
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tennessee Invades Women's Privacy

Oh man, Tennessee is at again.
There is a new bill worming its way through their House of Representatives that would require--you read that right, but here it is with emphasis, REQUIRE--the state to publish the names of each doctor who performs an abortion and offer detailed statistics about the woman having the procedure.
Because, you know, women in Tennessee don't have any right to privacy.
Matthew "Asshat" Hill
The so-called Life Defense Act of 2012, which is sponsored by a Republican of course, one  Matthew Hill, would demand that the Tennessee Department of Health make public detailed information about every woman who has an abortion available to the public; information like her age, her race, the county in which she lives, her marital status, the amount of education she's received, how many children she has, where she got the abortion and how many times she has been pregnant. 
In other words, they will make public every iota of information about a woman and her private medical procedures, except for her name.
In addition, the report filled with all this private information will also contain the name of the doctor who performed the procedure.
Now, seriously, if anyone thinks they will be no repercussions against these doctors, or the women who had the abortion, by some Pro-Life nut, you might need to sit down and rethink.
Imagine you go to the doctor for something, anything, and all of your information, save your name, is made available to the public? is that a state in which you want to live?
Is it Tennesseans?
I've made angry comments about you in the past, and, well, been reminded that not all people in Tennessee are delusional backwoods wingnuts, but if you all continue to allow your legislators legislate hate and invasion of privacy and their own religious, moral views, then one day soon you won't have much of a say in anything, will you?


  1. I'm betting it won't pass - too many wives and daughters would end up on the lists. Used to see this. Daughter of RTLer coming thru our clinic.

  2. PS - loves the picture of Tuxedo!

  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I've got six words why this is so wrong: Dr. George Tiller assassinated at church.

  4. anne marie in philly6:55 PM

    federal HIPAA laws would prevent this (doctor/patient confidentiality).

    WTF is TN trying to prove? that they hate women the most? asshats!

  5. Anonymous6:58 PM

    mathew hill looks like he got aborted from some oven... almost like my cooking.. straight to the food disposal weeeeeeeeeeeeeh

  6. This from a political party which says government should stay out of our lives. I see the evil hand of Karl Rove in all these state actions. Lot of "good Christians" behind this bill too.

  7. It won't pass. This legislature with the first Republican majority in over 40 years keeps being more bizarre and hateful and stupid. One of my good friends is a state representative who has been there a long time. Democrat of course. After all this gerrymandering of districts they have instituted, I just hope he can be re-elected. He's been popular and has done a great job. We do what we can, Bob. We write, email, phone, and vote. My representative listens to me but already agrees with what I suggest. The others won't listen if we're not in their district. It's hell. You can imagine.

    Love that photo of Tuxedo!!

  8. More masturbation fodder for repressed republicans!

  9. Early on in the Religious Right movement, keeping women under the thumb/foot of men was what got this movement rolling, and provided its fuel. What I find sad about this, is this movement wasnt started by men, but by evangelical christian women. These women stupidly believed that if the ERA passed, they would be required to go out and get a job, would be forced to put their children in day care, and would have to serve in combat positions in the forces. Where and how they got these ideas, who knows. OH! And the whole trans bathroom firestorm going on now? Yeah, that was one of the big hot button talking points during this time period, that all gendered bathrooms would be gotten rid of for unisex ones.

    Of course, once women put their head on the chopping block, men were quite happy to weild the ax. And for a while now, the war against us LGBT folk has been taking front page, but the submarine of keeping women home, preggers and without a voice was rumbling along. I think that the majority of the Right feel that with only a few more congress seats, they can throw out all LGBT laws, so they now have the freedom to unravel women's rights.

  10. That bill didn't get out of committee and has been withdrawn. There were some good speeches against it and him. A few bad apples are trying to spoil our barrel.


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