
Thursday, August 09, 2012

The Mittsy Chronicles: Put Up or Shut Up

I love a good bitchfight. I loved when Teresa flipped the table on The Real Housewives of New Jersey and I love when the designers on Project Runway ‘throw someone under a bus’ on the catwalk. It’s fun.

So, I am loving the Mittsy and Harry Reid Show over Mittsy’s refusal to share his tax returns, something most people, including Mittsy’s father, think a presidential candidate should do if he has nothing to hide.

Reid speaks on the House floor, telling us all that he has a ‘source’ who says Romney paid no taxes for many years and Mittsy hightails to unfair and unbalanced Faux News and sits on Sean Hannity’s lap, moaning for Harry to stop. It’s fun, I tell ya, fun!

Mittsy: “Well, it’s time for Harry to put up or shut up. Harry’s gonna have to describe who it is he spoke with because of course that’s totally and completely wrong. It’s untrue, dishonest and inaccurate. It’s wrong. So I’m looking forward to have Harry reveal his sources and we’ll probably find out that it’s the White House.”

Except, that even people who may like Mittsy, and there are some of you, are having trouble understanding why he doesn’t just show the tax returns. I mean, wouldn’t that end the argument once and for all. Just show the birth certificate….Oh, wait, that was another story. But, see, Obama showed the birth certificate, and other than a few crazies, it was accepted. So, if Obama can offer his ‘proof’ why can’t Mittsy? Show us the tax returns. It’d make Harry Reid look like a liar. It would score points for you with your constituents. So why doesn’t he do it?

Maybe Harry Reid is onto something: 
There is a controversy because the Republican presidential nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, refuses to release his tax returns. As I said before, I was told by an extremely credible source that Romney has not paid taxes for ten years. People who make as much money as Mitt Romney have many tricks at their disposal to avoid paying taxes. We already know that Romney has exploited many of these loopholes, stashing his money in secret, overseas accounts in places like Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.
Last weekend, Governor Romney promised that he would check his tax returns and let the American people know whether he ever paid a rate lower than 13.9 percent. One day later, his campaign raced to say he had no intention of putting out any further information.
When it comes to answering the legitimate questions the American people have about whether he avoided paying his fair share in taxes or why he opened a Swiss bank account, Romney has shut up. But as a presidential candidate, it’s his obligation to put up, and release several years’ worth of tax returns just like nominees of both parties have done for decades.
It’s clear Romney is hiding something, and the American people deserve to know what it is. Whatever Romney’s hiding probably speaks volumes about how he would approach issues that directly impact middle-class families, like tax reform and the economy. When you are running for president, you should be an open book.
I understand Romney is concerned that many people, Democrats and Republicans, have been calling on him to release his tax returns. He has so far refused. There is only one thing he can do to clear this up, and that’s release his tax returns.
Seems simple, no? I mean if you can prove beyond a doubt that a statement made by another party is an outright lie, wouldn’t you do it?  I mean, even if it turns out Mittsy paid a lower tax rate than his already unbelievably low 13.9%, at least he’d prove he paid taxes.

Now it just looks like he’s another rich guy paying nothing. Now it just looks like he’s the 1% who don’t think they need to pay their share. Now it just looks like he’s a liar.

Mittsy can’t release the returns, because of what they contain and Harry Reid—and most of us—know this, and so every time Mittsy lies about his tax returns, he digs himself in a little deeper and the GOP watches their chance to defeat Obama fade away. Such a shame.

I giggle.


  1. yes, it is the Birth Cerf.

  2. The great irony is why should Harry Reid divulge his source if Mitt doesn't have to divulge his taxes. And the larger point is if elected officials dont have to play by the rules of basic decency, then the whole system just breaks down and no one is accountable.

  3. Anonymous3:56 AM

    When the returns are revealed and they will be, if they prove Harry correct then maybe in addition to taking down Romney, they will take down a bunch of Faux News and other right wing "news" people.

    Iknow, too much to hope for.

  4. Can you believe that this is what a presidential election has become? One big mind fuck. I'm with you of course. Mitt doesn't show his tax returns because he's waiting ... for the right explanation when we all learn that he probably didn't pay taxes for the last 10 years and has secret accounts in foreign countries all over the world. UGH. I haven't been paying much attention to any of this because it makes me want to stick a fork in my head. I'M DONE! Meanwhile ... I'm still fucken unemployed with absolutely NO PROSPECTS WHATSOEVER because my resume does not contain the "right buzz words" or whatever the hell it is that the "corporations who do the hiring" want me to say, look, be, speak, AHHHHHHH! If life were fair Romney would live in my shoes for one year with NO RESOURCES OR CONNECTIONS. I'm sorry Bob, I'm just so disgusted with everything right now.




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