
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Mittsy? Is It Because Disasters Only Affect The 47% Of Americans You Find Unworthy?

Well, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and a great part of the Eastern seaboard are coming back after the Frankenstorm, Hurricane Sandy, ravaged the area last night and into today. 

A lot of folks can consider themselves lucky that we have federal disaster relief--President Obama has designated many areas "disaster areas" freeing up federal funds and FEMA to help with those folks left homeless and powerless by the storm.

I guess we can consider ourselves lucky, if you can call it that, that Sandy stormed up the coast this year rather than next. See, if Mitt Romney wins the White House, we all better pray that we don't have Sandy's and Katrina's and earthquakes because Mittsy doesn't want to help.

Mittsy’s plan, if he wins next week, would be to delegate core federal responsibilities to the states and to blindly impose a 5%, across-the-board budget cut to all discretionary programs "excluding military." Now, 5% doesn't sound like much, but it would leave a federal government ill-prepared to coordinate a response to a regional natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy, and would leave federal agencies unable to provide storm forecasting, emergency housing, or even Superfund cleanup in the toxic aftermath of a storm. 

Here are Mittsy’s cuts on "Day One" of a Romney Regime:
1) FEMA: Cut $500 million
Romney's budget cut would slash Federal Emergency Management Agency funding by nearly half a billion dollars. And the Republican nominee has gone even farther, suggesting a far more radical plan for FEMA: disband it and throw its duties back to the states. Asked about the agency during an early GOP primary debate, Romney said that disaster relief was a state responsibility, and might even be privatized. "Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states," Romney said, "that's the right direction. And if you can go even further, and send it back to the private sector, that's even better."
2) NOAA: Cut $255 million
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is responsible for daily weather forecasts and severe storm warnings. It runs the National Weather Service and the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service; those amazing pictures you've been seeing of Sandy from space are courtesy of NOAA. The agency also operates a "hurricane hunter" fleet of jets and turboprops that fly directly into hurricanes to measure their intensity. Most important: NOAA coordinates federal climate science investigating the links between global warming and severe weather events. 
3) SuperFund: Cut $60 million
Sandy has already caused flooding of Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal, an EPA-designated "SuperFund" site contaminated with toxins ranging from PCBs to heavy metals to untreated sewage. Superfund cleanup is chronically underfunded, resulting in painfully slow remediation work. The agency is just getting around to funding cleanup of toxics stirred up by the monster tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri, in May 2011. And Mitt Romney wants to slash funding for this crucial work.
4) Nuclear Regulatory Commission: Cut $50 million
There were 16 nuclear power plants in the path of Hurricane Sandy. Enough said.
5) HUD: Cut $2.05 billion
The department of Housing and Urban Development rebuilds housing and restores neighborhoods in the aftermath of catastrophic storms. HUD spent more than $16 billion to help the Gulf Coast recover from Katrina in 2006. Under a Romney presidency, those efforts will be seriously hampered.
So, there you have it.

Hurricane Sandy, under a Mittsy Budget would look entirely different than it does today. No federal money for you. No federal aid, for you; maybe just a private company to clean up and house you and restore your life.

For a price we can't afford.

That's a Mittsy White House, so all of you who are "praying" for him to win next week better also start "praying" that hurricanes stay away and earthquakes don't rumble the earth, and fires don't start and ......


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Mitt Romney is an ignorant, bigoted, misogynist, homophobic asshole whose main base of support seems to be from people who have little knowledge about the world and would rather they had even less.

    At least that's how he appears from the other side of the Atlantic.

  2. The Ghost of Comments Past has come back to haunt.

  3. Torn, I am about Mittens. Is it that he has no heart, or is soulless? Could it be even worse, oh my, I think Mittens has neither.

  4. Bob,

    Unfortunately there is a element of the electorate who hate Obama so much they will overlook whatever Romney has said and believe all his lies because they are so blinded by their hate of Obama and are just plain stupid. These are the people who worry me because there are so many of them. It. Amazes me how these people will vote against there own interests just to get Obama out of office.


  5. Steve9:17 PM

    We DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY! Can you wrap your arms around that concept? The federal government is BROKE! It is currently spending in excess of a TRILLION dollars more per year than it takes in. Its share of GDP is higher than at any time except at the height of World War II. Of course you can come up with an endless list of worthy projects and prate on about how nice it would be to for "the government" (meaning someone else) spend every-increasing amounts of money on all of them. However, like every drunken sailor's binge, this has to end at some point. I will vote for the man who knows how to manage, not for the clueless incumbent.

  6. Anonymous12:06 AM

    For all the armchair economic "experts" out there, why do we have to only cut expenses when it makes perfect sense to also end the senseless tax cuts that bled the government white?

    More revenues = more money

    Unfortunately, most of those "experts" missed that part of Economics 101.

  7. Don't they see this man's foolishness?

  8. He's just like Dick Cheney when they took troop supply away from DOD and handed it to Haliburton - so his cronies could profit. So of course this bastard wants to privatize FEMA - so his cronies in venture capital can profit from it.

    I think that in the event that Romney wins, he is going to do something impeachable. Not that I wish anything bad on him, but there is something that he is covering up with these tax returns and its going to come out.


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