
Monday, October 15, 2012

Catholic Church To Mother: Reject Your Gay Son Or Go To Hell

You know, when think of "Christian charity" I almost never think of the Catholic Church, for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which that they aid and abet, and help financially support, child rapists. But, throw in their raging homophobia and their backwards thinking theology, and the fact that they have more money than, well, God, and yet they keep asking for more, and, what's not to loathe.


We all know the Catholic Church is anti-marriage equality because they funded Prop H8 in California, and use the National organization for Marriage [NOM] as their goose-stepping lapdog wherever marriage equality comes to the forefront.

Right now, they have their silk robes in a twist over Maine, Maryland, Washington and Minnesota. And it's in Minnesota where we find one tiara-wearing, silken-robe-dripping, Prada-loafer-donning Archbishop John Nienstedt.

Nienstedt has been leading the opposition to equality in Minnesota, and, in his tax-free Catholic haven, has taken to asking voters to vote against equality, and pray away the gay marriage--which is funny in its ridiculousness. But the rub, is that he says his homophobic, bigoted, intolerant, asshatted, backwards views are “not prejudicial.” 


How then, dear Archbishop of Bigotry and Hate, do you explain the letter that you, yourself, wrote in 2010, to a mother who pleaded for acceptance for her gay child?
 Nienstedt told the woman to reject her child or go to Hell, herself.

I write to inform you that the teaching of the Catholic Church on homosexuality, as described in paragraphs 2357 and 2358 and 2359 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is rooted in Scripture and based on the Natural Moral Law. It, therefore, shares in God’s revelation to us. Catholics are bound in conscience to believe this teaching. Those who do not cannot consider themselves to be Catholic and ought not to participate in the sacramental life of the Church.Indeed, some might find this is a hard saying by many of Jesus’ teachings were likewise received as such. I urge you to reconsider the position that you expressed in your letter. Your eternal salvation may well depend upon a conversation of heart on this topic.
Wow. Reject your child of go to Hell.

A man of God, ALLEGEDLY, I'm guessing, tells a mother that to love her child who is gay will damn to Hell forever. Talk about bullying. I mean, imagine the conversation that mother might have had with her child based on Nienstedt's letter; now imagine that child, being rejected by the woman who gave him life. Imagine the thoughts that cross that young man's mind, feeling rejected and unloved by his mother.

Abandoned by his family, he might become yet another LGBTQ youth left homeless on the streets. Bad enough, eh? But maybe he takes another route and decides he can't live without his mother's love and support and acceptance and decides it's just better to kill himself.

How is that Christian Love, Archbishop Nienstedt? How do you justify telling a mother her son is unworthy of her love, or, that if she continues to love him she's doomed to Hell?
How is that Christian?

New LGBTQ ally, Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe offered one of his bold responses:
Tell me, Archbishop, Pope, what purpose does the Church serve attempting to influence the affairs of a secular state? The federal benefits under law currently denied gay couples certainly fall under the realm of Caesar, don’t they? No one is forcing the Catholic Church to marry gay couples if that is not the Church’s wish. You can keep the sanctity of Catholic marriage solely between heterosexual couples if you feel that is what’s required (again though, I caution you on the dangers of presumed infallibility). All we are asking is for you to extend the open hand of tolerance instead of the closed fist of fear and hate.As American citizens, we respect the right for everyone to practice whichever religion they so choose, including the right to not practice one at all. Haven’t we learned enough from the Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Talibans of the world? What does it benefit the Church to attempt to influence secular policy in this country, especially when that influence is to deny basic human rights to others? Will you now assume Caesar’s throne, grasping the transitory ephemera of worldly power and control, while forsaking the eternal kingdom of Heaven?
How anyone can follow a faith that tells parents to reject their own children is beyond me. I'm, not, however, surprised that the church that preaches this policy is the same church that allows pedophiles free rein to children.

The Catholic Church. Fucked up beyond repair.

That said, let me heap some praise on Chris Kluwe for still standing up, for never backing down, for working so hard as an LGBT ally and friend to equality. We have a great many allies in the straight community, but Chris Kluwe seems to be one of the most fierce, and the most outspoken.
Thanks, Chris. We appreciate it.


  1. Update from the PNW: Our state is blue on the west and red on the east. Our paper, and others, are coming out in favor of Ref 74. That is a huge change. :-)

  2. I can't believe they wrote that

  3. and people wonder why I left this filthy cesspool.

    fuck them all!

  4. Anonymous3:56 PM

    And for reasons like this, that's why I've been a recovering Catholic for thirty years.

  5. Seems there's lots of so-called Christians nowadays telling parents they should reject their gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender children. I believe the 10 Commandments originally came from God, including the duty to honor one's parents, but there's a necessarily implied reciprocal commitment of parents to their children. When a parent rejects a child for being LGBT, that parent forever forfeits all rights under that Commandment -- and the child is forever relieved of all obligations to that parent under that Commandment.


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