
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mittsy Flipsy

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After winning Hawaii, losing Alabama and Mississippi, and vacationing in Florida, Mittsy "Flipsy" Romney is headed to Missouri with his message of Nope, er, Dope.
Since Missouri's primary wasn't binding, Rick Santorum's win there didn't actually get him any delegates; all 52 are  up for grabs in the caucuses, and Mittsy says it's his "electability" is the reason Republicans should choose.
Not because he'd be the best president ever, but because he's "electable'. His message  in Kirkwood, Missouri: "I believe I'm the only guy who can defeat Barack Obama." 
And he says he can do it by lowering gas prices. Yes, he sunk to Newt lows.
Mittsy: "We're going to start drilling again in the Gulf, we're going to drill in the outer continental shelf, we're going to drill in North Dakota, Oklahoma and Texas. That communicates to the world that there will be more supply coming from the U.S. And that affects the price of gasoline."
Drill, baby, drill. Where have we heard that before?
Then he talks of budget cuts: "The test is pretty simple. Is the program so critical, it's worth borrowing money from China to pay for it? And on that basis of course, you get rid of Obamacare, that's the easy one. Planned Parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. The subsidy for Amtrak, I'd eliminate that. The National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities."
Obamacare, which even he admitted, before he changed his mind, was based on his own version of healthcare for Massachusetts.
Planned Parenthood, so he can continue to charm the ill-informed religious right, and the conservatives who think Planned Parenthood only performs abortions, with federal funds. They.Do.Not.
Amtrak? Yes, no need to free up our dependence on foreign oil by giving money to mass transit, high speed rail.
The NEA? Who needs arts when Mittsy got money to make and a populace to whom he can pander.
Which is how he'll win the nomination, y'all. He'll pander to the right to get their votes but he won't follow through if he ever gets elected. He was for LGBT rights, and even for marriage equality, but now he's not. He was Pro-Choice, now he's not. He created a healthcare plan that's perfect for Massachusetts, but isn't good enough for the whole country and yet he hasn't shown one iota of a different healthcare plan he thinks is better.
Right now, he wants everything the Right wants, because he thinks he'll get elected that way.
Aint' happenin' Flipsy.


  1. He was afer it before he was agin it. That said his goofy statements are starting to become disarmingly funny. This may be part of the master plan...

  2. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Mittsy has become such a parody that I'm beginning to think Bulworth was a documentary.

  3. I always get angry when it comes to people talking about cutting mass transit. I've seen how well it can work, and I don't want to go back to a place where it doesn't.


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