
Monday, September 17, 2012

Kansas Goes Birther, Then Sanity Is Restored

Kris Kobach
Out there in Kansas last week, one Kris Kobach, their Secretary of State, and an "informal" advisor to Mittsy's presidential disaster campaign, said he was considering removing the name of the President, Barack Obama, from the Kansas ballot in November because he, and his special band of illiterate, knuckle-dragging, goose-stepping cronies say they lacked sufficient evidence about his birth certificate.

Yeah. Birthers. And Kobach, who apparently, hasn't been around the last five years like the rest of us and seen the birth certificate, says, “I don’t think it’s a frivolous objection. I do think the factual record could be supplemented.”

See, he is looking at a complaint by one Kansan, Joe Montgomery, who claims Obama is not a natural born U.S. citizen and so is ineligible to be president.

Joe Montgomery
One man files a complaint about "birtherism," or as I call it, asshattery, and Kris Kobach jumps on it. He and the Kansas Board of Elections are going to send a records request to Hawaii, Arizona and Mississippi for more documentation of Obama’s birth, and then meet up again at Old Mill Creek with Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and solve this whole mess.

I was thinking, as a side note, that Hawaii should start charging for those records of Obama's birth, like maybe tens of thousands of dollars, and then fix any and all budget problems they have. I mean, let us take the stupidity of people like Kris Kobach and use it for something good, no?

To be fair, Kris Kobach, who never met an issue he didn't want to stand on both sides of--in case one side is proven wrong and then he can say he was right--declined to say whether he personally believes Obama in a natural born U.S. citizen, but might be more willing to speak “after the matter is closed.”

Honey, it's closed. It's been closed. Seriously, if Obama wasn't born in this country don't you think we have a little thing called "proof" by now, rather than just the "suspicions" of a bunch of people who hide their racism behind their so-called patriotism?

Joe Montgomery is withdrawing his objection to having Barack Obama's name on the ballot. He notified the wingnuts at the all-Republican Kansas Objections Board that he was no longer questioning the president's birth certificate, saying that public reaction to the complaint led him to decide against continuing:
"I didn't file this objection with the desire to involve anyone else. This is me expressing myself on a personal political level. I would appreciate it if people would not call anyone associated with me, whether a personal or professional association."
Looks like Joe Montgomery's friends were being lumped into the Crackpot-By-Association Club and told him to knock it off. Now someone needs to tell Kris Kobach the same thing. 

See, he and his cronies are still going to meet up and discuss this "issue" and consider Montgomery's complaint and decision to withdraw the objection. Kobach's spokeswoman, Kay Curtis, says the withdrawal is "unprecedented" and they had to meet up and puff-and-blow before they admit they're a bunch of crackpots.

But, even with Romney lapdog, Kobach, still pondering the idea, it looks like Kansas walked right to the edge of crazy and then pulled back.

For now, I’m guessing.

sources: TPM and The HuffPo


  1. It must be frustrating only having 6 electoral votes.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    It must suck being in Iowa's shadow.

  3. But wait, didn't Mitt Romney's family come from Mexico? Has anyone checked to see if he's not in fact an illegal alien?

  4. cripes, how many more idiots have to crawl outta da woodwork in this country? kill them all with fire!

  5. He has lost this one

  6. Bang head on wall. Pinch me. Is this all a bad dream?


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