
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Ain't No Homophobe .... Faggot

Well, it's happened again. Faggot.

Tank Carder, who plays for the Cleveland Browns, has kind of apologized after using the word "faggot" in a TwitFight.

And, so, naturally, he had to come out and clarify why he thinks it's acceptable to use that word to denigrate someone who may, or may not, be gay. Carder said, digging himself in deeper, “I don’t agree with being gay or lesbian at all, but saying faggot doesn’t make me a homophobe, it’s just a word.”

Oh Tank, I don't agree with being dimwitted, thick-necked, steroid using, brainless fucks but I'll let you keep doing it. And for the record, you moron, saying the word 'faggot' to put someone down because they hurt your big boy feelings or maybe said you weren't a good player or didn't like your haircut or the fact that you're named after a piece of Army equipment, is being a homophobe.

It makes you sound stupid. It makes people think you are stupid when, in the midst of a Twitter War, all you can think of to say is 'faggot.' But, not content to rest on his ignorance, and apparently proving he has access to a computer and Wiki-pedia, and opposable thumbs, Carder later Tweeted, “faggot is actually a bundle of twigs….there’s your research.”

My oh my, look what he can find out just by reading. Perhaps he also read that 'faggot' is a derogatory, often times hateful word used toward gay folks, or as a slur morons use because their tiny brains that fire only on one cylinder cannot use their words to come up with something intelligent to say.

But then he Tweeted again--and again proved that People Shouldn’t Tweet Their Every Single Inane Ridiculous Thought--saying: “I was not bashing the gay community in any way…if you knew me you would know I wouldn’t do that. Again I’m sorry if you were offended.”

First off, Tank, your not-apology is not accepted. Using that word does bash the gay community, just like using the n-word bashes the African American community and makes one a racist. Using 'faggot' makes you a homophobe, and then saying "I'm sorry of you were offended" just makes you a dick.

Here's how this works, Tank:
Stop saying that word every time you get pissy. It just shows your ignorance. And, close your Twitter account after releasing one last Tweet that should read--and you can copy this directly or have someone else write it out for you--"I'm sorry for being an insensitive jerk. I’m sorry I couldn't take an additional nanosecond to think before I Twatted. I'm sorry I offended anyone. I'm going to shut up now until I better learn how to express myself."

Better? No? Actually, don’t respond, you should still be in a time out. In a brief statement, the Cleveland Browns said: “These comments are certainly not reflective of the Cleveland Browns organisation, nor do we condone them in any fashion....We have spoken with Tank and have made this very clear to him.”

Now, why don’t you do as Outsports, sports site, is saying, and suspend Carder for using that slur? Maybe when he gets hit in the wallet he’ll understand.



  1. The fact that he got into a Twitter War is your first indication...

  2. And he doesn't "agree" with being gay or lesbian at all? Give me strength!

  3. "it’s just a word"

    yes, it is just a word. a derogatory, hateful, hurtful, ignorant word.

    this douchebag would probably also use the n-word, or any other ethnic slurs.

    h8 is h8 is h8, and must be crushed like a cockroach.

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Where's a Hero when you need one? We have plenty but having Ben Cohen post this on his Facebook page: "Really disgusting. How can you call yourself a real sportsman if you don't believe in sportsmanship and respect for all? Action needed by NFL!" does make be feel a bit better.

  5. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I follow the NFL and I still have to ask: Who the f*ck is Tank Carder?

  6. faggot, you're so gay and no homo are the three worst phrases used at my school that when you call a parent about their kid being disrespectful in this way they don't see the problem and therefore it keeps happening. we have a really strong anti-bullying law in the city and state now, but it still doesn't seem to be enforced when it comes to slurs about sexuality/sexual preference in the same way it is treated in other bullying situations, and part of the reason for that is because fuckwads like this douche keep using it which makes it look okay for the hordes of teen boys to use it too.



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