
Monday, November 12, 2012

Denise Helms Is Neither Racist Nor Crazy, She's A Crazy Racist .... ALLEGEDLY

The South gets a bad rap for being racist.
Don't get me wrong, there are lots of racist folks around these parts. I remember the man who, when Obama was running for President in '08, told me he didn't want him to win because, um, I quote, All them people'll be dancin' in the streets.

I responded, Me too! I love to dance!

This same gentleman said, after Election Day this week, that Obama's 'plan' is to have Those People put all the white folks in Concentration Camps. That was the plan all along.
I've learned that it's best to ignore this particular gentlemen, because there isn't an anti-Obama story he didn't believe, thinking the President was a Kenyan-born, un-American, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, dictator whose only goal was to take down the country.

So, we have our racists, like that man. And like another gentlemen who likes to talk about the nice, and this is his word, 'colored' man who works in his yard. How that colored man is one of the 'good ones' because he knows his place. 

I remember, when he told me that this Black man was one of the good ones because he still called his boss, Mister Jake, that I didn't understand what he meant.

He said, You know, one of the good ones, doesn't cause a ruckus. He knows what's what.

I said, I don't know what you mean.

He said, One of the good ones, he knows who's who.

I said, I.Don't.Know.What.You.Mean.

He realized what I meant.

One day, Carlos and I were at lunch, and the waitress was just a sweetheart, fun and funny and always smiling. At the end of the meal, Carlos asked her is she's always in such a good mood, and always so nice. 

She said, I'm nice to everyone, I don’t care what color they are.
Then, she asked him about his accent--Carlos' accent is different, and rather hard to place. When he said he was from Mexico, her face got all screwed up, and she said, You're Mexican? You don't sound Mexican!

So, I've seen all kinds of racism down here, some blatant, some subtle, some who don't even know they're racist. This is one of "those" people:

Out in Turlock, California, twenty-two-year-old Denise Helms took to her Facebook page in the moments after Obama was declared the winner.
"And another 4 years of the (n-----). Maybe he will get assassinated this term..!!"
The post went viral--as the kids say--prompting a local news channel to look Helms up, and ask her about her posting, which cost her her job, and brought her to the attention of the Secret Service.

She doesn't get it. She told the reporter, "I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. … The assassination part is kind of harsh. I'm not saying like I would go do that or anything like that, by any means, but if it was to happen, I don't think I'd care one bit."

A man gets murdered and she wouldn't care, because, you know, he's one of 'them'.

But, Helms seemed to have realized the error of her post, and deleted the comment, replacing it with this:
"So apparently my post last night about Obama got onto Twitter and Fox 40 came and interviewed me cause apparently a lot of people in Sacramento think I'm crazy and racist. WOW is all I got to say!! I'm not racist and I'm not crazy. just simply stating my opinion.!!!"
Not racist. Not crazy.

Using that word and saying, on social media where the entire world can see it, share it, and comment on it, that the President of the United States should be killed and that would be a good thing.

Chris Kegle, her boss at the Cold Stone Creamery, where Helms had worked for about a year, said he was shocked to read her racist slur and see her accompanying interview:
"We found her comments to be very disgusting, and they do not reflect our opinions here. We never saw anything from her at work like those comments....We made the decision because of her comments, but also the community feedback [When he arrived at work there were dozens of angry voice mails about Helms] We are very into working with the community and doing community service. So when your community does not like you because of an employee, that's bad. We have a business to run."

Interestingly enough, Helms, who also on her Facebook page, has a 'Like' for the Romney/Ryan 2012 ticker, is apparently not even a registered voter. As the backlash continues, Helms again told reporters, "OK, but what did I do wrong? That's fine if they want to. But I don't understand what I did wrong."

And that's the real issue, she doesn't know what she did wrong.

Read more here:


  1. ya can't fix stupid. AND this one probably is a breeder too! throw her ass in jail where it belongs!

  2. I've had to sit on my hands a few times to stop myself from blogging about this nitwit. I would not have been so kind as you.

    Racists disgust me. And racists who condone presidential assassinations disgust me even more.

    Racists who condone presidential assassinations and don't know why why it's wrong truly FRIGHTEN me.

  3. Yeah, I saw her interviewed on TV. We have a name for people like her....stupid bitch.

  4. An alarming lack of brain cells.

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I cringe when I see this c**t making headlines. Our broke school system educated her. And she had the audacity to make this claim while living in a Right To Work state like Cali.

    Now my ass will be subsidizing her dumb ass when she can't find another job. And if she has kids, now she'll be the one holding up the grocery line for 20 minutes while she buys produce with WIC checks instead of hard earned cash.

    Someone please make this c**t self-deport to Arizona where she belongs.

  6. Maybe not crazy. But definitely racist. And dumb as a brick, which is not a nice thing to say and I apologize for saying it.

  7. She: "I'm nice to everyone,"

    My Take: 1) No, you aren't nice. Nice people don't have to tell other people that they are nice. Nice people are humble. In nice people, the niceness shines through.

    She: "I don’t care what color they are."

    My Take: You are a racist. If you have to make a statement that you don't care what color anyone is, then you notice race and color, and you overcome your inner feelings.

  8. Won't she be prosecuted? The law in UK allows people committing hate crimes to be taken to court and sent to prison (and they are).

    But doing that would make her a martyr for the mad hatters, no?

  9. this is just sad y'all, sad! can she really be that stupid?


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