighborhoods and nationalities, or different religions, races and sexual orientations. We are strongest when we are one people, united under the same set of laws, with the same freedoms and responsibilities. The City of Chicago and the State of Illinois have a special place in our nation’s history as leader in our nation’s struggle to equality to all. Marriage equality is the next step in our nation’s march forward. Illinois must lead the way."

It’s on, bitches, and I think the tide is shifting.
Nice feeling, that.



    tony perkins can suck mah balls! and he would probably enjoy it too!

  2. The election may be over but there is never a lack of *stuff*!

  3. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I hope Tony Perkins doesn't shop online. UPS is the shipper of choice for just about any reputable online seller. But he's free to prove his point by having USPS lose his stuff in the mail.

    I hated it when people said Will wasn't gay enough. Does every gay character on TV have to be effeminate and/or lustily approach every attractive man and squeal, "Hey, Girl!"?


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