
Monday, August 20, 2012

Ann Romney Is Done With "You People"

Ann Romney is a bitch. I said it. So what? Who cares?

See, she was being interviewed by NBC's Natalie Morales and got all sorts of pissy when Morales asked, “Why not be transparent, and release more than the 2010 and the estimates for 2011?”

Ann Romney, “Have you seen how we’re attacked? Have you seen what’s happened?”

Natalie Morales, “It’s been in the press quite a bit. Are you angry that it’s been in the press? I mean, should you not be questioned about your finances?"

Ann Romney: “We have been very transparent to what’s legally required of us. But, the more we release, the more we get attacked. The more we get questioned. The more we get pushed. And so we’ve done what’s legally required. And there’s going to be no more tax releases given. There’s a reason for that. And that’s because how, what happens when we release anything.”

Huh? Rich bitch say what?

Since people are questioning your finances you're going to hide your finances? What kind of rightwingnut bull shit is that? I got news for you Annie, if you release your tax returns and they are all well and good, and you paid taxes--even the minuscule rate you've already shown you've paid--these "attacks" would end.

But, um, hiding about it, and stomping your feet and curling your lips, and called Americans "you people" won’t stem the tide of interest in what you are obviously hiding.
Show us the tax returns. Then it would all be done.

But then Morales got in a nice dig: “So, it’s because you’ll just continue to face more questions.”

And there's the truth. It’s not that Mittsy and Buffy, er, Annie, have been transparent, they haven't. Since when is being asked for something and denying people the chance to see it, being transparent. It isn't.

Ann Romney doesn't want you to see the tax returns because we'll all know that they paid little, or probably no, taxes for many years, while hiding their money in Switzerland or the Caymans or under the saddle of one of Annie's horses.

Fuck you, Ann Romney, and the non-Olympic medal winning horse you rode in on. You want me to stop attacking you over your taxes, show 'em to me.


  1. The 'rich' truly feel they are in a 'class' of their own....not only in your country! Well, I guess they do with an attitude like hers. We (the 'western world') will all be doomed if she becomes the 'first lady'.....wonder what her 'first' will be?

  2. Yeah, I saw Ann Romney go all Hard Bitch and throw a hissy fit when Natalie MoralesDARED to ask her a question about transparency. How DARE "you people" ask us about our tax returns. Did you see her lips curl when she gave her answer. So much for the "soft Ann" who is Mittsie's best weapon. The nicey-nicey facade drop and we all got a chance to view the real Ann Romney - TOTAL BITCH.

  3. hmmmm - I need to go find a counter. How many days until this election is over?
    (As an aside - my first niece went into labor on the morning of Bush v Gore. We joked about who would come first - the baby or the election results. Makes it easy to remember her birthday and she will be 12 (!!!) years old this November.

  4. I'm sure that part of it is that they don't want "you people" to see how much they gave to the mormon chruch in tithing. In order for an upstanding mormon leader in positions that he was in, it's required that they pay 10% of their gross income. You want to know who funded Prop 8? Get their tax return for that year and you'll see. They'll call it a "charitable contribution" though...

  5. Maybe it's the photo - or the TV make-up guys - but her skin is looking rather dried-up here, making it look as though she's wearing a wig. But I suppose a contributing factor COULD be all the harrassment she's been getting lately - from you people! ;-)

  6. she's a cuntface! nuff said there!

  7. Anonymous11:10 AM

    What an idiot. She doesn't get it. It's "you people" who have to get "her husband" elected president.

  8. AMEN. You can't hide anything if you don't have anything to hide.

    I hope YOU PEOPLE don't vote for her husband in November.

  9. I was never a fan of either of the Presidents Bush, but I liked their wives. If Mitsy wins this election I don't think I'll be able to say that!

  10. Anonymous7:40 PM

    This is hilarious! If any one of you were rich, you'd be singing a different tune and defending her! Bunch of crybabies!

  11. Anonymous9:09 PM

    What a moronic post. Who are you to call her what you have? And AnnMarie you are just gross. Jealousy. Jealousy. Sad.


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